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Show COMPOUND I‘vitnitINES COMPOUND 1::Xmm 1.5 ch‘CI‘:5 into a Crucible modera tely heated. I»: move it 110111 the li1e 11d waili it with ‘1".‘ate1‘ lyoth from the‘id‘. ‘ ,~ 83it, and from the couner 1‘3th (313 pertetliy calcipgd are in Don C V. me: her this C:I.l-.' has any EHCJ fit all; time» recommend it to attenuate om f~ H111110u1's to one1 I.' Inihuito momote l'crl‘piration, It is g 00:1 in the l3'h1LIL1t11at11m Pit-11:1", .neous Di ca'bs. The DoiL s t.o:11 'J. to 3i. o gis. {everal "'11116.18. D?.v for ieve111D:-.I. '1 ...:-c m"the hi‘timatic a warm aroma/{t Cnlnz‘ .A‘I {TIC/i, ' l‘ooneli of all others, for it generally falls oilr on the lame Day C1‘US"‘iCLIM COiUh/l UNL i‘OR f lUS, the/nave" r "mum (Van/1 I , thrice the Weight of the l"0‘.\'(it1:. ., . may be difl‘olvedmto a Fluid. This is :1 very dangerous Operation and mulilbe cautioufly pcrform'd; for it the Reto1t fhould built the Artifi will be fuffocatcd. Befides the Fumes which arile on mixing the Ingredi- ents are of a very noxious Nature. This Caz. Ric makes an lil‘char the 1.5:. L. Take of Soap lye, hereaftei defcribetl, any Quantit), and boil :to a {ourl‘thart;the11 take (Juicl' Lime whim l121' "is" powdertd, Iifted. nnd keptin :1 Bottle C01l§Cd icverzll Months; lpimlI: this on the T .ke long1i;‘th-I.I.‘01‘t Roots,Bay-heiries, Sc rtiiuin-leaves, Ctiiimm::h, of each iiv. 1‘"J'J‘r 111‘. male :1 Poultice. LIFE/I X C I"; cends into the Neck ofthe Retort is to be expofed to the Air, that it - yethcr, asl ,iCM\ a (‘ng 1);: or"Du/Mr. i" e. topical Renwdt c1 e Sutgeo11s,ar1dare 311m. A to L‘s-111', tar/fizz: , ‘ . - . s alio in Co,;;‘-;an/'ozv: of the ,oim‘J‘, ahd ,he L.‘_;,»,.{., . 3 F: W1 1 be undei'fioodirom their titles. ‘ U"MIA? ‘ICUS 311 But it hash " ., 1..';11 go cl Siicee;;:; 1.1.0 affirms it is ehLL.;;:.l\ 111 the Scum " 12" lionaht Feven‘ , an". the Sumil pox. C\‘I‘f‘hijiiAiLQILL- MEDICINES. a Cam's/1‘1 n".."-' ("[1177‘1. " Lxe till1t ha; abnorbed all ti.e I.mum andlbecome a .‘"I,.-.:, which mutt he he":m a. Bottle clofe liopL. C.XUSTECL J1.i';‘()l‘v'li‘wi'L‘NF M ‘I'I‘lUS. the 7.1.45 122:1- rr/Izwru Cay/fit. I. ‘ake ot loft:' :11; and t". :tiuici: Li111cequal Parts, 1..:t tE.t.11 11ll t:gether at thelime o." uhnIr CLK ‘UM .-LPUhI,'l the win}: (Izmir i... ‘ ..‘.:e ('Il‘ Oil (11 (‘UIX‘ZCX‘ 01:1?1‘11t, of uh: ti: '113‘ax ‘z'iv ofSpermi 0 ti 3 mlt ‘ them tihihe (-Ii.1te is 9.01111 (11.1: mid 1 good fiIIr i...c01...t1ei oi the Skin 3‘ ofLam:1h 1e 1;}. mix them tonetliur, - [Ca/:7? 0/ CHM/H" I 'I1 Cit/r ., leavesdined,\110 Camomt to 1101' 021' 1‘" if! 11f "RI 1‘ i‘l 13 acid of C1" LN, LllC /‘J./‘/ C" (tr/11‘. :1 .l.. and {alanine preLIW 01‘ and as [111111 as the 1‘\ ix 1:1.h-jl1eI11s to <21?" Keep them 1(1111lI'11‘Lly iiillul t gather, ii Lliitmtlv lll‘t't‘l U) heal 1711quite cold. '1'"his t‘the Sltin, aI cl:0 C.L1..11L \v 1..11: t.., :111'05 \Vhol' 3011111"; i1tl1w0rt3x'i ol tl. e .ops oiexit-1‘ Centaur} ..ll AlI ten \.;.;l.1;.'-. 1111.1' .s Q . . Il‘...l }‘ ‘PC'- toOpen Obl‘tii-L.0115, «I. thc‘\ iiL 13:1): it:1r1<.1. humours, d'fid V :1'1115 the Ll ml Summit0.: ofMe It i' owed in the (new 1135111., and :1. 1.10 1111. .; 11.0 11,;-15 11.... mice a Dy. Ufl‘flV‘blK CEPIIALJCA the ('3. 'I \\i‘;d\ae1‘irtn Root 3X. Oi whole h111l1:iui 11ml: 1'i or \1.‘»i11i1'...bnl .\ 1).. r00t ‘vi. of Roiemnr}, ()1Sngcgiij.oi iew [mall A‘e ten (idioms. '11"-IS prorIIr for hyiimic :111dl15pochoztlii21z D. lt‘alles. l)i1c:-.l c at head and Nerve? Unmuliions, the \ei‘t‘n'o the hDilC‘QlV fl~"‘l")' .IItl the l'uliv. -.,1.11)1U1-:'111‘11.I ‘ . "‘UI‘.7.1d."e.;eiW1 junil 3er Ci 02.111.111. \I/ormwoo‘d i'.ctIIti1I311inhI, iiiciding. {11‘ 1:1: ' .11.; :111'12t1t‘etr glii. 1lf1115 ‘ Ii .1 b ".lTLi iii- 3.11:1 (Mi 1y Urine Ed. 011 km. CieL Ims the ($2101ch V,' 11c I)»..3 $513. twice .3 D1} 1112.151. 1D b\,()"l1Ul"(‘ L‘ Ifiit‘ih 1101CC~TLLIliii-‘IU‘:I‘I 1‘. Camilla :1101331I r J ‘1: :4 {mall Ale ten (inillons. 1.1 Cl11t E; 5:03qu aw, I- 1:: L‘lii- , L ' 1 ‘I, ‘; .‘111. ()1‘tl1‘1t'e ‘ l". ll": lntenliOl" 1‘1: {5i} thu‘: ‘In III \Im 11- man a mu- |