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Show are Of PHYTOLOGY, or BOTANY. Of PHYTOLOGY, or BOTANy, The CGRONA i-s'eitherfimp/e Oriya/2pm". ' The [rafpom is eithh "[171. or placed on a Snpar. Both thele are fig-am diVided into the pap/p and rumour. Befides there external Tegummt: every Grain has its. Efin'zrmir 0r Skin in which the PULP or PLAC‘ENTA, and GuiaM are contained One may. judge ofall the reft by aliemvhor PEA. Take off the Hulk frrm the The flmjilr confilts of finiple It'mz'z'z' ; the mmazu confi‘ns 0f pen- nated or feathered Radiz‘. V l]. RECEPTACULUM is that Part on which the Flower or Fruit is {eattd ; or both together. Its Shape is various. According to the Dil‘pohtion of the male and female Org-ans Lima: difpofes Plants into various Clafizs. ln l'urfuancc of which he calls tome l‘lowers Hermop/Jmalites, as having the Stamina and Pr'ii/r in the fame Flower: Ofthel‘e fome do not adhere together, and others do in ionic Part or other, or with the Piflil. 2i: 3m], and itwrll readily cliwde into two Parts, called 1,052: ofzhe P/m (£71m. Tliele are a h'lafs of l‘ lea], \t'hih being mixed wizh the l\'ou- riihment derived from the Earth, {urnillit proper to nourifh the Gmr, £736,230" or Planrule. in the filling:s Matter appears a Point which is the: Germ, fired there like a {mall Nail, whi h ihoots out a [foot downward and a Bid upwards. The firii iprcading itfelfgn the Earth to catch the; ll'loillurethel'eoi, and the .atter mounting itlelf in the Air becomes the Stern or Body of the n:w Plant. Of thole that do not adhere to- gether, lbme have no Proportion with Refpeft to Longitude between thcnilelves, or have two Slam/5m: {hotter than the reft. Of the former of Thesmami Root or PEDICLE is conne‘ied to the two 1,555: by Tubes who'e Branches are difperled inio the Lobes, {eerning ly to de- which 0‘ e Kind is the Iliwmndrz'a, having only one Stamm in an Her- rirea nutrirous juice from thvnce. maphrodite Flower. pcdup in two Leaves which enxirely torer it, {hurting it up as it were inn liox, or between LWO Shells. Thole two Leaves advance tflzt out Drama-m has two Sim/vim in an hermaphrodite flower, {5}. Of the latter there is the [lg/mm'szh/x'a, having the tramina united into one Body with the Filament" Dian's/pkia, whole Starri71a and Filament: are joined and make two Bodies. There are various other Diflinelions, which thofe that have a Deiiie to fee may conlult his Siiflema Natura', or his Gel/era Planta‘rum. Such Difiinftions as theft, of the Grain and out of the Ea‘th, prefeviog the P/autm'e from the Roughnefs ofiihe Soil Thel‘c are called the Mm at?! Era-2w. (Home Grain will ariie Out ofthe Earth, and ierforin the ' he 1.0113: fame L‘flices asthe two Leaves. 1 In the Covering of‘a Grain, and in the 35:11..- ofrhe hardeit Nuts there is a {mall Aperture for the Paflage ofthe Radicle, which aferu'ards however accurate, are not, in my Opinion, f0 proper for Beginners as the hflcthfid of Ray : for when the Diflinfiions of Plants are taltn front the Flowers alone. they are only to be {een at one particular healer] of {ends out {mall hairy Filaments to rxceive and carry Nourilh the Bidy ofthe P/gntufe. The Lain deprived of Nourii'h ment to men' grow the Year ; not to mention that the lirnftificarion of lorne are not vilible to the naked l'ye, and in others not with a Microfcope. It is now generally known, that the finite: or flirt/arm of the Snot-5m dry, and the/famine] [scarves wither away. 1hen the Prim/HI begi hing to gather Strength by little and little, begins to diiplay the dli‘l‘ifii‘tllc Parts which were in a Manner rolled up one in ano:her. are {mall Cagfid 2-, or Bags full of a Farina or L'zg/z', called the Far-tray}:- amd'am, and that the Stamina, with the Ant/vent and Farizra, make the male Part of the Plant, and the Pi/Ez'lthe female. There are llliclille The Frrn ofa Plant confifls of a valt Number efl'mall Vzfldp: ex.