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Show 342 COMPOUND COMPOUND MEDICINES. V‘Veaknefs of the Stomach, and nervous Colics: The Day; is from nu, ii. to gut. v. on Sugar and then mixt with Wine. 5' OLEUM NUCIS MOSCHAT‘ZE ESSENTIALE, Efintia/Oir'n‘ . This is ufeful to prevent vomiting, to cure the Gripes to cafe nephritic Pains, and to flop Hiccuping. to m t vr The Dq/e is from gut}. i. ULFUR'I OR‘iGANI ESSENTIALE, Efintial Oil of Origanmmr rwz‘ia', r: 7. am This is uterine, cephadc, and f‘tomachic; itis ufed as an Errnine. and will cure the Toothach. The [35"? is from gut. ii. to gutviiz, MEDICINES. 34.3 Membranes, and Tendons, it is anodyne, difcutient, and confolidating- It likewire flops Bleeding, and prevents futrefac‘tion; but it mult be applied very hot and kept on the Part With Lint and. proper Bandages. Rubbed hot on cold pituitous Tumours it will difculs them: Internal/y it is aperient, healing, and promotes Swth and Urine. Rubbed 0n the Spine ofthe Back before the cold hit of an Ague comes on, it will relieve or prevent it. Taken in too large a Dcfe, or too frequently, it aliefls the Head, caufes :1 Diabetes, 21 Gleet, or a Gonorrhoea. Ull‘d moderately it ftimulates to Venery. The t/Jzif/i'é'r Oils are more balfnniic, '. and eale nervous Pains more powerfully ; they are alfo more emollicnt This is good in cold Diforders ofthe Womb, and in molt other ‘Dil'ca. {es proceeding from a cold Cauie. it promotes the Merit-es. is good in flxpy streams, the Vertigo, and the Palfy. The Day} is i'mm but lets penetrating. The Daft) is from gut. X. to gut. xx. or to gut. xl. c Sciatica, in tripp'e the (‘Luan09;}er gave it from 3j. to gls. t4) cur ULfliUllVl PULEGlI ESSEN'I‘IALE, Ejémz‘al Oil 0/ Wm; gut. ii. to gut. viii. OLE 'M i<‘.ORI‘¢MARlNI ESSENTIALE, Ejémz'nl Oil of mar}. This in good in molt cold Dil‘eafes of the Head and Ne It is 171d .‘ific. liiinulating, and promotes the Monies when l-upprefledhy the Sluggiflinel} of mucous Humours, It is prevalent in the Paliy, as alfo in the Apopiexy, unlefs of the fanguineous Kind. The Dq/é is from four to fix Drops. OLhLUM LIGNI RHODII ESSENTIALE, Eflntial Oil (fit/ica'z'um. This is {aid to lirengthen the Heart and Brain, but its principal Ufe at prefent is to fcent Pomatum. OLEUM RUT/E ESSENTIALE, EfintialOilg'Rue. This is a good Remedy in the flatulent Colic, hyfieric Diforders, and the Epilep fy proceeding from a Laxity of the Nerves. It is likewife ufeful in Numbnefs and the Pally, as alfo to kill Worms. The Dofl isfroru gut. iv. to gut. x. OLEUM SABINZE ESSENTIALE, Efinrial Oi/o/ Sawing. Thi: is a powerful Medicine to promote the Menfes, to hailen the Birth, in? expel the After-birth ; on which Account it is reckoned prejudicial lot pregnant Women, lefl; it fliould caufe Abortion. In general it is good in moit cold Dil‘eafes. Outwardly it is {aid to refolve fchil‘l‘hou: 'l'rr mours, to eafe Fain, to cure Corns, and to kill Worms. The DH: h from gut. iv. to gut. vi. OLEUM SASSAFRAS ESSENTIALE, E ezrrz'al Oil fife/71"" This is fudorific, uterine, and Ptomachic. it promotes the MCI: good in the moiit Alihma, Catarrhs, nephritic Complaints and French Pox. The Daft is from gut. iv. to gut. XX. {ays Gr: _ . .. OLEUis/I