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Show 304' COMPOUND MEDICINES: COMPOUND MED_ ICINE. AQart in a Day taken fora few Months w11 cure an hareditav': King 5evil It ag1ees well with infants who may be brought to take it by Spoonfuls, the Nurfe dri-‘:ing it at the fame Time,Which ",1 prefervc them from Fits, and 10111.01 them fo1wa1d and fp1ightlvv. They may t0.kc halt 21 Pint a Day. 11 has cured many Child1en of 111113112. mations of the Throat, 1-"10.11 and Lungs. 1115 agocdPrefervative nge.‘ 1'1 thofe Difordcrs which attend the Cellhtion of ‘1'i'01nen5 monthly Evacuations; and 15.1'4.113cc11f1k 111 911 canierous Cafees, even the bleedi 2g Cancer andis a {01ercign Remem 3' u 5' ..ETlllOPS ANTIMOiJIAL 1 11,4721‘12110711'01 4':1110/ 11. Tahe qunl 11mm of the gellen Sulphur of 1311111111011y 0 and imp repair ed Calumel. 1\t‘dliCC the(301011101 11‘0 11 a grol: '0 "1 d", and 11. 7:1 1 't 1.1111110061111111 a little of the :ulphur11y Depiees ‘91", ‘V'Z‘i‘l‘ 11 011 "' "'ether "11:1.517 are 1113u7.11t to 0. fine[ 1‘. 1171101. 11113 11 1110‘ 11‘118"‘ 1‘0 'en 1011. $15. 0 .113 ‘ 1013 01 ‘ to he nude 11110 '1 " , 31j.0f .1";1.501 P1115 2‘wth . i1'11". (".1111 :11'. 1 l. 3}‘ :1'1 the Rofin 01 (31131 0.11,‘ . '1‘11'..e e11'r11115'1 . re+0 001110.11 (11.10: . 1312111 01 L 5'11 , 01‘1‘1‘111611 1'111'e c,th.1..1.~., g1. xv. :11'L1 ‘ '7 en Night 0.1111 11101111151. '1‘111 . '311'1111511 . 0 "‘111116 1S 111 ' to13010.10 b"ml l/7'5e/1 11.11.11 ‘31:. 1.111s ; :15 0.110 t‘1"7'1 ‘ P 1115 0" "' " ‘ (fDr P1" .)/.'7'7 7 \./110 (.1 17,. ‘l' v P1.l II! ‘ ‘ V ".1g... 2.1" . againi‘t G0ngrenes. It has cured" :1 01013111 when 1.10 Patient has hech mined out of the Hof11110} as incur able. Add to thel'e l'learinec. 11'.flammatioih 01' the L1111gs,(1011t in the Stomach,z1nd Ulcers in 111.: Bladder. it may he t01\;:.nfron1 :1 Pint 101.1111: Pints :1 Day. AQUA SAL‘PHLRlN ':, 5'1" ' mfg/0:772:1311' aft/'2 L. Take ofLifne 1.6 I. ''1. :1 Sapphire Co- and 91y"1t 11' ill cute (111011601 5 1;‘ ruptions and the ltch. Aw'gh ' " LL" A, 7/1" {Zr/1:11 ‘UE‘H‘. c [Ir/(slay 1. Take 01 blue 11111101» ofeac‘ngij. of H'atei " B011 the 8211::till" they:11e1" then add the Oil of \"11 101. 811.1111 the 1‘11-1xt11re through .'0.11:1. " .. is :1 81":t1c and 117215 uled by S/e;1/J.Qm to {10p bleeding at the I01".,21, other e.'tei'nal 11:1:m131rl13ge». Dofiils 01111111011 Cloths 011210110110: in this water and 0.1p11cd to the Fair. A'CélA \ 11' 11310141 CA CAM‘.J HORATA Cam;l'om‘f 71alter. L Take 0f wn te Vitriol 3‘15. of Can.1phire 31101 '1ling11 ter 101111311: mem that the Vitriel may be c11fl01ved, and 1111311112." Faeees have10131111011 {111:0 it thiough 1.11361: 1‘his is 1‘1<)11g'21111. 449.174 (.1 ‘ 1'14, 3.110 yetnnot {‘0 itrong as 101110 Sulgeons 111011. ‘ Camphirerc ndetie it 11.01e dllCthlent. . ha .Lr, 1111' 171:1 11.1- 11 -: mor'L 1.1. '111 it 11' prermrcd ."110111 whence its 1101011 1 01.91.1011: 13 01 a 11'1er1 clly1\atu1e, 1010111; 1.1: it is 1‘1 1111,10 11mg the Vii' ulence 0'. it 1.; 17.1110 7 Of a Very 1.10ng 1'1001,1cr 11.1111 '1dd to thedepmated 1 finegm nbouta twelith P211101 P11 01 SP it may keep the lonver from growinn' {mculenn This is 11‘0": 1 D1u1etie,Apcrient, and an lncidcr 01‘'1hiL'k grofs Phlegm Hen" 1‘ ' good'in the Fmoxyfns o. the 1110111 Aflhna, 1Cachexy. DI'OP‘Y.' 13"" dice (111311111 .11ues. indurn: ed G1:111115,:1 ('1 other chronical D11"""".' when theie is a 1nuei.1 Matter to De 131139111011 1"01 151 . 