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Show .‘l! v1 93. 35'- Of SURGERY 2'72 general; 0f the Different Kinds of OPERATIONS. The OPERATIONS ofSnrgrry are commonly faid to be of four Of 0 P E R A T I 0 N S is: general. Kinds -' 1, SYN'I‘HLiSIS. 2. DIJER'esis. 3. hxmrrssrs, and 4.?Rosruesrs, or' Reunton. . N OPERATION, as was faid before, is the Methodicnl Appli tion of forne Inflrr/mmt, or the Hand of'the Surgeon, up, n the human Body to preferve Health when prelent, or reilore it when abient. Now as the greatefi Part of Upri-atz‘am are performed by the Means of certain INSTRUMENTS; and when they are over, there being a Net I", in order to perfect the Cure to make Ufe of certain Means compre- hended under the general Name of DR sixes, l {hall fiii‘t fay {ome- thing of I}{fl‘)‘2{iil£'lltl, then of the [{{flrmt 1.4.5: of Operatic/7r, and lal'tlyof Dzujfirg: . SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS are divided into NATURAL and ARTirI. CIAL : The NATURAL are the Hands and Fingers of the 5 firm, and in general all Parts of the Body, which may be of any Ufe in the Clicration. The an/z‘tics required in the Hand are (jean/tag}. Stead/zin/i. and Dexterity : The S‘zzpp/crzeflr of their joints, and of the ‘irift, D511. y Tout/J, and therefore hard callous Hands are very improper ; for \\ll:Ch Reafon a Surgeon ihould never apply himfelf to any \Vork which may make his Hands fhake, deftroy their NeatuefS, diminiiii their Dexterity, and the Supplenefs oftiie joints, or render the E‘pia'erm. hard and thick; \th11 the Hand: are not fuflicient, ARTI'J'IC I A L leTRoMi N'i‘s inrit be made ufe of to perform Operations. :15 Wounds or "‘raétures ; and Syn/Cw] - iwazr'z ‘ arty. which replaces thd Part5 which are out of their natural bituat ion, This lait is called by fomc DlORl'HOSXS. Disgrace", or the Divifion of Parts joined , when the Union is con» mry to Nature. Thofe Parts are likewife divided, which are an Obila» (lets the Lure of certain Difeafes The Dim-9% Remedies for in» ltance, tl e fmpigf omtim of M]; 112211;, of the Vagina Of INSTRUMENTS. Steel, Gaff/er, Lani, Wood, 81c. SyNTHESlS is an Operation by Which divide d or dif'tant Parts are reunited. Whereforeit is diliinguiihed into Syztie/‘ fr szczztjzwz'z‘y, and Syr- 1/35,». 7/: Contigliily. Stunt/2M: (fCo/m'em'ry unite; that which is divided Theft: are made of Gold, Sizw‘i Thofe which are deiigucd for out." 7 dim'iding, Ol‘p?‘iz‘k'izig, {uch as the Sta/pal, the Effigy/3', Lama‘s, IVER/17H; I mull be of steel, as well as all thofe that are likely .to meet With gtcli » Refillance. When great Flexibility is required, in fome Cafes Lma' may he made lift: of for Car/Ida; 0r Pradu. Ctr/"$57 ]7/flnmzr7m mull never be intI‘OdUCCd‘ into the Body. Catheter: andflhxidle Pro/£5 ihould be made oft/1W. r lxs i R U M r: :~:'rs may be ranked into trio (i'i'lzw'7r; the fix]! are there which help to make ready the Dre jug" fuch as i'\'cea'ila, 7/2/1121, 3711"" and a Spa/211a; the other have to drefs Wounds, and to perform m: rlichient Operations: Such are a Cafe of Lawn-5‘ a {mall Kruger, JL'I'JI'?‘ of feveral kinds, tome groved to direct the lnciiionalinife, others \\;::1 a triangular or globular Point; C #1111,ch tying". ilrait and crooked i f5", called Pro/M-dedrg a {trait and crooked Bf/f ry or Srzz/fc'li 7* {"35 deadlrvmlgad ohm/pd, {L S‘Drztbu/a, [trait and crooked Pi tr iii/17w, a Nita/l‘Lixli'jv. 0? P/‘Z/VVF/ >x. The fnflrumem: to perform the Operations {176 for the then 0!: Study, and are much larger and more numerous, and therefore 1'» Will be "‘0" Proper to give an Account ofthem under the Operations 10 which they belong. (9‘ / in VVomeh of the (i/rz in Men. it includes likewife cuttin g for "the Stone, and the Perlfruition orlncifion in the '1 horax, to evacuate the Fluids which fire flied‘uyon the Diaphragm car. V {hi DinaRrsis is dirtinguifhed by the h/Ianner in which it is per-formed, a; by )fierfimltfzig",frfapz'ng, fleeing, fi/z); , and mffiz'ng. The fir/E i.pt'rroiziit:rl eineily in hructures of the I:l<ull, to raife the Parts which :‘x‘IC rep c red, to procure an Outlet for the Blood which is ihcd upon me bin-ailjtz/er, to draw out extraneous Bodies, 83's. It is lilaewile perfuxmled when there is an Abfcefs in the Marrow of one of the lone UOHCS‘ ior Tn'tance, the 7217M, to give Vent to the Pm, and to difcove;r Elle v rcgrefs ofthe Difeafe. It is alfo done when any extraneous Body i2:32:12)?fiflopepfqthf flirt Bones, as the dhoulder or Hip-bones, when licrflrmed "\Vill a: e "ovyédiriigtptrhle Perforatiin of the lionse. {Scrap zfg ‘25 Wpd Bone. 331.10%;- is iieénfitdiiii iii‘iigni‘i "Km???" 7‘15" when Cil-‘era $73,, tion are by to the" foriie be isf calledd Ara}? (14min. "‘ . mg"J‘IPE Ti/ilreg":'dumld s m; '; N} 1' . c eparate. , ren. ere fmooth, or to Ltilx: of. 3 4. , '43 is performed With an mafwe Forage, to take off mi: "mats? oi moken Bones, when they are likely to hurt the cu" qu it li‘fiiiiiigém is another Kind of a Dimrzflr, which is done with a pointed . nt; (um 15 the. Opera . tion performed on the Eye to depreis t'i cryilnlhne the Cm" H umour, when it is become opaque 5 and fuchis the t'unétur: efvacrgate the Waters collected in the iaédoafrrr. ,. Palm; and )1, I; .re erre the drawmg or Teeth, the extratting o: r. the 7W5 Will Hither ma Hate .. i . rue .ke. allgilihrifhlsith'kcME:-a Dzlfrfzflrhas it is deiigned to confume tirw Pi‘rfurmed With Fly/51 appried. It is either at?ui[0rpotef1t.zzr', :1 he hriitiv Elm" The lattem'd 5" red hot, and is chreny uied 102‘ itch/"xx; in tr "me nOxioi-s Hun: 15 ~apphed to procure an Aperture or V cut, when . . \. ~. our may be evacuated. MES" 15 an Operation by which all extraneous Eadie a . .. ‘ -m ‘ Bladder; e extramed. Sim‘ ../... -ii is .the« F}...1Jion raw sum Pi'ciud'cial ar cs int I‘Iu l \llHl |