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Show 408 SYLLABUS OF S Y M P T O. M S. SYMPTOMS. D13 E As E s. i } the Ody, HANDS "and b13131, Subfidence of the Veflels of fwelled, Ufe 011011, 1772/12}; Pox. ' Ib‘podmu/riac Pafllm, Pain of, with a Vertigo and Refileflhefs, 7712 20/11 Fit 0/2211 Jgnc. Malignant Femtr. PaifievggIEESOf' and Stupor Of } Pfflz'lmtz'a/ Fever. red and fivelled, Inflammation 13f 2/22 Wonzé. Wealmefs of, Camrr/aa/ Fewer i } x] Forerunner oft/12 G212]. SIz/yfirqflfon of 1212 11.4271 2:. Weightin the fore Part, H€;t/wfl;/:Igfr0:22,: A?" L'}age 9/ m" 1 J ' nonii. whirled about in a firangeC}St Vitus; Dame. [Malignant Fewer. Manner, Hungarian Fen/2r, Man/71¢. Inflammation oftne War/111. nant Farr/2r. Defperation, MHz/[2.1, Heavinefs of; Pain in, very acute, and fudden} Forerunner of an 14151121232}. with None in the Ears, }flgue, flpap/eay, E1 ifpelm, 0122;: f(km/.1, Fewr, 712riv2m F2121, Pain of, St. Iitu:I Dan/22. Pain of', and Confufion, chiefly g/ ofthe Forehead with Dejec- Ha[pita], Goal, or Caz/1;) Fmer. tion of Spirits, Elyflpelas, Smallpox, ymllcw F2Pain violent in and Back, Pain ofthe Forehead, Temples 1121:. Anxiety and Palpitation of, beats llrongly, szguinrws Mpflary. Fluttering and Palpitation of, H_M2112 P22575211, I{yparl'arrfi "1:26 Prflfoiz. Pain fixed about it, Pnli'pz/f 1f [/12 [1/1/2112 3112 of 21 1'13/11, F2111; G122):n l . . F * 3 pitatron 0 ' 2 flM'ne/i, P0171321 /‘_V 14735312, San":11}, "11112;, $2. 1/2/1153 Dar/22', 81115111117011 (fl/52 Mirflr. llllll. "‘ Palpitation of the Heart and 0221121311. Arteries Palpitation of frequent, Pair-[511; nf/lm {1311121 ' Palpitation of violent, Fou‘rmzmr 2/7/22 /'."1"1/rlijr‘y. HEART-BU RN, Col/mi V171/ 151‘. Fitm': Dani-r. intolerable often, Dj/Z'nrny or B/omi'v:/"nx. Violent, Ib‘pod'wnl'riac I'qflm. Hear of the Body all over, Pain heavy of, with a Dilturbance of the Senfes, a Fore- runner of the Hqfléiml, Gan], 0r Camp F211". 1130!};an aft/'12 112.121. Symon/21.1: qfliffli/g {1'2 Hmrl 1rd Lzmgr. Bgfor2 an 171/3012 F."r. and Eyes, Pain burning and extcnfive of, Hum NGDullnefs of till quite deaf, HEART, Anxiety ofinc1edible, Ric/{1215. hot and dull with Dejefiion and . .42 1122 «very Beginning q/‘a malig- Lip/2130. Pain ir-flammatory and violent g nymxzmatz'on affix, 51mm}. within it Pain 0 :1'1 along the coronary ‘ Nerve": Fm‘z'r. Dyflznujy or B/am'yfimv. burning and dry, of the Bowcls, 1.713112 "11112221111115"; ['2er r. Dip/221;. 1 and Cold by Tums, 34/211173 l"n-;';112:1111a y, Mm] 25. continual, H1 1912 Freer/z in the Ends of the Fingers, Jim/11271122.. teverilh, feverilh alittle, chiefly at Night 171/101: (.'g i. H2/;1111/, (1'121/ 2r (71:11;1» F1: f‘)‘.L/ leverifh, heme, and T111111, { Cfifif'""W" "' M!" " ) Spotted Few:r Pain acute and hidden 01", with I\o {e111 the Earn, Dir'ficu] ty 8 Forezunnet 01 W alking, and Weaknels of the lnoes, Pain, rending of, with a Cough, Frau/T7 Pox. in the Night, Pain of, various, fixed, fpaflic, Dry Belly-212171, Colic 0f [/52 D21.» in Children large, Pain w1tl1 a Torpor, HEAD, Pam tormenting the' by Fits E HEAD, athes, is fwelled and hot, Scture 1nd .he back Part commonly fucceeded with a Delirium, DISEASES. Small-pox. HEAD-ACH, frequent to young Perfons, HE A D- A CH , Giddinefs, Naufea, and V0miting, violent, SYMPTOMS. Plzibiflx, £22712 Fever, Poi/31:. HAIR falling ol'F, f1on1 the Head and all Parts of SYLLABUS OF SYMPTOMS. 0f Me flop/11y ,1 Pal/y. 32/175125 Peri/111212221019: IiiAv ' lilCreafing, lntcnle, intenfe,wi:hThirfi; and Anxiety, internal, H, 1/111 271:1"!!! 8111111515; F2112) , E1rf;2/a.,r Smallf" 131/1911: Fezer,)'2l/9 w Frwr. Sf"(JUL/f FE'T!' . H E A 1‘, |