TEREBlNTHleE, Oi/affzrrfmtite. This is diiliiltll "rill Vr'ater in a Copper Still. in the fume Manner as the former ellen*"l O : OLEUNI TEREBII‘v'l‘l-ilN4@ IETHEREUM 6t BALSA JEr/C'mar' Oil of Turprm‘z'zxe, muff/26 Ba/flzm. Diliil Oil of Tuzpe" _ a Retor: with a very gentle Fire, till that which remains hero: t‘e Ti‘ichneis of Ballam. Ballam of Turpentine may lilicfi‘" diz‘tilied from yellow Roiin; from whence. after a thin Oil, "hm" be removed in Time, a thick Balfam will come over, and a [:1er 1‘2" or Colo/i/ngy, will remain at the Bottom. ;, ., The [Er/meal Oil tf‘furyremifie is of great Ute in Surgery i {9'4} H be applied hot to Wounds, Puné‘tures, or Lacerations 0f the r‘ff'" $"lcii- eight Days at farthell, inter- ti.y of Virgin Honey, from four to ii:mining a Day now and than Howe :r too lnrgeh Dole has given the Strungury, end therefore it mutt be uhd Cf: ' ' . . OLEA PER EXi'RESSlOl‘JE 0r" '_. ‘he Oils are obtained from certain Seeds and rruizs, l ' . / mung them in :1 ftone r "rap-t about with a Mortar. and then putting them into a 1;. .....s liairCloth; then the Oil mutt be fouccrcd out in n l'rels Without hire. OLEUI‘JE A [2.9378 DALIUM, 02'! If 1. punk. This is gained as well from the bitter as the {weet Almonds, they being both or the {nine Naurre. This fi'clh drawn is ufeful to {henthe the Acrimony ofthe liuuiours, to {often and relax the criip and induruted liibres in Infiniti- maiions ; in Heat and Suppreflion of Urine, ({olic and nephrrtic Pains, and to promote Expeé'torution in Coughs. Some give it to promote brine, to looi'en the Belly, and to safe l‘ain. li‘or Childrens (Jripes a ti: unil may be given at a. Time with Syrup ofivlarfh-mullows. 'l'or .Itir L‘sughs mix it with Syrup of wild Poppies. Some Ounces given 1) Women in Child-bed will cafe their After-pains. In a recent j'rieu. Isryl'onie Ounces may be ordered after bleeJing with Succefs. The UN from ?j. to giv. Cmffi-oy lays to gviii. ln (Sly/fir): it may be Clllibitcd iroin 3iv. to gviiiiin the Colic, Coltircnels, kits of the (Ira- ‘.‘..l :i 'l'cneimus and Bloody Flux. . 1 ULEUM SEh/lli‘w'Uhi LlNl, Lily/inf Oil. This loolcns the‘licl‘l)', Queues Coughing, promotes Expefloration, and is reckontd :1‘ Speak t. . the Plcurily, it two, three, or four Ounces are taken tor a Loft, and £33511.th every fourth or fixt'n Hour. It calls the Colic nnd'curps o‘Lr- lzriiie Col‘tivenefs. In {pitting of Blood it not only eales tne Long", Lu: heals the Parts affected, by its empluliic and ballamic l'roperucs. 01/; I) Lju- . ()LliA [ER INFUSIONEM et DECOCI‘lUrNLM, I'VJJ' thrcéfim. ‘ , ULEUM HYPERICI, Oi/pfSt. 7912;2': "hf-t. L.' flak-e flutters pic; ed from; them "3‘" .lOlUl'S Wort fully blown, and frelh, carefully (Mixes "iv. of Oilelite 21 Quart, pour the Oils/ll[lidl‘lL)\\‘CrS,£iI1(i'{i1 1.? them ilnnd till the Oil is We.l t need. This is :icc-mntrd :i grent \. or. ._ ' ‘nntl L‘ziler of Pain, and is glad in Dilenis oi the Ji‘rlltti, om}. l . 115 Of the Nerves, Contulions, Luxurious, tie Lore. min A .. L; it is only applied externally Till-1 . e _ of lilder-flmvers l0)- ofOil 0.ch a Quart. Boil the Flowers in the Oil n 1 t1 icy are Lllrt , ,M Li ".1 SAX/lisUClNUl‘vl, 0210f Elder. L. Iiicll Z4 v r t l -I" \l\ l-lfl "- |