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Show 0f the CAUSES of DISEASES. Of 2253 CAUSES of DISEASES. 821 Vefl‘els, in Which polypous Concretions are formed wh1611 .re "6aliC [Mo/55. As 21Mo 19902222225 or continual Drz'j2p222g 01 5/0222, or 022.44 22212 F[22225 of the Mam/25. Ith, P/m11I12‘:5 21 mC222¢222/21'1.‘~ 7‘2fi2ii'5 B21234, P0222gra2mi‘2' P221, B2222? Jot ,',""""(302112122, rind 021222.72. No F/uv is more fuddenly or dangerouflv {topt with 02>‘251I5 and 4/32122gmt5 than the Hrflmr/Jm'dr, W1(11Ce V!Olc[‘t 1211115" 811‘ fins and convulhve Strié‘tures. IfDy this 12261115 there 11‘.lpnen ‘21 0222222,]122222 and Sta/'5 of the 310021111 the Head, 3. D2‘I'22‘222222 and fatal Con~ tulhons wiilllollow: If1n the Sl'flmflE/J, Inhations and sztfms in that Part, as alto Anxieties, Vomiting, Hiccups, and Collonehi of the Extremities. If the Blood is 1111ar€ted in the Vifm‘a of the '1hinIvs 11 hich R E PRESS PE P SPIRA T]ON,anI.1 drive hack the 22:22‘Z12',72' [Ifleitt‘e thrown 22/222222'Zy on the Skin, are 2x12222221 Cold Terra", I22:22222225 of 5212,222222, fuflran‘v, and Preparations of 1222221 I2'2'I'2202222‘5, 0.725325 1.22222222222'5‘, and (1/[22I2g2211 IIkC1I.116 (121"1- Bat/15, '1'22/A211‘25 11111her alto111'21y be 1‘eie1red f2‘2"2) L222222‘22. All 81'4")": 712022271 P2122; , [IN/2215211111 Cal/22121225,. as 3110 02222225 I)!1I.22P"\ have this [2220 2U22222‘2‘2'2I, that they {ometimes recal the 222012 2I2'I:‘ [12701122 trom the 5222222221 to thet2'221‘2‘2‘22al Part5, and {ometimes clofe up tliefi2b'2'2‘22‘a22222125 130225 2712122222222, the Patient readily fall5 into a Cac/aexy, a Drop/I, or How 2212 222222 22‘ 1'IcU2‘2. tU/P‘V'" Shiflm‘w, hindering P2f2/2'122a22222, anddliminifnintr other'2'721‘2‘2‘2‘1‘12‘2. L526 fer/r of the Body, 3/2122165 01 long Dtiration, anxious Cam, 2.7mm if/2, Difluréa:2‘: (>1 the [141222], (lettioy the 8176222711; and Fig2.12 of the Solid -hinder I'm/1:22.1122‘2 and other E2.1‘2‘2‘z‘2'a225, 11d 1'62.1t the 22522221! 1; VA 6 U AT;‘ 0113 of BLOOD. T11616 is nothing which infpiilates the H2222202225 of the Baay', 11111 (1618 the free Expm 2022 'tlld 31/3016 of the 80/2255 with alhottile Cri- Aflringmts £116equallV dangerousin an 27222222121102, for they 01‘0duce Difficullty of Breathing,DObftruétions, and Indurations ot the mall pulmonary Veliels, in the great ones, polvoous Concretions, whence the Hathaway readily retu1ns, or a 151211111215 or 11615116 Fever are produced. ontract ion,and (16‘21‘10ys the peri/z'a/tzc T0222 and [MIN1 fpature andp of the lntefi1n6s‘., more than .1 11",wI'erfui Aftringent often 1epcato}. "Hearing, or an Apoplexy , in the 1‘022212322‘1‘2‘:2‘, Opprehions of the Brcaft, anHmnoptjflg