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Show 378 relating 2‘0 the PATIENT. Of 13111111111163 2‘0 1'6 mm? 1.6ntiful, (ref'otive, 61' (11.13" ' b11l 'f‘hefe Things being confidcrcd, we.11111‘1 proceed to the Diieale itl‘elf, as whether it be common or 63'id6mi6r Wh 61h r the Virulence appears ‘J‘; .111 the other ts. 6‘d1y'111:‘1cold, at: ' , itf‘ $511115 flopped. I‘lel1CC,? in. cold, 11-011‘i, 611.1116 unequal‘"1.6.".her, as alto1n the VOTE? .1 {p11ation ortthe Brdy15 greatly ., i1" :1ill1611, it becomes ..IL, 21.. j68; to the reigning Dilcnles. As".. ivisn n'eneraily tel:63 it: rate Blood 11116136111111,:1nc‘. thv. cir-y 0,... '113'1261lLlOIJS 1:11121'0'611: i1.:1'1'y one:(0166.. itated 11n1'6so; hence the almjcan ‘s, and 1‘5" 7[")‘,‘:‘{!,'7€.1‘ of m as al0 /[l/‘."€ 11 mix. L011[WC/{‘7 "' ' .' ".6 ',Coz."g/'.r '/g y. 1 k" nirg, :1‘l whicn tend to 1116111 {uporeiiet , dangerous Dhenl zardous to{nipprefs -' ‘ ‘ - '1 ' ' - .1 thefe 211'~ ‘ Wherefi're it is .1. hence . the in 11161606i, , {.1 _ amlc 1 1111010 15111thevital {1.11tions The fame 1'1:1y be .211 5111.16;1.11.111, i. 1111.1dvi.6dl\' .1011- . 3::fiefoyic it not 0111" renews " , ‘6, but ienders it much more 'Iheli'actith n 1'fl1011‘d. 5167./.J/.. ral‘n and 11" toms are produce" tive 01:1 1111.1. 621 11.0.16. any Roles, 1:111: lates the 1110'"1 379 . 157,261.16: 2%.? Patient £12.: ; 1'01" it often happens in the th... terrible and dangerous Sympaway one irifeale, is produc"'1'.t .‘bnietimes will not oblen'e 1‘\"611‘1~21Z1tu1‘€1l3, accumu21. Lucafc. ' ' lnfomnch that if the Pa1.216"211'1‘1121,21Cachexv,Scur"ov'd, Coruuml'ition, l'i‘les,Gr.1\‘€l, 1'11hich 16qurr6s the utmoii on the Skin in Pnftnles, 01' otherwlle? V'lienze the [‘enuity and viru. 1entbiature of the Matter, .vhichf111.1111: t‘ie Dita1‘6, may chiefly be known; becaufe 11 hile it. remains 011661166 0115 larts, it produces Anx- 1111101 the P7./(C 1211.1,Coldn'6fs of thel xtremities, reaching to 1, omit, F2 ins 01 the Head 211111 5116:, about the 11111 1 at 1m of the Loins; (hekmfsandlb11d1'16f5 ol the i' ‘ y, ‘ '21n61 of the Mind, and Di111'611lty 01' 1116211111116 , but .'.h(.11 i; is to the S111 ace of the Body, thefe h'011icl$}111ptom°'erelly 1'6'11‘11 arcl are 111 lorue Legree appealed. Enqurry mull li elm-1111:... '=. e17~d1\"1tl1 gig/6,11 P111 7121‘1'612 0/. {11‘ " 1/1, . r the l'.1tient was 'hil 11 1.‘1‘1 6‘ [31101101 of [1:6 tarts, whence the occult Cor." 11. 111 of the rluznot'.1, commonly ca llcd Malignity, may probably ‘6 ..wowi. As 1‘1261'6 is no Fe '61', or other Dileme, which 1113 not fezifible Re~ minions and Intermifiiom of tl. C Symp0111s; the lhyficim Ought to lin01v the State of the n?111ml, vital, and as (M of the "are<yl‘m. Lions, well in, .l‘C‘. 111 the 1"- '<. 