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Show 336 COMPOUND MEDICINES. COMPOUND MEDICINES. according to Bath, the latter fiiould be given at two Dofes in an hyllsfi liit. The finllowing is llrouger and better than the preceding. V lULE‘r'Uh/I MOSCHATUHL [liq/i) :771/31'}. 33" LINIMENTUM MERCURIALE, Mé‘rrw‘ial Lz'nimmt. Take (:f Hogs Lard gj. ofwhite Precipitate Mercury 3j. Mix them. LINlMENTUM SAPONACEUM, Sapoizaaou: Linimmt. L. Take of the Spirit ofRofemary a Pint ; ofha'rd Digell the Soap in the Spirit of Rofemary Soap giij. of Camphire "‘ till it is diflolved; then agilthe tamphire. A linnen Cloth doubled and to any Part in Pain, and mutt be renewed dip: in this may be applied every fourth Hour till the Palllccaies. It promotes the Tianlpirarion of the irritatimr Matter and wonderfully appeufes the Pains of the Gout. It may liheyy'ife be, I ‘ifan "iwurdly in the lame Diforders ,as alfo to detcrgc and cleanl}: inc ii'ia'lcera, and to cure the jaundice. The Dole is from gut. xxx. to gut . Take of Mull: 2}".0; Sugar 313. rub them together, and then add of Spring~water Zx 0" {m rituous Cinnamomwater giv. Mix them. This has beeniprc‘ ‘. from two to three Spoonfliis; but it is belt given to five Spoorrih. l}.leis will have litile or no hi; it in convuliive Hiccups, againl‘i‘ \\ this 2'1:le is intended. Spirits. This Dole will prom'i‘te {ya/eating and 1- ' . .. it is :1 wonderful Lueuicine in all Diff .ies of the has .586 frfofl'llizrr. U LEPUi't/T REFRIGERANS, :1 (ea/[fig jig/£16. Take of Rim" Wine gv. of Damall; Role-water giij. of byrup of Orangejuice Mix them. ‘1 ‘LerlMENTUM IULEPUM .‘Q‘iLlI‘QUM, a Salim 725/236. Take lviinli-wuter and 5;: mp of Lemons, of each gij. of S ': of \a‘orrmvood 3j Mix them. ii.» is good againfi Sielmefs olithe Stomach, and flops Vomiting. lt liiUWile pr "motes Urine, and is good againl't the Dropfy. The Dole i.- .. Spoonful every Hour. 3} LEiiUi‘.‘l i‘)i.‘ll,.LlTiCUh' , a 87715]! 73%"). and syrup oquuiils of‘each 3iij. Mix them. will in Lie toub‘h i'h‘cgm and ~ This ' C'hl‘truélious. trutctieiredurl. I: is therefore grwi in the Alihma, L‘echexy, L‘ropiy, anti tire jn. htiiee. Spurri'uls twice a Day The My: 1: rm . JULEPUM SIS'K'ENS, an 4'? sixty/513147. Take of fimplc Ell'llterial Water giv. of lipirituous LI:nnanion-wuter sij 0. " ‘ :1 Earth in Powder 3j. or the ri‘htiiJHlC linunc Contetlion 33;}. 5" gut xl. oi'white ' ls. l‘vlii: them. "1 his. after proper hitrcuat _ is a i . 3' e .me to flop Loo-l'enelfes and the bloody l‘ ......:i:. faint. The Dgfg is two Spoonfuls three or Mr ' ' to Cafe Times a 7' . hrl' ' AbilWUi‘Uf‘.'i‘Uh/l, Iii/Ii of Gum Airimxzizi...' i r2 . 