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Show 318 COMPOUND MEDICINES. COMPOUND MEDICINES; Oil of Sai'fafras gut. vi. Conferve of red Roles gifs. of Syrup of Bal. fam (J. I. to make an Eleétary. 'l'he Anti and the Rofin fhould be well ground together; then mix the Oil mony with them dropt On a lime Sugar, afterwards add the Conferve and the Syrup. This diflolves the vifcid Crafis of the Humours, and is a very good Medicine againll the Rheumatifm and a Numbneis i: tmm-vu- ..r.‘ . - of the Limbs 5 as alfo in Obllruclin ns of the Glands, Impurities of the Fluid s, and cutaneous Foulnefl‘es. 'l‘hc Dofi is the Qiantity ofa large Nutm eg Morning and Evening, it fliould be continued for fome Time. ELECTARl‘UM ANTI-DYSEN'IERICUM Lita/W? , 2/23 B/aazzjv Flux. Take of yellow Bees wax 3iiJ. of Sport] . (Jeri 3iJ'. Oil of fweet Almonds gfs. melt thei'e together, and then add of Lonferve of Red Roles giis. Of Syrup OfBa lfam q. f. to make an Elet‘taIy. When the Veilels of the Intefline s are eroded by fliarp acrinio~ nious Humours, in inveterate bloody Fluxes which have been brought from the Eafl-I zzdim, they have, lays my Author, been remo ved by this. It fupplies the naturalMucus of the Bowels which the Flux has Carri-"(l OPE, heals the Excoriations, and corrects the Acrimony of tho: Huniouzr, ELECTARlUM ANTI-EPILEPTICU M, an Elsi/my ago/'73,? 2/: Falling Sitter/J. Take of the Peruvian Bark gJ. of Wild Valerian-root in Powder 3iJ. of Syrup of Orange-peel q.f. to make an Elec'iary. This is frOiii Dr. Mead, who affirms it his frequently been of great Service in the Vertigo and Epizhpfl. The Patie nt is to take 3i Morning and Evening, after proper Evacuations, for three Months together; and then repeat it three or four Days befo re the new and full Moon. ELECTARlUlVl ARO MATICUL‘vl, an Jrom m‘it E/t't‘FtIry. 'l‘ElZ? of the aromatic Species 3ifs. of Conierve of Lavender gij. Syrup 0‘ Orange-peel q. i' to make an Eleétary. This is a warm cordil Medicine, very friendly to the Nerves, and very proper to cheartlre Spirits when the Conftitution is decayed. The Qiantity of a {mail Nutmeg may be taken two or three I miss a Day, drinking :1 Gliil‘f 0" Wine alter each Dole, or any othe r proper Liquor. ELE CTARIUM a BACCIS LAURI, fits. of Zedoary 3iJ. of Ruhian Cafior 3J. of dillilled Oil 0f 1'07 " gut. X. of Syrup of Orange-peel (1.1. to ' warm-i the Stomach, exptrls Wind, is good make an Eleé‘tai'ylfor the ila'ulcnt Lolici i5" motes L'rine and the Menfes, and is good in hyilericnl Callu‘é- '1‘" Dag/é is from BJ to 3J. It is Ll‘led for carminative Clyl'ters. 1 . El..liL"l‘.