111 the Bite-.116, Wl 611 the w" {611:6 ..d quick,1: is .1166 i " 'ix ‘ :2 1.15, [117,"1'r111, and Strength ' i 1 ~ - " 116 more in- 3.1116'1nd 6.121(- perate the Motions and Lxcrc. f,'. .e ornittul ; but on the Vacant or interc lury D21, ;,t\'i1611 the l'1t 15 011‘, and all the ivlotions are Weak, efi'ecilly the Pulls, thofe Thing: 115.)" he ult'tl which term to moveand exterminate the peecant l\'1zitt6r But mor6 6fpecially in the 111616.116 or Di1cafes, the an:mal, vital, and mitiral l"un£"1ions are to be regarded, hecaul'e 110m the Degree oFtl116 Diiorder of 111ch the vio161166 01 the Dillenu)Cl‘ is to be determined. l11n1xc.16 D:mates 1'.6 n1:1yl~:nowth6 Genius 1nd Force of the Difora 1161 {1'01 .16 1-‘661piration and l‘f1 111'6, .11'1d Condition 01 the Pu 16. l‘hcters 2m evident Af'TCCanY. between th B1 21111 and the He.r for :1‘lD.1621165 611 the 11'. incand Nerves, .111 1‘ we‘t'on. ofthe Mind, produce .1 Changein the l'.1. 6. B1.fides, as no Patient dies without an lnfiam‘ mazion 2111clint6rnal 1vIo1ti6:.tion ,tend as the lnflnmnmtions ofthe Stomach, 21 d 11'-611.b1'a1163 of the B1'ain, are produced eafilyin acute Diftalc.,:.1d1n the ch1011ie,the Mortifications o. the ['1' 15m put :1 Period to 1111112111 16116 the l'hylician tho-.11 d caretu‘ly a tend to the.e fatal 8): mp- toms,111 nicer to 111211166 6e Difen'e with warm Certain..y 11.16 P1151221} ]1.11.1111 CWhnt is the State Of m" to 111'u1‘ft'11ti011s, Wind, 31" _ 1,1 hypod‘:hondriac? \lhw: , _. is the Condi 11111 of t1'16 Live: 1' " l'-t‘- 1' 11".6 circulation through it be impede(1? Whether the lill T" " " " "INC" ‘V"‘ "PF" from the Col1111' ofthe 1:66 . and the dim. 1. 6,1 lhltririon of the 11‘0")" likenile the brute of the Prim. £116 is 6.11'6111ll y to he examined, 11hethtr they are replete with 1211111, whethertthe Body is collixc or Otherwile; the (411 11.11)".(J11€1_‘11ty,antholour of the lixcremcnts ; that .heb:are of the mat-11.111 L11;_iong may be 661:.15111y known. (.3n,1."1£7iu, 114/2111) Alfo the ,,,_,'1 and Ci/clli 01 the Orr/"6" 011g lit to be confi~ dClCJ; from \‘1' 1‘1-Ch [,1 1‘0‘ C 01‘1"."81'eil Wit" otherC"mwtoms, the lpafinodic $Cl'lt‘1ul'CS (1' the inCl‘llfll1Lz'ts may be known, and the lncreale or DC» Moreovu, Enquiry mull he in:.116 into the State of the Lungs. 31"" ""e‘ thei they 2116 whole and lound? 1111(l1 Will 313116.11 .10111 the Bscflth '1‘ being 6.11)! or diincult, and the 1‘:ind of Spittle which 15 We‘ed' ‘ ly, the Temp 2161 aft/12 Bur/:2 and 11 mm; 1 1-1 is to‘3'0 CUI‘f‘dC‘c‘i‘ It will be liewire nec61 1'; to o‘.nerve ricelv the Oflcratiam o [be [hed152/11, and what Change: the pro'uce ; 1.11. 6111 61' the 10166 and Vehe- to be determined {10.1111116 N2.t1116 o. the S‘ and Difiurbance ofthe Imagination. (cm, 11.1: llL‘l‘t Otl.€.b: but 1118 HMS.) 11H:tl) L1,; (11,31. ed is, CICIlC Ol‘ the prcteinqtuj' , "at". 111211 be (‘16‘1'6'1'11111'1CL‘1. 17-6366 01‘ the S',n1)tcms are mitiwita‘; or inc:'641611 or whether nothing 01 thiskind happenif l‘Gi‘ 1‘1331; 1:5 11.1ch 1 6 profitable to fame P3.- ' to Obfcrvc all ! 1": 1.11m- |