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Show '544 fin EXPLANATION 0f ll. TekMs of ART. conl'titutions, and are accounted good in the (curvy. Ruhr Puzzlgjrz‘s, the Black-berry-bulh. The leaves are aftringent. The berries are cooling,refrefliing and quench thirf't. szji'us, Butchers Broom. The roots are accounted good in the gravclgvhitcs, jaun- dice and deplorable drnpfles. The da 2 in decoétion is from one ounce to two. Rum, Rue. 77v ‘5yak-1., , Sabina, Savine. .Va'ccbizrum, Sugar. Sarralumba'rz's, this Mufcle arifes from the Osfarrum and the pr‘fierior {pine of the Ilium. It is inferred into the polterior £72 EXPLANATION of 1/75 TERMS ofARr. haemorrhages of all kinds. It may be either drank as tea, or two or three Ounces of thejuice may be given for a Sflrfaflm‘w": a root. do]?- Saflhfl-as, a root. Sa'ntalum cztrinum, yellow Sanders. ofa confumption; a {cruple to adram is proper to kill worms. 8.2! carbfirfl'ari amzirus, Epiom Salt. Sal rommz‘mir, common Salt. Sal marinus, Sea faltSa/gemnm, Sal Gem, or Rock Salt. Saliva, Spittle. Saliva/dune, Medicines that caufe a fpittlng Salivx‘dria, Salivation. Srz/vm Lenin/is mzjor, common Sage. Sails-21".: [worréigfix mixer, Sage of virtue. saleable; 5:, Wood Sage. it has the fame virtues as Water Germander. Sale/412211.], is a vein which runs towards the I-ttl‘i linger. Sat/£35.75, common Elder. Sandjmrba, Gum Sandarach. It is the ro- fin of the Juniper‘trce, \xhich flows from it in hot countries. It is likewife call'd Ve/nix fmlorbri‘a, pounce. It has been given inwardly againll: hzemorrhages and internal ulcers. The dcfe is from a {cruyle to :: diam. Outwardly it flops blood. licals putrid ulcers, and cafes pains ii.‘ the i ' druidtiratba Crash-.11.:j a kind of red arfnic. Jazzy/is, Blood. Fungal: Bracinir, Dragon's blood. .95: Fall", Sanicle. SapbaE/m. This vein is a branch of the internal crural vein near the internal Mama/m, or lower procef's of the Tibia. Sapo (1/1711: Hi/‘ba'nim, white Spanilh filap. diliac 5 and fly/771w! lays this virtue is warranted both by reafon and experience. But as it is generally prcfcrib'd with aromatics and other fiimulating ingredients, it is highly probable the effects are owing to them. The daft is a dram. Suxifi-aga alilu, white Sa Sapo durur, hard foap. {aid to be :1 SIIPU mo!/1':,foft foap. Sapa niger, black (cap. to cleanfe the urinary pailkges. (fa/u of the root in infufion is halfan 01'2""; This will cure common burns before a blifler is rais'd, and has been often us'd to kill inguinal lice. Safanirz‘a, Soapwort. This has been accounted a fpecific for curing the vcncreal difeafe, the itch, ringworms, and tetters, us'd inwardly and outwardly: It is aperient, firengthening, and dia- phoretic. The decoétion of two hand~ fuls of the leaves in four quarts of "3ter may ferve for common di‘lnlcé but it will be proper to Edda few railinsto mend the tafte. Sarcocé/r, is an induration and enlargement of the tefiicle, frequently turning th WET-535* fChirrus, and {ometimes dcgecrating into a cancerous diprfiFIOII; with ulceration and molt acute .pains. SarL'OL‘E/Za‘, a gummy rcfin. Theinternal ufe ofthis is i‘ufpec'ied ; but outwardly difl'olv'd in aiTes or breaft milk, I} ." 800d forinflammations and fluxes 01 me eyes. It cleanfes, confolidares, and crcatrifes wounds. from ‘ -= . L" (he cnulnmd cordial, alexiphiu'mac, fudori- fi~ ,] ,v‘ioml 'I‘hLvV promote 8.1"Wan l 3‘ my"? good in the althma. 23:3,; fourth-h; iuiee is two ounces 5 in . 1‘" 31-1)" t"; handfuls. 