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Show 322 COMPOUND COMPOUND MEDICINES. MEDICINES. firengthens the Stomach. :11d helps Dig'efiion. the Belly, and carrie 3 off the irritating1Matter. fome of the Chalk {11‘ e3.‘ lfial: 111eV1fcera, and gently ilimulates the nervous S3 fiem to e>pel the 1 01'- ‘ of Conl‘erve of Or-angepeel 313.05 Cinnal.11'.1f Anti mony lCVlO‘L'ted Eli‘s. of (11.111G'11aiac in Powder 33'. of 17.111116133333333; in Powdeibz3i3‘ ayiup 01 Oranwe- peelq. f. to make :1?1 EleElmy A111 thele Ingredients concur to 1ender this a rovd Medic ne againfl 111g . ‘ " " ' It 1'1p:ns Obfirufiions of The Dofe15313.n ELCT ARlUM RHEUM ATICUiVl‘, an E/e/‘twy agm‘.‘2.7 [11; ]‘7 .. mutifm. 323 .u..1at1enuatea Matter. The Ul‘e of it con: inue-l {or tome Time 11111 cure the Greendickizel‘s, promote the Menfes and the Humori'h ids. it 15 not proper for list bilious Cenllttutions. .‘It may be taken as {111 A'ierative two or three Time: .1 Day, horn gut. xx. 10 gut L1xatite from 33 to 3i3. lx as a This was formerly called E11111 R P10- 11.11131 111:5 Rheiimnt fin and flying Gout; {01, whatevei' fome p1etcnd,the Cznna. ,Xl‘k lWY RRH‘fE CO111 POSlTUA‘l, COW/'QZI/iiiEZ/XZ‘Y‘ 0f Ilfyrylz. bar15 a very eliicacious Remedy to relolve a. d attenuate the Humours y ELECT ‘ ‘2‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ of each 7ii3‘. 73311111:ClofO1ange- peel q. l‘. to make an Lie-{121131 l‘nis has the lame "i 1" . 1 3 "‘2 11 "1‘ ‘3 "t Virlues as the E'vimrmm 1.1171(1171'2 "Down?" "on‘."‘ - When the Stools are white in the Jaundicc it is a certain tvignome Obf'truttion of the biliary Dué‘ts, and then this l\'.‘€LllClIlC is neceli‘tary. The Parez‘ra [zraea has been found by Experience to haie good hilt-€15 in this ‘iibifenfe. The Do/& is from 3l‘s to 33.11.ice a Day 311.1 ‘ ‘l‘ 1 . Take l1 promoies :lielll'lenies l ceh .1. and flux ol the Hmain-hauls; b in:'3 1 l 1.111101 are 5 21/019731 R1U1‘1/l SA"ONACEUM. the? of Alieant Soap 3-1301‘I'areira brava33.Rhuba1-b and'1111.1 0. .lloe1 ""‘ 3' The Dafi'1533. 1 1'0: ning and?'ening and to deilroy theii Acrimony - . . ‘ l..""‘F-.1leofl.\ttraél of Saxfliiie 33 T i111‘l111e ol‘Cal‘mr 1‘63. ‘ ‘ .‘1.j1-'1'rl1 ibl‘s boiulby Mealin‘e. ll'igei‘t them we1l toogether and oh‘thc ‘lLl‘ ' ‘ This Elixiris we}: HBlL‘uiHCd '11::1inll ‘\11)nens Dift- es. " q'11tl1e Al‘ml1.Ll1 and dead Chil Ll Opens tl. e Obl3.llm1'.‘1ions 01' the ‘\'~‘ 111l);:1d '1 ille .1, and is good againl‘t the Caclicxy,3 .uma‘cc. (nem- lirkne‘ 211d l13111eric Dileales The Do/z is. from gut. xx. to gut. l. "1' Herb put. v. to gut. (.in Peiinyroynl Water ' l'A‘ LGOR. CUM, the"meow-1‘: Ej/z'xir. L, Take Flow- 1in and firained O3'ium o1 CZQICll., 11l(..11'.1;"1-1ire.':‘§3'1 oi" . <:l‘ .111l‘eeds 311,011-11‘111'11211 Spiiit of Wine ibrj. diO'ell and ELECT ARI Ul‘t/l e SCAlV/l MON ‘0, E/u‘. 1.13 11/ 11417122113 L.T:1l.1‘ ofSeammony 3ifs.