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Show 214 Of PHYTOLOGY, or BoTANY.‘ 0f PHYTOLOGY, '0r BOTANY. Fungus ; as the Sgt/ion to/pm-m' fallen/Eon: [Va/r, adhering to the Ruth: like Balls. II. Coxrrnvn is a flerile Mofs del't‘tute of florid Capz'rula , and has no PIE/fr? nor laden/er in their Room, confiliing afroundifh uniform Leaves, or rather Caulicles. divided =nto fine Capilla ents. l. Smile Confm‘a, like finooth cxtended 'i hread ; as Crow-Sill: Gdflitut/flit'a] Confirm; as Marlh-thread. 3. Knot/y Can/Ivan. ‘ III. UIVA is a Kind or flerilc Mols, which confilts of plain thin 'Leavc-s. {ometiines narrow, {ometines bzoad, and fometimes tubulated; 'as Cider-grew. IV. LiCIlE‘JOlDES has Pelt/e and 71¢éerc/er, and is diEei‘ent from Li. elven and Lida-197nm. became it is clefiitute of florid Capz'tu/a, and is ofa harder Subllance, betweena Mqfi and aft! 2514]. l. Caulifnom Lit/fitizridfl, as common hairy Tree Mots. branched Corallire Mel's, horned Mols, and Cup-mots. z Lz'r/mm'r/er dellitute of Caulicles, of which there are {everal Kinds, one of which with E‘s/me, has Leaves more at Liberty, not adhering very clofely, to whicti belongs the a/IJ-to/cured Grown! Liwtrncort. V. M-eiUM is a fertile Mcl's with florid or feminal Capi'lm'a; of which fome are naked and pulverulent, Without Cap/iz/a, (‘a/vpzra, or .Memlzmne. The tell are like Flo-.i.er~iicaring Mofs, particularly the Hypnwzz and the Bijum. I. Zl/z'm'arz with the Crafting/t2 conjoined in the famel'lant ; as (L/flmnbeadgdGot/dimer. 2. Malian-‘2 with the Caps/u/aat a Dillan'ce frwm each other. V VI. FONTIN A L is has uniform {eliile (Tag/mi; with no F'eiiicles or very {hcrt ones. When at Maturity they open tranfvcrle‘y in the upper Part, and hang down their CHI/I'KeZ/zmz, as Nimrgufar [4' ktt'r-mq/ i. VII. HYFNUM is a fertile Moi: With uniform calyptrs ted Carin/fa. 21; X. SPAGNUM is a fertile Mofs, whole Capital}: are furniihed with a Ca. gitcillfl'l' alike in Shape with the four proceeding, except that they are halted, and want a (glyph-a, and there are either no Pcdicles at all, or very lhort ones. ' _ XI. Samoa is a fertile Mols Without Pedxcles and a quz'z‘tilzm; For the Capz'tu/a are {Gated in the Wings ofthc Leaves, and when at Matu- rity opening lengthwife, pour out a Fm‘ih'a; as the ugrz'glvt Fifimafl. XII. SELAGINOIDES is fab/ferment, and is like A's/ago in all Things except the Cnfi'tzzla, which confit'is of three or four Grains, and, when at Maturity open into as many qufit/rz ; :ss tlie/Etdz'ng llIozzm‘az'n Mtg/E. XIII. LYCGI'ODXUM is a fertile Mofs dcilitute of Pcdicles, and a Ctzpz'td/um like 56/43:, from which it differs, i"f1l-_rlilICi1 as the Claim/la. or Card/:1: are not flattered among the Wings of the Leaves, but me denlly congei'ted together like a Club. Under each Scale renilorm and. bivalved Cart/ilk lurk, ihedding nothing when the C'af/Ezflc' are at Nla- turity ; as the C!u[1»7m/i, or li'of'r-c/mv. XIV. LYCOPOIOIDES is polyfpermous, and ditl'ers from [yapctfi‘um as Sa/agimider, from Se/dgo. XV. LICHENASTRUM is afcrtile .