11 0.11011, 1111"" cairies L11 ‘y Urine. rThe Dole is from 3315.31} 50"" Mb" ' 31 and othe:s increafe it to 3111. But the 1:11'gefl'Do‘1'e +‘1 111,11111'ml‘11 ' itti: apt to fit uneanly 011 the" Stomach and the1e101cL 15 be" 111ml,1,; 10m1c aromatic Wa.141. 'h ;1‘01' we find .' 0 0'01 ived' 01 11:1 :11. 111 this 11101111101 g0in 0101011.. 1'0 1111dc1l 1" 11a 5 We mul1ren1emhcr,1hnt Antimony CO1: '11 111-111 and a memmial earthy 51111110 c0. (/er will} [71' more 775.1; "117/5511, qu1115 1131' 01 1‘1110115Vj.~teeptlie Squills'1n V ineqar in :1 "1" Heat; then pi'cls it 0' t and let it by till the Fa: es {116111131161ch- ' 11 WtulL! ."ux:‘1')!58 101' 1'.. '111 C11 the co11mm1 x" '110p5 ia 111110 1.1101, in 1.11.0611 ‘ 1 . L. "11 much more effectually 01' '1 . ‘1 ' 1.1.1111 1:01 ient. . , ~. , é‘ "" 0' g" """ A113,110 r 31.11 Rl‘.. [11 US MEDlCiN 11 'S, 1".. 1 1'."""/ ..... P1 '1 1' 1' ' k 0 1101;311:1L0 of Antimony five 1ants ; 0. common 0'u 11 , .0‘1 11' .1 ‘E. 1tw /' 111 (of12111.11, one 1‘31'.t Thde 116111 heat'.'.n1 mired tog t1 1C1: 1: 1.11111111111.:101111111e 111.10:. red hot (1111211110; then 111C161 e 11:1 . 1111111011 11121111101 1.111e1 may 11.w fieely 11121115, 10 0 111011 11' 110.1}! ling 1111! 10 Lel‘ttit 1e111:1111 111 this :1; 1113;; 110.11 101 1113011t01'111'.11'tc1' 01'1111 .‘ 1011 the iipii‘ 1)into:1 Conee‘weal'ed 011 the 1111.010, 11111 .11.": it :1. 11' 1.11.1 w mnfii 1011,111211110 101111113111211' 1.11 to 11111131110 11 1.:0. 101111 m‘cm'L‘g: to ‘n'1"""that it 1:. the R0001 0.1 011 e "111111101... we 11:11; 1n1011y 10111211011 with 111;0 01' 1111 110:"3 Hawmg 770w (51".? [2.72:2 4am:'rf off/91! Warm..'1 17411721,](My ' to the My: of the Come/.1 , and Place tbmz'm an 1:120:77511'11/ (1m ' ACETUM SCILLI'NCUM V1179... MS9.71/11, L. Take 0 011‘. 11211 .1{11 '11. if; 1111111 r 101:1."1‘1115 is :1 good W :3: in many .'Jiiorders of the .‘fiyes', 11.1111111- larly 1'11.tule:, Fluxions, Ulcers, the szgz'um 01' (17:13:01, .111d 0.11 Speck and Films. C01ne efleem 1t 03 :1 Clean er 01 ohflinate malignant Ulcen, ‘7 ‘ ..e o."i11"r to the i-..g..1111e 130.1: 1H", 1 the.‘.121 monv . '1 ' 1 ‘ .11. p hat '1 11110 ‘1 11111 1111:gine 1h1t 1'. "0:111 ,. be.ter0e 111.161: 11. 113.111.1110. "51.11013 \'11.\‘E:11\1- 1h": , Water a Pint ; 01‘ 1:11 ~2111111011 ..C 3j.l.etti1em itand in a Copper 1'e1~ 161, or with B115 of Copeer, till the Water has gaine ‘ € 11113111111‘1‘e‘d"""‘ he1m, an equ. ':11't 01.801111 .. M1 , 11 the RC111110 a l‘vrials 001311.011 of . Zion Sulphur, 3‘11us 01 A11: 0.1.011". is 11' He 5.11 It 01es all its (1111110 (1.10111 [read1y unites '1'1. 11 Sulpht S59311011011 betwen that and t1.: K')U.iLn.11y d3 spy-'1' C [113 .'31.t111.01‘y 01 0.11:" .\.1C111‘e 11nd C'f‘no" to P'Cvf' 111 (331.1:1 1:1:1JLHU111 (.yex'nt'10115 01' 11 "WW '11'11‘1‘3‘ 11'1111tever depr'ws‘ 14.1111 1 5.1: 11:13. cave. iis 190111.11110 01' 110 '1:11 is not 1111':Caie 11111101111211 /‘\ |