(.loves and Gingei ofe:.ch Ivi. of cfl‘cilial Oil of Caraways 315. of Honey Ill-3‘s. powder he Sc;111111111ny 21pm and ‘ ' the Spices togethe. which mix with the honey , th1m adil the Scam mony and lafi of all the Oil Thisis a .1 arm b11'}; Purge. Ihe D11 is {1011173~l‘s. to 33. ‘L. i‘ARlUl‘M SCORDlO E16171")! ofrrrn'z‘ym. ‘5‘ 1. ‘ ' .. Cf Qc01‘t'111.11 with Opium any kuantity Syiup of 11hitel0pSpei. J 3111's- he cie'. ‘1. to the (.cmill-‘3116e 1f11011.y,tl11ice the \‘1 e ght 0f W ' ‘11'1"th1.efes wnh the 831113) to make an Mummy. ZL'TORALE the Pcfloml Elixir. E. f0.- .leu‘lt‘if1011i 21. 2‘73. COM ct SC )lifU'I" ‘‘T‘X'EATHC lLi‘Cl‘ AA‘-‘ ‘ [1:21; 1 1.1‘'7" " 'l‘al 1‘ of Con‘t‘. 'vc 11l‘ Ora-.1." e 3 _. of11.ndie'l f. . Wine-1's Bax-l; ‘-. oi‘ the £2.111l11i‘l1'0na'" 01‘ Syrup if 1' 1 q .l‘ to 11.1ke .111 hie 111,1. .l'1c " 1-11.111erthe C: nah}. nlbn '1 good Anti ice';111'11‘ ‘ . l‘nr .e111i1: 1151111 in wit; the 11.1 " lutention. t i; 1 en the 1111114111 and 11:11) Dem .011, to warm 1l'e Blooito 0P5" filllfi‘thY‘IS, and to Care the ( 1 3‘ . 1 3 1‘ 5 f l. 1 1 1‘ 01' UCD3‘1min3ils. ofSafl-‘ion 3(5. of reclifled Spirit of ll them111 2. Sand hes.tlor four Days, and then llr‘ain 0:5 lhisIS 11 VC;yo1food Fee‘:01'al, and may be vc ry p.0pll 1 1 . Ll holes (3.1t311121l<e :111'1"):.'1..' 21.111 Dyi‘emerie alxcrt:.- 1' :11. .‘ The Def: is the el . .1 ‘lgiieis. oufihs, Col‘15.?1111]. ‘Alllhmas, when the Lungs are llull‘ed with .1 D zinc. in the Beginning ofConlilm; tions. itis antii‘pufis good in Clamps, Stixlies, and Col icr. it lil ‘lVil‘C clump I£5,311.11 expels the Gravel.Cut11..;'1il it cures ‘ " icers, if not ‘100 foul. The D1'e is from gut. x1. >1' 1‘0111' Times 2113331. 1 1 " 1'11. ‘CllLl. 1 'Ll‘u lilul". (i'i {‘1‘11.' . 111.11: Allinic in: 1‘. gig". E‘L‘TATIS cum AClDO 1' "Pr: 11c ol‘ 111311h1n Powder3ilsSu1c ‘tiine»\lire._i11 l‘OlY- 1111-011 3L. 01" dulcified Spiiit o1 litiiol 7,1'i.ol‘1'eél1l1ult'111. 1‘ he ()uanti.V ol :1 1:11;? Nutmef‘ 1113‘ be {11"31 t.11-. (:1 1e11r Times .1 D1131. 5.451103% N3 .111 m"; nthe 11in}; C0r12‘eé‘11on .‘i3. 0i '1‘1‘:..V . ofLog\1011l .{lR Al‘GI‘iS M31113: Eli. Emmott-1'1; '-.‘. l . ll Take ofthe Bd- 111111 1~ :21.- 1.01‘C3iu1'... in12i3‘. 0.t1i511le"'.11‘11. The Ule ol it :15 .111 .- " .3 :rent is frene ",1 (.1101x n. [1.3 01/;101' Ch1le‘1en 15 1111-1113112 t0 9" .' 1 1‘ "' ‘lfllHlH-lll "- 1.‘ 1" (CH. ill7‘ »- ‘ ' 7‘. Take olthe \ "1111 .111 (.unce of this El1Xi'i cont1111: 3b011t a (11.".111 of L/pium, 1':£.'ol llenjamin two t‘ lids of a Crain of Camphiie, of the Oil rlow t'heiei‘me a Defe of a few lJ1OIlS 1r can be of anymeat Lei ent in C1 11(1h: and Afihmus. '1'1'r1'1111c11ve. As an Anodyn: and Diaphoietic"J it may be pre1:11 .1l 1., 1mm gavel Purpmes, but then the Dye mull be large to hale dig-E11: :1 Sand he11tfo1' f ur Days, 2111 l \1llC11l'llc Ll pom Qfi' the dear L-l..\ir. 111 The ‘\ll‘[‘11.‘13"ethe 1 '35: only this is more Propc. .or hot C1 1111:L .l-YHS. ' ‘ of Veal/.1. ".1I‘kc 01"t11cc 11-.es ct , l11‘eetl‘e :‘eLi‘e-eus Lilip er be ‘: .(1111111- 1".1' 01‘ French 1313116.} 15.13. digell‘1L‘I l{>'.‘1r 1).:115, . . and 1.1111 of bLlfJ)fli‘-C<il‘1d)' in l‘omler [la/,1"? ‘5 h! 151-, and is CleI‘lllllflEl"C. c.. ‘C'\'i1ic in flair-lent C11l..5. . lL11tif3'1111 \.'1ll believetne ‘1 1" 111 £111: axl1noi'lal'11')‘1'le11‘.per>. Y.. ELleR .l MM J m»- |