3‘ "out" "Ch ‘ ‘S-il'vvvlr :I‘his riiui'cle arifes from the firfl, [Ufiw‘ .1 1nd {emetimes the third rib, «ligatnin‘lbriml into the tz-anfverfe (zjtzo./ fi of the vertebrae of the neck. Skid/c: the lhoulClCI' blade, commonly ‘ [Célrd' (11,. Hmbbgnc. S114/111)";ysucarmmtim. This is comLinonlvlb'crt‘orzn'd by afcnluel or luncct. in 235‘ ones, moi-rificatioris, or droplicsk ‘ we be client whiimours, ' up: i the excretory Scz'ziczu, a Skink. Their bellies are an ins gradient ot‘mirhridate. Smrbrilzzx, the Scurvy. In this difealc th: func‘tions of the whole body are vitiated from a high dili‘rnl‘)‘ and CJri‘llpilufl of the blood and vital Huids‘ proceeding from bad diet and iinxi'lioleibrrie air. It is common in maritime and northern countries, as alfo among lhilors in long It begins With .1 {pont'mcous laflitudc, which invades the whole body With a heavmefs or tht‘vlcgs and rent. and a difhculty of Walkll" Then the litcly Colour of the iiieedt , an irlmr mixt Wth blood flows from ihv gums, the Hell! whereof lS relaxed and cm" fumed to the root- of the tar ‘h, \\ hich foon become loofe. There on. 1p m on the legs ofvarion: figlli" ', lize :11 l (I). lours, which often turn to i.l 'is ol‘a bad fort. As the (iill‘al'e inrre 1R , time. are fix: or \\'Rl1(lCl'll)[.i.!ll\'lll'li rig ' with an impotznce or run! vulfivc {lrirturc (RICK Sniff/(far, medicine: nil iize litany, ‘ ,am, \Vater Gcrn dt-r. .i-m, \‘jzicr‘5_g-, . "i }_r~ 7m: in 15.. counted (.C"l .‘ A ' ' aid «in < Pllzirmac. ' ‘ "lent Ile‘xl) l" 1' {es and "mum." ‘01 mg has likcwill L " QM" "gainlt the int his irl'n‘i uL {lruéii n: ofthel llii‘il L in gun - ‘5 from In}? a mum to u ‘ V ha< been famon'» for itirl-2j the in" if. this venorncii: ammo) ; in: pvrl. . ' clieé‘t has been owing in the H . \‘.itli it is more, far », . k _ interior and {UPCYJIOY "1‘": and dci‘ccndl‘mtf'l)‘: Obl'fruéling duéts of the gland, and difiending its membranous cells, while the more riuid parts are exhaled. Sr/Jremilzt/Jm, Camels Hay. This hashecn given in obitrufiions of the rii'cem. retention of urine, fupprelhon of the menfes, the after-pains of childbirth) (3'5. but it is now in difuf'c, unlel‘s for Mithridate and Venice tieacle. The def: in {ubfi'ance is a dram; in infulion two drama. Srz'l/rz, Squill or Sea-onion. Sclerbtim, one of the coats of the eye. voyages. ;ent, diu Srmifl-aga (viz/grim, Meadow Satif'rage. Aut‘mfg affirm the root of this is a powerful diuretic, and. a good remedy agni'ilt the grave The def: of the iuicc of the whole plant is two or three ounces. Scum '4 :71. a gummy rofin. .5545 , Scabious. The leaves are ac- _ Samzagm, is a part of anatomy which treats of the loft parts. ‘ Satirical, Farcotits, medicines {UFPOS d to generate flei'hz . 5,1479%". This mufcle proceeds on the rm This herb is good u- gaintl the whites, {pittingofbloofl art? _ Sag'rim mus, Male Satyrion. This has always been looked upon as an‘aphro- The def: is half an plac'd under the Ivertelmf of the loins, and join'd to the {ides of the Ofl imm- minke. The 05 Cocgrgis is join'd to the lower part. Sagnpémim. a concrete juice. Sagi‘m‘li: Sutz‘mz, the {agittal future: rei‘rorat ve. .S'rzlszmvzirrcus, Sal Ammoniac. . . \ .Sagv-Fafix, the fame as Pr'I/Ipififlt/i- '54; SMI‘r-rzzr, a Schirrus, is a hard unequ al in- dolent tumor feared in fame glandulir part, form'd by the inlpillation of the humours; Saturh'a, Savoury. a culinary herb. It is attenuating, aperient, difcutient, and proper in uterine diforders. It promotes the menfes, facilitates expeé'toration‘ and is excellent for a cold {to-mach. It may he drank as tea. Some give a dram in powder for a dafi. Externally its decoétion in wine dil‘cuil‘es cold tumors, and cure pains as well as noifes in the ears. Sat/hm", Lead. Srinm/um rubrmn, red Sanders. Of thcic woods the yellow is more inciding than the white, and the red is more aflringent than both. They are {aid to opcn obitruflions of the liver, to reflore the tone of the w/frmz, and to allay commotions of the blood which occafion haemorrhages. They are very pioper in thin falt catarrhs, and in the beginning ounce in decoétion. Sanrbm'cum, Wormlbed. This given from the Eafl Lilies, and is eaten there when rice is fcarce. It is nourifhing and fuperior part of the Tibia. SWIM-h is a thin, bloody, acrimonious, corroding matter in wounds or ulcers . Sa'ntalum aléum, white Sanders. part of the ribsSatrum 05, is a bone ofa triangular figure, Sag-a. It is made of the pith of a tree in liquely, is inferted into the interior and .' . fitn..:la.z. . . : ._‘ ‘ . it has," lch'.CC‘.ll3l€ in CUhilg ti": ‘ ‘5‘?"». ‘ A 54.13"»! or $37."‘if} a 'IC:l,.'c' .. a . .. ,' . I.) " I . j |