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Show 275 Of the MATERIA MEDICA.‘ Of the MATERIA MEDICA. I ' 1" mil to the Liver by difi‘olving thick Blood and vifcid Bile, t ‘5 tie ythem in Motion. But it is not proper for thofethat‘are and Puétg‘goue {or it may induce an Atrophy. 1t inflames the Kym-a dryan . ll:lreh'ti 7 too hot, and has a Tendency to canfe the l'llCS \ani Obflruétions ofthe Liver, Diforders of the Uterus, and Gonorrl iteas. Outwardly it is good for Wounds, Ulcers, the Ponaur e ofa WhKh an?!" ‘a‘rriawr. It is very ferviceable to Perions of a cold Lonp+r0ni0tt3 {oi/ii: whrins the whole Habit, and promotes the mem'lrual and filtuuoifhoidal Difcharges. I have known country People taken 1tlzgnimd‘flolved in Brandy, or aProofSpirit for the W'orms With Succeis. iiiiei'mlilyit has been tilted to cleanl‘e Ulcers. The Do/e of the Sarcoma: is from gr. iii. to 33 though fomegrve :31}. iinpéoperllyt. from [12mmAlviiVlOiNIACUh/i, Gum 13777171022245. Ijhis is 1 rou:j b tween a Gum 17"qu in .50th. it is a concrete juice ofa middle IVature Cid f , 1- hd a Réfi‘n, and is in Lumps, becoming {oft when hand '6 , 0d af'im lbw browniih Colour without, and white or yellow lvnlhlriitfis ("tip to be compoi‘ed of [mail Drops‘concreted together.f ts mtg little like iih at (it'd, and bitter afterwards. The Smell l5 ragfralves the viltid Ga/[vzmmh flmma,Jacrwnfrinugles grfifs gillirrroégs, Irteits) ofgi-equfein . . i' , . .ec . tenacious, and diicu est cm w en :QSAl‘thma, and diflipatt: clrude rIg‘ubercleli/Jtzfretlllgriinzfi, §?:U:S;{tiii i ve Schirrm‘r of t e iver, picen, -. , ‘ is ihisrtisodoubtful. Howev r it is a great Dco'bl'truent,‘uric:ofitllrfish‘ifcl:C arifing from viicid Matter lodged 7111 the lnteihnes ; "1.115%: and ionicDiiorders proceeding from an Obfliuc‘tion of the. i'w/i‘hm/um P11"!!! times moves the Belly The‘Do/e is from Bis. to 3,}; 1n , or 1}qu er. Externally it loitens and ripens hard lumoihs. from Em! ARABICUM GUMMI, Gum Araéz‘c. It is broug tfliinin iii", and Arab". The belt is of a pale yellow, Pellumdci'fl‘lvesimlyin and without Filth. It is without Tafic or Smell, andfl i :hs an arch Water; and as it confii'ts of. mucllaginous Parts, 1tf liai'iolcnt Mo- Lympha, infpifihtes that \k'thh-15.tllln, and anpcafs lies {alt (.1tion of the I-lumours; {0 that it is good in 11031 enfc: Iiiine. 7m tarrhs, lpitting of Blood, the Strangury, and Heat 0 ‘ .* "in*.t0 l. . A, m5 Liitsdikfll?OlLTJlDA.3 JThis is a Gummo-rofinous Julcéhi‘glinhing from a wounded Root of a Tree growing in I'm/1a,"? re {mm white like Cream, and has its duiky Colour and Lon 1‘ engine" 1.0m Sin. The Goodnefs is known from the Strength of t116£Cnlits. 11*" what l:ke that of Garlick. This is very uieful in flitufenin nromf' teric Difeal'es birth inwardly and outtvardly.‘ Ash; Oand Sire?thc Blew/r; and the Lcclvz'a. It promotes a Diap‘hOiéllsumfercnce' drivin; malignant Huznours from‘tlie Lentre to toe k111: Pali)': and and Contractions of the Nerves. 