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Show ‘1 96 Of TUMORS 2'72 gam'fll- Qf TUMORS 272 general. Nouriflrment. and of the Quantity of Spirits neceffary to maintai n the Regularity ofthe animal Oeconomy. The Sign; of a Jifnrfifi‘affwz are, a violent P ain, a remarkable Tenfionand Rednefs of the Part, by the Separation of the Epz'n‘r 'rmz‘: upon touching the Skin; by the F1, m filled with a reddilh S‘cro hty; foon after which the Skin becomes pale, livid, and black, with :1 Mi. vation of Sentc and h/lotion. Then there is a cadavcrous Smell, .1 {linking Fluid oozes out, and a kind of Circl e fee-ms to {ct Bounds be. tween the found and the difeaied Tarts. In a Marlin? Itim.' which proceeds from W'ant of due Nourifhment, the Part is cold, the Skin is pale, and {CCFHS to be (unit. does not co: to oli", nor are there any P/://;¢‘Z(az m. The Epidm-vm The Senle and Mo. tion decay, and ii‘there i: any Rednefs it {con deg-enemies into a black Spot, which encreafes b y little and little The Folk is weal; and hard. The Pnocxoz'rtc 31cm may be taken from its Pregrr/r, Nari/"r, Can/er, and the A'ge of the Patient. The J‘jflih-‘(f/L/J is more troublelo nie than the Gang-5.7:, beeanf: there is no other Remedy than "Maintain/i There are no great Hopes of curing that which proceeds from a Detect ofduc Nouriihment. 'l'he ivlortincation which proceeds from an I'm/tr- ml C/mfl? is exceeding dangerous, from an Arte/771d, lefs. ln very old Age it is alniofl alwa} s mortal. COLD 'I‘UMORS are 110'. uttended "with inch 21 great Number of Syrup toms as the Izgriammnlmj, unlelb an Inflamma tion {upervcnes ; and film" they will become painful. fuppnrate, degenerate into "ml/3711,7111 " ramm7IIfl/0HJ,fll‘flj‘l'II/flll.', Or herd/(#17: U/z‘rrzr ; 6r they may termiilate in a Gaul grmt, efpecial'y the Orv/mm, when the Serofitv by Length of Time bC- C911105 acrid, and COI'l‘OdCb the Fibres, or withers them, and prevents the Circulation of the Blood and Spirits. Of My Conn of ToMoRs in general. , Tue I TNDICA'I‘IONS ~ V (y. ‘11/,‘.‘:u,=',t e ~ . tr ~ m the genera/(11.1177 are, I. 'I1 o divert Courie of the Humours from the Part, in the Beginning; but wny .) _ ._ . \, n ' . n gICuC Lantion. 2. r< lo relolve, if poflih e thoie already amflflfih' r r-< V, 3- it the Rciolution ofthe 1 umo ' :1 bnppuration. 4.. To give \"ent r cannottake Place. then to Promo") to the Pm when it is formed. 5' '10 cleanle, inearn, and cicntrife the Ulcer that proceeds therefrom The fly} fur/[cane]: is anlwercd by Bleeding, by Diff; by E'A‘laq‘ifll 250715, and by Rijit/Ift. ['.‘,‘.7a,vmztzlorv Trwmrrkrccclvc 21 {Pecdl' RC4}? :hc Humour is malignant, as [tram/mm! 21nd e-tizzcrml hamper, the one: of :nad Animals or venomous Bealts. 5. li‘ the Pam is exceeding Violent. 6. If the Patient is mradymirai 7. if there 13 any Empire/z on the Skin, fuchas the Herpes and the itch, for then the i‘viorhifie Matter my be removed from the external :0 the‘mternal l arts. lf'Tuwor: proceed from .3 thick, vn'cio, and fixed Humour accumuv hired by Congeition, it Will be but loir Labour to endeavour to repel them. 'i‘lieSEconn l‘iDICATION, which coniiiis. in refolving the Humours, may very properly be attempted, provided :in y are not too thick nor too plentiful. The [fig/invent: lhould be computed of Ema/115m: With. Mari/ct, that they may relax, penetrate, and open the l"ores.of.the S'in, attenuate the Fluids, and difperle them by mfenflble Perfpiration, nrcaule them to return into the Vefl-‘els. they were, ilfetzz/Fzzfl; might be procured of dangerous (,oniequencer. . 