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Show W L,m- 52: )1" EXPLANATION oft/96 TERMS 0fART.‘ . =:l-:, then on the bread and back, and painful breath Jail ing, at very troubl of all on the hands. Then the e fome cough, and pulfc fometimes bloody which was hard before grows fofr, i' u: tle. It is either moi and ft ordry. In ap‘: the ref: of the fymptonis become more Z'lpflfllfil'ifl , the pain is not fo acm mild. e ii; is more tenfive, blu nt, and pmi‘q ' Fibri- 7r MIT/fa, the Meafles. This The pulfe is foft is a and quick, the difii catarrhul eruptive fever, which begin : culty of breathing and s anx:ety :H‘ntcr, with chillnefs and {hire rig, to which the expeétoration is more troulilcl'ome cold and heat fuccetd by turns. On and the fpittle is the of various colours fecund day the fever comes on with Feb/ ' "ix grim-{4321a, a gun man Amie, 'i‘hi; fickncls, the tongue is white but not is a fever of the inte rrnLttinr;r kind, and dry, there is a little cough, and a con is more obllinare tha n the ieil. The fit tinual fleepinefs, as alfc a fneezing and generally begins in the afternoon, coniivelling of the eye-lids, and a ferous tinues about three hou rs ) and rctu rns humour drspping from the nofe every third day. and eyes, wi. .i are forerunners of the e- Finn's fiznmdnim, a dai ly acne. This is ruptions which happen on the fourt an intermitting fever h which returns C(liy The fpcts are like Hf‘i-bites, very day, and the fits and generallv continue m bit little above the Him, and Zip long. pear firli: on the face, then on 4 the Fdzrirfcar/alina, the fcarle t fer. bro '1 belly, thighs, and legs. Thia chiefly attacks childr The en. It begins With 'il, fever, and difficulty of breathing coldnefs and lhiver ing, without any vi- enti'ea' On the iix‘h :1 1y the {kin on olent lick ' Afi‘erwar ‘ the ikii‘. is face and forehead begin to grow cover'd With i‘cd fpots, whi ch are lar, and the puftules die away 5 ger, more florid, and not on it) uniiorm as tlic e gl‘hll and ninth days they all dif- the meelles. The rednef s l‘CIr' appear. or three days, and than Ffiéi'ls A'pnlwi‘ d. ‘ ., is, :1 nephritis Th en the cut icle falls all, and leaves term. This proceeds from "n inflam- mec ly fcal es beh ind it. minicn of the kidneys and is attended 1103 flamdiirrzr Var rai m, the fecondarv with a fixr burni pain in the loins, fev er of the [mall po . 'l his, happens with difficulty of rniki'ug water, and 0on the nin th or tenth day from the etiier {puiinodic Sill-UCIIOJES of the lower ruption, with a quick puiii? beliv. ' heat, tllll‘li', watching, rcf‘ zlehnc Pay". ..:'5':':, a pciiilcntial a contagious :r. en .nt fever, fever, is and the acutellr of all other. I: is attended with i‘udden loi"; ofitrength the higher'i: anxiety, and other griev 1S fymptoms. Ruffles, raft/mama, and moth s appear in arts of the body. 1;..5 mm, a true {potted fexer, 23 very malignant, conta gious, and greatly detrimental to the her-i and flier" ‘ It is attended : .i f sof . colours; arifing from a wimp . non of the vital fluids, and a putrid diffolution coniequcnt thereon. ‘s P/‘rrnifrirajf Pl Kain-V, the fy is an inflammation oiirhe Filter)inrniriges of the brain, attended with an acute fe‘er, terrible pains in the head, a rednefs oftlu ; fate and eyes, a continual deliritinq, with great boldnefs and milled- nels. "Vim we - ' , in: r‘!‘ Perri/5 174:4nriw‘iu, a Lung-fever, (‘r the plcui'ify and pcripneizmony. The fiti't is attended with a Vi'ilCflt pricking pain in the 13' , ti. ucnt hard grille, diffic ul 1"" all?) a delirium 11' the pox is «i confluent fort, and the patien t an adult, it fomctimes kills on the eleven (irl'l th l. Flori:,Q-mi'mrzrzina, a {elillli‘l'lfltlll for . It begins befoie noon with cell, violi‘": flicking, anda cantrneted pul 'l s is fucceeded by heat and a frequent pulfe, which continues fume hours iiil a w at breaks out, and then it. aharcs, but does not quite intermit, in tin; night, after :i flight chillnci‘s, the lit' incrcafcs with a quicknefs ofpulfe, ill: next day it is milder and without thin": till the evening, at which time, after 1 flight i'hivcring, it is more intenfe. 