277 Tendon, The Dqfl: is from gut. iv. to gut xii. In the dry Belly-ach it is given from gut. xxx. to gut x1. thrice in a Day, BALSAMUM TOLUTANUM, Bg/fim of 70],, This proceeds from a Tree like a Dwarf-pine, and is a rofinous juice of a mean Confillen:e, between liquid and Denfe, but with keeping becomes dry and brittle. It is ofa tawny golden Colour inclining to red, and of a Very fragrant agreeable Smell, between that of Benjamin and Lemons, ; 1h}: Talte is fweetifh and a little pungent, but not naufeous . It is brought over in thin Shells in Shape like a Cocoanut. It has the fame Virtues as the former, though fume reckon it better for Lungs, internal Ulcers, Gleets, and Gonorrhoeas Confumptions of the BALSAlViUM COPAIBA, Bligfll fll y‘Capi'vi, by fame called BraThis fl/ian Bal/sz. is a rofinous liquid juice of an oleons Conditence while recent, but in Time beco mes more tenacious and thick. The Colour is of a whitiih yellow. The Taite is acrid, bitter. and aromatic, and the Smell fragrant. This has been aceounted a Specific in the Whites, the benign Gonorrhoeas, and Gleets. Ffl/[L'l‘ oblérves, this Balfam does not impart a Violet Smell to the Urine , like Turpen- tine, but renders it inteniely bitter; as alfo that it abates and fheaths the muriatic Saltnefs of the Salim: and Urine, refloring at the fame Time the oleous Particles to the impov erilhed Blood, and curing a rancid, pntredinal, and fcorbutic Cath eiy. It promotes Urine and ahates its Heat, cleanl'es the Kidneys, Uretc lous Concretions, firengthens them when rs. and Bladder from {aburelaxed, and deterges and cures Ulcers in thofe Part, freeing them chec‘tually from all purulent and foreign Matter. It is a great Pecto ral, deterges the Bronchia, re. limes the Tone of the Lungs, and difl‘o lves crude Tubercles therein. IlCUl'Cn violent and dangerous COughs whic h threaten a Coniumption, tnd though it is hot it agrees with hectic Patients. Ufed externally or Internally it cures Ulcers, and is of Service in the Pally, Gout. Weak- n‘C'S. and Pain in the Back. The Dq/i' is from gut v. to gut xx. biven‘ to 3j, or 3ij. it purges like Tu penti ne. lt may be mixed "lth Sugar, or diflblved in the Yoll' of an Egg, and {0 made to unite \nrh any Liquor. BEN'AOINUM, Benjamin. This is a Rafi): gained from a Tree in W Ea]? [ltd/er. Some call it Jllgygda/ait /tr, becaule it has white Spots In it‘llke blanched Almonds Jr is dry, hard, brittle, infla mmable, and SOlllll‘iS offcvera] white or ) ellowiih Bits made into a Man's. The 'l‘ali e ii roiinous‘and fat, the Smell {weer and fragrant, efpecirtlly when ki ll- , is is a Pciioral and may be ufed with good Succels in L' L'LI‘;;li", {'0 d5, .Cafarrhs, Obitrutlions of the is lilieivifc good in Dil‘orders or the herttesyand :1." W" Cm Ltd. alilnnatic Cafes may be taken in a poached egg." Iv"; VVontenin hvl‘tcric Fits. The Dig/e is from. gr. xn. to "ii/fly i; Lungs, and Aiihmas ; {or i: 1.1.)";- an‘MY lflcldes and attenuates vifcid l'hle gin, and pi'OllTUtcS ifxpet‘iorzi i‘dtnih C BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM, ital/ism of :p‘Tf‘: ,.‘ reddifh black Colour and of a fragrant Smell IlGCSAJj norms the Habit, and is very friendly to the ntrlvglcs ti" llrengdiens the Solid-3., attenuates vifcid tiumours, p.012; Bre lution, refilis l'utrefaé‘tion. is beneficial ln‘J)llCalg:5"(-): hr the znz-b, Coniumptione. nephrittc Pains. happrirnitm . TIée Dq/e is from gr. xv. to 3ls. Outw aidly in Pluiiers it lircngth- e ~t0mach, Head, and nervo us Parts. I L'lh'lPHORA, C amp/fire. This is a roiinous Concre te. brouth nom Jain/I, Key/(m, and other Places in the Ear/l [21:223. Whrn i- is "ll"?d it is of a White cryilalline Colour, and of a clear and film olh K'amPlrtnt Body ; 0f a. bittcriih, aromatic, acrié 'l‘afite, and ye: vxi h :L T3 Srnli; III) III lllllll . l I!" .3" ! lI I I1 I |