‘a'ofs remarkable for Flowers, whole Cap/nth proceed from longilh l'edicles, which at the Time of Maturity are divided as far as the Balis into {our equal Parts, refemblingr a crua cilbrm Flower and emitting a very fine Farina, antivering to Meal of the Apices in more perfect Flowers. The (lg/little: are {angle and naked, each of which being feared on firigle Pedicles more or 1: is long, plOCCS' _ itg {ometimes from a tingle, fornetimes from a bivalvtd Cale, {oi-ne- times divided at the Top into feverul Parts, by which this Genus is Plziinly dillinguilhed from the Lit/m1. 1. Li" zsaflmm u ith Capital: opening two Ways. 2. Lirlwza/fszz with Cup" W1 Opening into four tic- 'whofe ijftrtr or Cuoifs are put on Obliquc=y_ The Cairn/a are loanetimes dentated, {onictimes go of? tranlverfly with an even Margin. rid Segments, like lo many Pam/a. "The Pediclcs are generally long, proczedin; from the Wings of [he leaves are fickitrfazu of various Figures, emittimr. when at Maturity, many mono- next the Caulxcles and Branches, and are furround d at thelon‘tr Part with a l‘caly Levering I. Hjjna with erect (12213271122, or only 1 little inclined,- as (972mm Crowd My/i. a little reflected 2. hyping}: with the Cnfilu/a VIII. Pu L Y 'r RICUM is a fertile Niels, whole Caz/.fiz'ief/um generally g0€5 OFF t'anlivezlly with an even Margin, covered wiih a lirait and villous Cafyftra. wh ch diltinguilhes it from sz'sxm It dithers from H} "W not only In the Calypba, ' but in having ereét Cau'icles, but net to rsmo'qs towards the Top. or in the Twigs of 21 Years Growth,- not do they Emit a {quamous Coat towards the Root. 1. Pa/Jtricum with a triangular Cap/Ma ; as greatgo/a'm illaidm-lytrir, or Gc/dj/arlr. 2. Pozjitrz'ta, with 7roundilh Candi/1:. . IX. BRYU w is a fertile Mofs, which differs from Po/firz‘wm in ham; :1 fmooth Calyp'tm ; but from 1131mm" chiefly in the Rife ofthe PttivthF from the highelt Caulicles, or from the Roots and the Ialt Years T"'-‘S" which the Year before were the highelt Caulicles. I. 31:}?! with HF. right (Sarita/4 as the ExtinguE/anmf. 2. Brja with reflected Cf!" pint/a, as the [in/s Go/di/orb. X, SPAC" XVI. LICHEV bears Flowers and Seeds, whole florid (fajita/[z gitrilotis i'inall Flowers, varioully divmcd. The San»; are leii'ile, on the Fling of the Leaves, with other peculiar open CAR/it/m. Sometimes the): :jrile in the 1‘ no Plants with thefe Cagizii‘za/a; lbmetimes in at rers of the isms Species, and are fmail, flat, and roundilh. Beiidcs the florit‘erous (g ' Will, in thine Kinds there are umbellated Cajz' r/a of various Figures, without Sim"; or F/artuai'r. In both Kinds the l'edicles are generally na- hed, Md Proceed from no {heathy Limo/115nm. The Leaves are of an herbaceous Confidence, and of an indeterminate Figure. ‘i'i'i'ir‘fs asLiver--woi't. I. I'i/mtd z. Sid/cared Lial‘iflt'i, as Stone Liverwort. The FOURTH GENUS. C :l l7 I L L A R Y H E R B S, mid/um a; are (21731 to t/Jem. CAP! Ll. ".RY HERBS are fuch as have no main Sta/(l or Flew, but their .eaves tin? ‘ m ile‘ imtnediately from the Root upon Pcdicles, and troduce L-F bted on the flack oftheir Leaves. .ttl' {Tally/("1.7 Herb: with integral and undivided Leaves, Plants of " ‘3 kind are allfsreri/ziml; as [I'm-t:eta/[guedfiggm'or lil‘gfl‘il/ [Iaz*./:A(y::gzle. P 4. ll. (17- |