0n the third day the lhakiiig returns with s b 21% EXPLANATXON of the TERMS of ART. rrgmva'fa, chiefly about the pit of the lioniach, f: a: tliirfi, watching,i'cfllci': nets, tuml) and tolling, a coidncis ot - extremiti a pretty hard ccn- ‘ fever and fpnptoms almte and tilmolh cea Afterx pumtion, he . On the ele- cult breathi .g, and Otten ventii day the ivvclliir in tlic Iiite and to vomit ‘llie pain is in(‘fiell as any thing is fwzi - iiilig-mmdtion dzliippeiir, :31: puilzi‘ ~* full of}, Lind on the fourteenth or fiitcentlt day tiit' perilh entirely. ."":i‘z':zz, :i fymptor" ‘ fefted and greatly irritaizd. It ohferres no r txiiar type. 1‘13» ii fly [[4, is the [an]: and ii a (a Yin/inflict/cr 1:25,. It begins without any rcmni ncfs Cr fl‘iivci‘ll‘ig, and artec. . tire fun- guincous, the [linguinto-b lions; the plethoric, or thcfe who _a| at :mm d to evacuations of blood in the i illll"‘Oi' life. It is Very violent at the hi it rim and continues, with little or no . ‘ {ion Olithe fymptoms, till the tim' «it The pulle is great and mil. 1: ail'ec'ts the nervoio-membranous pditS with a flight inflammation, and inreils one part more than another, whence :rife variety offymptoms. . . Elvis 35/ \ xi, :1 tert'an m; 1e, 15 an intermittiiig fever that returns every other dny. ‘ . . FiI/i-J'S tt‘rliiiniz "fix, a dOUbiC-tfiltlflfl aque. This has :1 fit everyday, but at different times. Thus, it itconie on zit eight in the rnorning on‘the hrt't day, the in\'.fion Will he atlgli'fl finite time on the third day; and it at tour in the afternoon on the iecond day, it will begin at the fame hour on fourth. . V i" iii-ix mzriofiyh, a V'L'll'lOlOUS fever, Alto: fmall-pox. '1 his is an ecute‘ mire,maric, C( nt:igious * critical motion, a i They have: been generally d, ided into the diilincl; errenes to fomc prinr‘ry dilcal ous cxternnl hurt, 1‘ nerxous iyflem is (licichy gr dilly ' :1 f- the cr"is. 523 In the mean while the "co. 1t pulli', fome‘tirncs i and confluent fort. iav iri/lJzi‘w 1'1", full-cf, :1 fcrcr from the inilrti on of the" hi1 o pgtl ~:iiomonic 11nd eiilti u this difeifc are an acute, burning and preliing pain in the r in of the Lulu-i, with n fevsr, a conltxiit tcncfm , and £1 perpetual driving to mzilte \vLut'i . wfliri .7 msrf, .i ure- rizic fever or inflammation of the v. 'l‘l..s is known by n lietit anl {lit pill" ill ‘ the groin \iilh an acute rarer, 1 Li loins :ind bottom of this i- :on of the abs-omen, ii iii.tf\'~'il'ir§1n\lEL)E(IL_/i?\0l, ' or ui:iu:lii: ition as tne :iiilu'n‘rl tlrtr' ». my, iron, ;i met'il 1 , the l" 'l .i rig, :ircin ufe. ".'i:, Drm . 'l he root is (:i l t L and Clc.i!1ic‘5[ itiie \'.l.‘: t .' iili'oilr ilu, mrgntlzdior the ruling), iirlnng lit and l ' :ris‘, ‘il. The dole izi pontiu i;.' a drum misc 4 t , K. f-.. l‘ci‘n or llrnlx'ci.‘ "2 .fol‘llllll,x ' ltll . l it. J , in which, by a n, cziuilic, corrupL , but is now l,i.,l d inflaming, and ulcerating matter 13 thrown out on the skin, ottcn attended with grievous fymptoms'. It‘ begins with wearinefs, lzinguor, diflurb d lies-Hp, a more violent heat, and runs the {Line loathing of vic'tuals, reaching to vurrut, courfe over again without any Hilli‘llilC intermiflicn. Some h' ‘c a can! Win in the head, Cof‘rivenefs, cou Thing hnd {hivering now and then. 'i'nule are others vomit, tome faint away, mil 0- l-ucceeded with heat allover the-body, thers again fell into a delirium. 1! is often niiilalgen for a 771 ) t 0'Ft'biis Jinimir/gl'm r'zflmmmirirxn, an ini‘lnmmation of the flomath. This is flitteiided with a violent internal heat, 2i iiitil a quick pulfe, then an acritepa‘in in the head, loins, and lpine oi the back. Children fornetimes have epileptic fits. On the fourth day fpots appear on the face and neck, and fucceflively all over anxiety, :1 ttiifivc heavy pain in tin: £115 body. T his cruyticii continues two i if *4 or three day:. A f - .v,:', , l;l . mund ioygl. tender {hoot-1 oi ll". has been reccri ‘ rickets. . ‘i, i: a method of ‘1Fillrxiliz, Fil l clrir. It IS now der' ‘{ liquor: f done the paper. F/i‘izlx, is 3 ion l lifllll ill! |