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Show 448 SYLLABUS 0F SYMPTOMS, ( 449 ) - MM teem". AMA SYMPTOMS. DISEASES. Warn, 3 Flux of whitifh Matter , } flpprom/Jz‘zg C/Ji/diz'r/ly, from. '- 0,31 "' 3g -. ,r C\Evimffi\Ll3 Stem % Rim»)?. !upr;:4 ~fl of DISEASES and lbez'r REME DIES. Y, anw rm and fl'retcllinq, and Stretching precedes continual, r flgue, Fervrr, momma Fawn-J St. l'z'tm': Dame. [fife ofmz 14f. C? Boii'riox, lo [Ii'z-z'mt. In the firll l‘ulen ths cfPiegnancy keen thcllody open with Laxatives; bleed in the third ,- afie wziizzs, giVe lilefiary of the Bark as a Strengthener. // Pam are (oz/1173 m. bleed in the Arm, and give Linleed-oil, Conleclim of Kermcs, Antllimi'iiiodiw, or the epileptic Powder, with Liiimmonmater. 1/ tlzwm.‘g,-;m' [y a F' ~ 0 Blood, bleed as before, and give- a. Draught 11).: e of Djj. ol'l'mvdcr ol‘Va lerian-i'oot, jiv. Oi"; iiieiure of Role s, and ';j of 5)'l'l!i) ol'wild Poppies. IfI/Jz Cw/Q s: 117'} M gm! give the 11) ptie I mu? [/i/wm a Cong/x, give 5m: "ills :1: ngllt. ‘ "i / /,- x22 mun: Dim [3, bleed in the b 3; ii..iiig. affirm :1 i make Suppoiigo‘ies oi‘b‘pei'nia Led, Emu". " _ :iiid wax. and : bullion mixt. ALSCLLSDLS are to be opened in tl‘ * " M 22:11 :i liif ioon as the Suppumii >1i i.) (3513;! Biz/w; as i'oon as a lilo, uiticni: p.,rie1'iti_ ile,'..irli public; be; Aerioliias, Alia: (a Lz' M ALB ‘ '~ 1 Reduce equal Farts n ind common " e Powder, and blow :1 lit:l: o; A: through :i @ill every may r exui'i‘i' , y; .y , ,7. .. 2/ 1 tiff/Ll Fri/Egan 1‘0 (Ila/(Var. lhiriit . 1"ll.'>=n, Chalk, D." . u iceous Powders, Bolesi kill 3 . ~' _ l i\ i liu. "grit: oi Sal :Xmmoniac, Hzii‘illzoriLI :01: ‘ll‘ibp, Louciiges for ihe Heart-bum, compound founder «xii clam, L‘sifx m" r'mtimony. Ainlmoxiues 21m", M tibial" ll [1/11] of . ; lest. Gelliw, Cum Ti'ugacumh, Gum Arzibtc, ivilllelCl1-huli',l‘. FOUR, Cadill'eV/i'uut, Linleeil, QgiiiCe-lbed.~, 'lil ‘ . llll‘llll'lil mi l l..lk,‘~.'.l, peaoral Infixiion and D':0Ct1rm, ivlucilnge of (luliice-iccdu, Spiral; Leti, Linked Oil, oily Draught. Am; F. Se [2. :‘rnzzitf/Ig Fewer. .lLLXI'rERiAm, ALiaXi K'HARMACS, See .Dinplvarrh'fi. .‘liLl‘LZEA'I'lVLS have Vflrioua Namea‘, according to the Part; ior \‘ull'ell med, as, .7';;r![7¢'//)/i);[/a, iJilri/gr/,i',i'i-.c, "Vivi/Ail: p» u; "lo/:7 , i'mii'w, inLC'A‘i/allfli‘I/ILZCJ, C(Ir/x'zz'na/fe , Cali/um, 1:,,.2.'.;/.u2 ' .mz'i'tx/l‘l'cx, Hepatiu, 57/2316/1'25, Lifer/21w, Ilzzmerzst: '5. ' ANASARL‘ ,, [Lo/iii, is to be cured withl'urgaLVCJ, lejnleis. and lyfzu. relics. lft/Ff/ {fly/~11 (I/K/E'H‘ij, by zi Paraccntliefi; or liziipinw ; ‘CéltilILl'r tic Draught, cathartic liolus, Llet‘mry agamll the lgiop-iy‘ liOllL o. jnlzip wiELi Mercury, hydragogue julep, neutral billtz, LlILlr‘CClC ii lJicLl Nine, w :i:ilc Salt of _‘iiiiber, Salt pet e, fixeiliilleiiinc (limctic Bolus, diuretic Diet-dink, diuretic liiluhon. Lllurcth ll! Exfrcfion of HogJice, diuretic julep, {aline julep, Squlll‘filllleil, Gg 'liiicime lllllllllm |