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Show 312 COMPOUND COMPOUND MEDICINES. ME DICINES Cll'iALt'13's RUBiGO 131311.11) .1R ATA RIij 0/ Star/Prepared l .cetI dings of‘::te 1e p10ed to the Air be Otten moillened with \I‘mmr ..' W«are till it is turned into 2.1111; then pour on W'ater, and cb‘rind11 .11 :1 Mortar to VV 1:110:15 the {ubtle 1""‘owder. "lhe Remaz nder wind "i1 1 not be reduced into Poivdcr with moderate Labour, 1hOuld be ‘110 it‘1encd and expo. "d to t1 .2 Air zig".5111 This powdered in a Mortar 1111 be .‘ 11'1"11ed as before. the flow 91‘ tho5 \t‘aihc' innit be dried and kept for U 3. Cl}; N "1 i3 ARTS A. \lTlh'iONll, C5717:7/127" (/Fiii.'/.‘."l31'-'='. L. Take What remains 211thc Bottom 01 the l\Ct')t;11tCJ mal;111;; the :=;1:.~‘11:m:m/C111..; .11.d 112. dime it in .. co:i‘Cd Bolt head'in an open 1 ire. (:Nl‘u‘ "1‘1 18 l‘ALl1'13.1, Fac.:1""z.<s szzt." ' 1... Take of pu- 1'111 1.1er7xxv. of Enlithurg'vii.111e1ttheSulph'u1, and 111'" 1 Nil11 the Qu‘ckliircr ; and1r the Mixture {houid flame, cover the l/eiicl to V‘nt it (11':, then reduceit il1L‘UPO‘JsdEl‘ and MN me it Hicre15 another V».W ofmuli' ngC Cinzzaéar with the 5])1'7‘22‘515unlit .172:rzrrari /1‘/.'}‘='Ili1u5 hematter deicr‘bed. ' :ut Quiekfilver‘.nto {ome o1 thi. 313 1‘PONFECTIO ROBOR ANS, the Strcngtlrrrziizg Con/21.9w". H. Takc Bocl Armenic prepared giij. Tormentil Root,l\ utmeg, O'ibanum 07.101 {1V of par:tied Opium 3315.01"oyrup of dry Roles thrice the ejgh: 01' the Powders; mix them together according to Art. .. Medicine than Jzafrozdium. '5 DC0111pOUndCd,bllt a better inncnm'L‘IC p1'101er ina l-Oofenefs or bloody Flux thisIS w. Medicine. The Defy may be 315‘. er 5j. 'lhere gr. i. of 11,15 ofthe Compofition. This'is When a ve1y Opium 'CO‘VSERVE Con/rues, are at prefent chiefly made ufc of to mix 111:11 other Medicines, for the streatei Com eniency of taking them, 631' pccially t101'e that are ponderous, Z131Vler'cur us dulcis, Antir.1ony,and {he Preparations of Iron, with which they may be made in 1) Lolulles or11ll. In other Cafes thCy may be connde red as Auxil'1.111e1, and {o be made to {allin with the general Intention of other Medicines where1...htthey are given. ‘ 111 the making 01 Conferves the l- ea.ves mull be frerd from thelr 5.111'5 the Flowers 11'0m th'Cir Cups, and the yellow Part of Orange 21nd?igitutc it :‘endV , :- 1111 its Colouril‘ become g1‘,een then nelmulll be taken Off with :1 Rafp. ‘ Ftermros .t 1V ‘11 tum in.0 a grey POW191"; th.s with a :gentle 11:1 :1 1er l)..iys turn red, which15 t1.c CHLUQCIMIV. :11 11121 Marbie Mortar with a wooden l‘ellle firf'r :1lon3, then with Then they are each to b. pound- Liplethe Weight ofd.' ' c rcfin'.