- treniclytlnn, fine, and full of Sap. 077*‘1471/6, and ofthe Brarches. . fome Plants that are entirely Female, and others wholly Male; and Vi 1he female llants will produce Fruit without the Impregnation of ‘th IMale ; but whether this Fruit or Seed, when fown, will produce anotncr Plant is not {0 certain, Lariat, by an Experiment, plainly proves ill: contrary; yet how or in what Manner the Farina enters into the to1111th Organs to fmcundate the Seed, Authors are not at all agreed]. l1? fame I" ower, one would t'iink there fhould be no great ,Diflic‘ilty, 3?? accounted for. 1 Hull theretbre not trouble the Reader with 21 R8051" of Opinions, which will leave him as much in the Dark as he was before). However mylteri .us the Method is, by which Sean: are (I'EIZ'IZtiailI‘wi yet we are certain, that they have all Cafes to preferve them till Fhi}. nrc commiitcd to the liztrth. Some are contained in the heart of "3* h‘r'uit, as the Prfim of P2 r: and "NZ"- Some are {hut up in Poms. it occupies the Middle of the Sin/Xe . Alound the Pill; are placed bully-w Fill-re; one by in bundles, which alcend fl-Qn] theBoitom of. the the Side of another Flam~ upwards, which inferred F0301?" by l"i‘ure~:, which pals obiiquel y from one Rank t0 :ffieilrke Net-work This is preperly called .VVoon, and the lite of ‘- l turtles is to convey the SAPfor the hourifltment of the Plant. flAv‘Ollt the Wood are plated other hollow Fibres nearly in the fame .Harmap/Srotfltc Hum, which have both the male and female Parts in the yet it is in Reality 21 difputa 1:: Point: But in t‘noie which grow in duferent Parts of the fame Plant, or in two Plants at fome Diitance airinder. it is no \Vonder rhat the Method of Foecundation cannot be readi)" The Bo y of the Plant is wrap-- giraffe Kittie former,pwhicli are called BARK, whichhis dirtiztguilhed (hardy "cements.h The illh'z'r'bar", which is the fit clt 1 art lying 1m1nc- is a Noam fro (we ['1 cod. 1 he :Epm'crz‘zzr, or the catered/Cow gag, WthlL Smiles bi" C/.Et‘lld£'d over ail the Outline of the 1 rec, the mural: ,3, tween bcth the former. I16 {fir-5,. Bar/t leems to be 2. MaCs of fine Pcllicles laid one over "other Which {gag}; {:57‘cu51lfl'1eér palhcl ' me upon anotherartlhe firll L yer of he" em: ~ 2 getfoore 2n the spring, and Join the wood of the l'iee, "riding it in every Part gives a new t overing to the wnole "y G. L e fryer; chers m‘chli' i.- EVCI'}! ‘l'cat‘ [l‘H‘y Saki a flyfh AdLllthl l, mlomucll {e'l in Shells almoi't as hard as Wood, as New, the Kama} Q/‘iL/"C'f‘ih' ; v ie vrflbflleve ' it ihew.-¢by tgéiflfiiwlgcnra ‘-- tr‘feeng k" "i ,lxyyglb‘ n' a ~~« tragilvc Inf/If, [‘r‘ax'sr, glen/Mr, [41192513, [cit-[mg and C550,v(-.711.:/;, Prim/w, x/prz'rm, and Pmri‘er. Many. belides their Shell, have f- if"? gr 3n Cont, as Walnut; ; and others have very rough Huflsi‘, 35 [ff/P: CXEE- £1u)hvtfln‘~ (r 100 tnany 56.11) I: "‘85 fli361 it 5! I t i é. la" oi thcfe Rings are alwap leis folio. LEM! tut: . a" M... are "7‘called the/(:53 Par; of r‘ro .tlv Wood. r 2 Befides |