Difhculty of fire?thing, 01 :2 Con‘.ui‘nption. If Vomitmg af B/catl'1s itopt111 this 1\I‘2111ncrt,he C0111lcquences 2116 Cardin/gm, Paintmw Fits, or violent Spafins1n the HI2222/2221u Tbsfizzra of Salli/2222‘, /22225?,o1‘11m22at:tc: 12.111 110p [22212222 of B11312 (11‘ an 2221222021'22‘2152‘ 2"/22.1‘ 01 the Aim/25 loon after the Eruption. [112212222222 (1' an A2 r2: 1 CT 1 V E1‘ A CULT Y ought to he take with :I22/I2C21I21'2‘5I2, hecaufe by 222/22222II222II f/JE Vffla/5 they cauf6111 22222212221! CHM/21.112222 or the 121 ood, to that in tome Placesthere 1"12111 1‘6 L()()1"1T111C11, in others too little, whence there Wi 11 he Serfl‘n' 111M 3!"2‘22152215 (21‘ t.16 111 ootl in the V'CElkCI'.' Parts, producing \‘211i0‘115 Dii'oi'161's ram. 111:.‘1 1:1 the 1'1‘I'2‘1‘IZ it 6216 163 11"? 1‘ '1‘-.611 1)12221.22325‘211611ani11) ttopd 2‘225, or the Cat/5111 lflow 222/22.12 he 3.12363. Sometimes PI'CZZT 5/255, 1.7175/‘I'I'MI1 . 21:6 1322225 111L111" ('1'I.n_I_re rou5 tol'cop Dvfl2121'22‘2‘5 with{2.72 :'27:":‘213‘5 a ‘ 12221717 116111::16t1'111d with2111,nioduce: (2.1!" If accuflamary Ek'edmgs at the Note by any means are rci'rraincd in 2225221251t caufes heavy P211113111 the dead, thevertigo, Hamnels (1'2222 When the Flzwr [film is unfeatonahiy Pray'd, and the 2321172162 17/141757 is turned towax\1 the external Parts, 2122‘0222': 22221212211 ['22 22/25 wll 211‘1'1611ot to be eahl cured uniefs the F1221 returns. Sometimes it brings on Swelling Cot the 126111y, Pairsi of the Loins, {low Fe‘Iers, with 3. 7021502 of the Joints, and great Lmhtutle ot the Body thn a 7222‘22/522'2‘ 60220221226015 1101‘1t 121th 20722229271, it corrupts therlioe Mafs oi Blood, and brincs 011 the Symptoms 2‘11tending the P0"? In other Diliirders arifin {tom an unpum 3222-722, iiich nst 'lf'fii'du, 122"122221‘25 1712215, 2172/2521: or 21/2a2'2/Jena, the (224.2% ' :261225/) 22212127212 Pzflu/m, 2112.114)262.22225 0221‘ (1111111 kinds, the 112‘" can he more impreud 111 1111111 to re1111-6els 1116111‘11" 11161Cu 111i1111r t 11111161115, tulph menus Qintmeems 01 coniiriz 1;e11t 131:1: 1:"‘111111 01 unfeafonahl16 B1lead ing- for 116 ‘1 1111'6 2111 17'. ,., . ..tL'11.I1tf~, 1'11: ].1. A'CCU/ta Sauna, a Vertigo, 2211 1.1111(11‘» , 1111611615, KU 155331;: {.nu Pieu1ifies.1‘ts alto (1212214243-22', Anxieties and 1:152. ‘. ,1 , ,' "C DLJMCU "I .2t 2r) 112715, Som-r 176.11111112 :1D'I'fl‘" " ';2 .6' ‘i' 1'" .' ‘ Iher V 1h,Pomitting, Hiccuping, violent Gripes, Cot: 166.1615, :11": . 1 L11111 10w or acute 1‘evers. 1"" EUfP"[525 or ant/2212': P2222: initidi'1011p;;} (1.‘3t" 11211155 ‘ 7 "::;L3:EVVU}U11' or "by Pz2rII2I5 inwanllt,1.:1\6‘ 112.1; ‘5 e PlCl‘dll)111i1nourc Rodi-6:. <33 ~. |