7'.ump'e l'eimyreyzil moniuz: JJ. w: :r hmi' 1 a Mona: . h the ‘Ji'rtter till it is (linolved. ‘ : I the Brent and Lungs, perticulurly tilt: '1 m) or thtee ‘-.or.fi:ls may be en new and then in the lit. iiiiiioilt'y of brc. . . ~ Expecir'untion, ._ "My. 65 rough i'h . and opens Coiructrons. times a L‘ it my ‘W L .. ‘ in cutie w V . heard lift: VOLATILE, l/a/afi/e Oil of Almonds jj of Spirit of Sal AmmoniacLim‘mmt, L. Take of 3ij. Stir them togeIhcr i". " wide mouthed Vial till they perfectly unite. Llhilh'lliN'l' TM VOLA'l‘lLE, a l'c/uti/g Um‘mmf. Take of Oil cliiartlhorn and Spirit of .lu'artlhorn equal Parts, mix them toeether. .l llieceol" Flannel 21.01.‘ "Jed in this "‘5 xtur'e and applied to the 'Throat :r. the inflammatory Quinfey, and renewed every four Hours, is an chimenus Remedy. it puts the Neck and lometimes the whole Bedy in -=f.\\l'r:dt, and, alter bleeding, carries oil" or leflens the inflammation. "this lhoiuld prove too llmrp for the Skin, the former may be ulcd .r: {is treat. ‘KLlK‘i‘l iUM MARTIS, Lye If Jim. Set the Matter which remains 11""C"mel)iliillation of the martial Flowers in a moilt l‘lace, and it will moire mm," Liquor, which is to be kept for Ute. "\iii‘i‘flwdd iAR'lVXRl, Lye of Tar/aw. Sit Tartar calcined to i-vaDit'euei; into :1 merit Place to melt. This was called Oil (y‘farmr ~ Ulnar/(721. ‘ LUH‘UCH AClDULUh/l, an acidulafed Lamhati‘ve. Take of Conicryc ol red Roles gij of the weak -\pirit of Vitriol BiV. Mix them. . LOHOCH BAlnthD/llCUh/i, a Baal/mink Larrlza/irc'e. H. Take of . "In?! keti 31j. ofliallhm ot'l'eru gut x1. Syrup ‘l'yMl-Hllle 8:11!sz and the dperma Ceti together, 0f Marlh-mallox's with a. liufliCich «Encrypt the Yolk of an Egg. and then add the Syrup. 3. QHOCH L‘OMh'lUNE, the cammon Lamhatii-e Take l.in{ced~ ‘1, Cl 3414111., and Syrup of Marlhmallaws, ofeach gij. Mix them. ‘3 fix". it FORALE, a. "cei‘cra/ Take Sperma .. mil. "hire r'lgL‘ Soap of each 3l.l' the Yolk Lamfatz'q/e of an Egg enough to unite rt is confirmed. :hctes, Looie1eih, and bloody l‘qu. "Tiller; the-.1 add of Linfced-oil ti‘cfh drawn gifs. Syrup of om 3ij Mix them. giv. iiiii‘; olive 1711;, them. to i ‘ \i‘ i Ul‘yi *‘alBUM, ther "'13 .7 i i ' :"mgt k'cti 3H, 01 its, and iii: them cor. L "-i \HUCH boi'UTIVUh/i, a So/Iztr'rve Lfliflli'll‘f'L't'. Tnkc of Con- " Stating; 1blutive Syrup of Roles and Oil-olive, ofeach 3m]. "5-K tncm. ..__‘."‘ ~ JOrt of Medicmes are generally (lefignetl agamfi Driorders of 1 g5 and ate commonly taken and ti: :tlion. ed down by little and Eztiihm of Tm pent. A .= .i.‘\.i: I A.4sv.‘\_r (any; 1 1:41.. - emoliicnt Clifltnl'C‘W :, .. 1M)" ("C prefcribed {or L'Olds, Coughs, K.£il‘all'l1\. and Ulcers of ‘ilie a:.-‘.1'.~././au~.z Lamziats'we is gum us a flight Relh‘ingent in coniumptive Cafes. The Bu/fltmir, belides being :1_ lerve to defend the lnteftines againfl: the irritation of actiznemous |