‘(1 St Sonic :1 e of Opinion that the Emma:- and 117‘7211'1'ol‘r mfmzz/ W111 COV"'ERVA fomn cafe 1.]:‘011gah the lute" ‘es u1.c'.' mged :t VV/itlrout am' uHic L11t1c.-1 1011s toinpvort it It ofrvre:1t Ui'e 111 13110161; is Oi" the 1154} 31:1 ' pi epfy, :111:1_1‘3:1.1V 5 :;. alio 1.1 Green fickne15,l1‘te111121tifn1. rind all arthritic l'ains. ""he 00/! 15 .111 n 3115- to 3f: tVV'1L‘e 3. L2. '. " '..?LKIUM ALhUM, '1 1: 1. Tahe of Rois. 31d 01 the compound ‘ '- " j'. of 'Wi'rltc '1 itriol fit them to: e;l1cr. "' "' ' ""' " '5. CM rUcrmwacd 1' till t11Ly :11L\=L1V well mixed. .1111 ."13S' V'lHll maritimi (c'rr-fir-C‘c 0/ My Inga/12011.1- recommends this as an experienced cdy againll the L11" . 715,15 17.11:. en dai'y th1ee Hours before 1C1", and continued a long while. But then :15 Gym.0'. 0b1erVes.1t .1111 be fuel: :1 Droo'y 2:5scienends on the'pLucidity and'1.. 1ty Of the ‘IIHIH-lllll- 11brcs,01 the T1110: nets and Tenacity of the Blood and Serum cohalyRVA l L1_"‘"I111311\I S C01thlllll riUl\. ' 'l‘C‘R UM. Cor-- ' tr {KO/rum: .6552. '1hisis :1 god warm llomachi‘: Bitter and 1"." ‘ ‘shlc to {31.1. It 111.1 l)ig<.".ion, at 21111.1te5' grofs Humours, d11; ' 1's; "11"i11d, eaiess Tains 01 thC Colict,O and promotes the M enfcs anL. 1113. r. .1._310C111a.'l'l1e D0 " :s from 3jt0311j. I; 1..1L if CO\SI‘.RVA,Cor/27.1.» 9" L411. 1.;‘1 at'l‘f. This is gool in an {ifOWZfl of the Ports, in cold nervou.» Di {. . the Cramp, lleeDV Dil ales, a Pally, and a \' L‘1t1go. lhe Dofz .. 111.1111 M to .. "'"Vgl" "V i'Fl-Oluj 11/1 lV/lAl. VAL C0,"Mirtc 0/ 1171.101073]"'31!" ".0011 in Heat 01 Urine, the Gravel Dillicul t". of Urine, 21nd -11 Jileufes of the "re:1". The 1'26/ is 31» ‘ ' :111: 1.1m} ' 'v‘ppl 'oms Tans. :mwms in . IL 1:.v 1L5 1'1L.VL'. AL rL1'\SE:f{\'A‘IQ-rj Dfll‘; lel A1{1'31 Con/i‘r't': 0f Rq/Z'mm} '1'th i51101'11.;1L.11.‘, CO1 €11.11, and ccplrealic. ' The 05/." 15 from . (VA Fl. 01‘ 17M"OS "1 RUM RUE-1R ARU'VI, (Definer of 1"11'5113'311 unalept C fire11gthc1inr.:1nd nilrmg‘ent \11tt1t‘, 1:111:111y good for11101e that .11'e emacia td or lZL'DUJI under 2. ‘1‘0‘1 Of the1411‘1gs.(Jne Patient ulegl t1 0.1 y l' tunds in the 01 t‘" Aontl1:, .111.‘1.111O:he1 thirV-r, and were cu1ed cl Lor1.un: ' 1:1 ; 1) thJtone"on J t .1111; Jere W21. 11013LRT bound;- to thc Day'r'. 1' 1....e 1r. it is u.'u:1'1' to L m 21j. to 75151 1101,31. . 1:;:.:O1: 1.1 15:..111-11AR11E 1.0.1319, my... I' . (1.. 13...: F1':./r-p'1'~9.vji. ' " TM; 15 :1«good Antifcorbutxc of [1M 110:1""11an: 4-! Hill. I fill"- |