-"il*.l[.l lvl BeLSAMicUM, .1 Bag/mm Emma T211466 the Conferve of red Rofes 'iiJ. of [,acxzt lfalfain (1.12 mix then. The Da/Eis cl/i's Bali‘am Z'lj 0f Syrup 0‘ 3fs, in a Fit of Coughing- .1"? may be added to this as Occafilon lhall other ifs. of tei'ebintliinat:‘~Balihm 01" Sulphur. The Cough here mean t in that which is the 1'" runner ot' a L'oni‘umption of the Lungs, nrifing from 'l‘ube rcles [UL : n, whic h would iOon terminate in L'lcerations, if not timely preven . ~ This Hall‘am, by its ioft healing Properties , is intended to re 1"" and heal there Tuberclcs, and to put a timely StOp to this d'icail iii Dilbafe. ELECTARIUM CARDIACUM, the Cordial Elt'flflm'. Talze‘of the Conferve of Rafemary flowers and of red Roles of each \Slisg‘ candied Orange-peel, candied CitronE-pe‘el, and cancietl hmmigl' 0 each gJ or~ candied Gi gerj 3Vi. oi [Confection of heiines fits. of Oil of Cinnamon gut. xx. of Syrup OffiLlOJ/C‘Julyvi‘l9W615 q. t.‘ Jinx and make an Eledary. This is a good (,ordiiii1 for cord, low,. Js.ichiii;Jth Conilitutions, and is proper to l'trengthen. me Stomach after .ong 2h- relies. to reltore the .-'rppetrte, and help 'Digel'tion; to talte away-10mp- ing ol'ViEtuals, and cure Sick-nets, it is l1l{(:\‘v'li€ very iricntily to tipi Nerves, chairs the Spirits,_rziitcs tne Strength. and. rchoiis the IL uni." 'l'one of the L‘ili'r . If the 07‘th C77'7m'7'lc'7 be $000. $14. Jed b]. "1131)": proper in Lowncfs ofSpiritr. lainfting,‘ angflin "ii kOlMIi/iflttll the Head, Brestlt, Stomach, and \‘vonio. 1 tie a; u l) "0111 three Times a Day. ELFCTARIUM :3 CA.» . 7.~ V ~' ‘ ‘ . ml, lt is likewifc of great Service in {pitting of Blood, anu ..‘ Oi tar, and with a gentle i\.l1l.7|ll1'c Man; illblvc it. in the i-Jranv-V l i l'ulps, and continuing :l . reduce it :O‘n JIM 17., 1.. H‘- ‘ lei'ves for a llzifis to purging plCClle‘lCi, ant. tarten "Oil! 3.». :H I: o' ntlc [3‘1" ' ‘llJiLii-zli'c lillfit/l c . . . a (in/innit;gang. Vu‘criuirroot and 7‘ "ifletoe ofthe (Salt, of ca h EJ.'01 tzy‘rtvp L‘ql, to mztl e an liletiiarv. This is appropriated to the ' l\CJ'\'es, and is good .inlt Cciivul'fions, the Vertioo, and t ' Tl": Dn/E is the if: . o. :i {mall Walnut three li‘ l'.l,lil3'li'.'" RlU . L... Wilt fihi/X'l'LtM, at 1.75:) mm" ottiic limit of e? 3v}, ot‘candied Ginger éJ. (Jr Lorne J‘C'il fiiJ. of Syrup ol'C‘" reel o. '1. ‘to ‘Illt'lSC an i if tun/52 in low Lonitimions to warm [1"(l inyworzt .lx. ' to lle. .. .. .,. . Uf'vi f'Jli‘illiJORluiiLLm, oriipouncl Powder Oi Contraycwzt 5. ~ . . , ,. With of ()riiiiéres «1.1. mix them. I ‘ J ‘5'" "lh‘n strutting is required; for t..i.~ v. L'Jlllillt‘ioiis in the lilood, but on the coir. .y Hunt The Do/Z' is vii-i. every lixth llour. . 1.Llit."l‘:‘il{lUM lid C("ilflUl-HJJ'M Tlt.¥‘.~l.lrvi.iz.t a. : will" ‘1 any. finite of lci.itive 3:}: 0i" depuriitcd l\itre gJi‘L ‘ lJ‘.‘ my»). . i, 7, . ct nlc out; luc Running in a L \‘.ly] in. r r, -. .\l[..,i(ill~i\\r1[;g 21...". Jinnah,» Jr. J "‘ ~‘ 1' :Jils. lsiqlit and Morning. e l‘Al'UUi‘tl :id/(J‘Ju i" Llama/J for a t [rt/J rt .. . . ‘ '. . internal Ulcerations. .O 3‘2. r" 1 ._ 1 .- p . 151:0. 1min." " Take of Conferve of Rue giJ of candied Emmy q/Eézr bran-2'5. Ginger gj. Or‘Beiyzbsrrt: 319 ._ < t . ~ .' 44 ‘" wry ltJ of Bailani of thd1 It :- 'i if '3 . |