'l he THIRD aniCA'rIou is to bring Tumors to a Slzfpfd‘fli‘UJ/‘l. this takes Place in I}: Lammm‘my 7517/7073, by npplying mm]! and Mic/[sent fry/um, torclax and {often the Skin, and to melt the vil'cid and indigelied Humour. It may all-0 be promoted by Hui'ters, Ointme its, and‘other u)nc- tuous Topics, which {topping the Pores of the i‘liln and hindering 1 er- l‘plmtion, encreafe the Heat of the Part, andretain the more lubtile Fans to attenuate the more giol‘s. . . The FOURTH INDICATION follows the forming ofthe Fm, which is W glVe lent to the patina/Eur Matter, by opening the :l‘uinor(degenerated an A/ifl'gG, which is always to be done by lncrfion With a hmfe, 11.1..3 it be a wmrm/ £11106,0r/Z‘I'L‘pl‘lé/LEJ Tumor, and then Lauliics ore lt mutt always be opened in the moi‘t favourable and ucpfil‘lfpg , :otlicilitate the Difcliaree of the Winner. Sometimes the )JEICIEF not admit the Knife, and then the Caullie Inuit he uletl. it innit 'e opened as foon as ever the Suppuration is compleated, for fear lealt. .lie P11; lhould corrode the fizfijamzt I'm-15 and make 3 Sims. ln Lnfe 0t I‘mnal and [mo/imizn'zzl Budget there is no waiting for Paid} "13‘"er liceaufe their Progrel‘s is too flow. is iufiicicnt. lcflencd, the leis will the Fluxion be {uppliech Therefore the l'atiesf mutt abitgin from Flelh and {olid Food, and live upon thin \‘eul and Chicken Broth, and avoid all {pirituons Liquors. If there is a (175?" Y with Loathingr and :1 Bitternefs in the Mouth, gentle E"~'"~'""!:;7:i mu! be tied : as (lira a: ‘i'. ‘.'.‘ /..":]i(-7i‘5 \\‘i.‘li '5 .‘ivi'z‘er‘. But ifit {hould happen that the aqueous and fine Parts fly off, the Remainder Will grow thick, and format Sa'rr/Jzu. Malignant HEN/Mar; are never to be refolyed ; for if from Bffirtiiqg. becaufe it diverts the Blood from the grieved l'art ; 0' mimihes the [Wt/gem. and conlequently in Part empties thC ViCflhli' "i lnxes the Fibres, reitores the Circul ation, difperfes the Swelling, fibril" Elle TCnfiO-i, and cafes Pain. The more confiderable the inflam mation 13., the more frequent and copious the Bleedinqs mutt be in thC BBQ" mug; Relal‘d being had to the Strength and Age of the Patient "ii3 D'F‘r mull be very regular and {Purina for the more the AlimeF-i 1" 197 But there muit be no Attempt to repel the Tumort it. If there is Danger of a Gallg‘lz'flt. 2.. It the l um'ors are mime". ? If they are reared in the hinuné‘tories; tuchr-as .' gtiotmes, Burma: in me Grom, under the Arm-pits, and Swellings or the brands ofth/e Reclama. 1f it the Filed/r: . s perceptible, 1C "rim the [fig/Zr]: is opened, the Direflion of the liibrcs ofthe Mufcles ‘ . het‘ollowed, that the Reunion may be more lpeedy, and triang(I I'rivithout Deformity. The ‘I'rimt-J aid /m'ge firmzr/m: ot the Mm: :ld .z'rtm'ei muil' be avoided as much as Doilible, {or hear of an Hg 7716]" l Likewile, it the Airwat and Tent/22:2; are injured. the l'art iv.ll be PW"! "SM/3 and Marion. There is no Danger in evacuating the éill at ()an lihe F1 F'ril hi!) i CATION is to clean e, incarn, and eicatrife the Ulcer", itch may be dreiTed at firil with dry Lint, or with loft DlgCL‘UVCJ {pram O a) (an |