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Show 1:151. 01" 1'11? NIATERIA IVIEDICA. Of [[16 NIATERIA RIEDMQ'X. v (11111:; ton 1':;1111tiiih6r 0111(11g Fruit, which is (111110115, unimanfular ‘full (111-4110111111 111.161 111117115 566113. 11‘1171I1{yi'6‘1\"0/L" h1‘11'6 a 1161:$111116 \uality , 1111(‘111161'610161'1,1.'1‘. ~ 12;; 15 11111616 oftliem w;'th the Liquor :1-1;1t is 1CiC alter t116 I)il'11‘.1'.1.i(111 of l. 01 6- 1.1166".- . 1''1‘ m.» 111I.:5',t1'16"6, 1111113 1316'." ".11111) 176 IinIIulL'd, 110: (1660‘ 6d 1.. :1 Pint 015116-6131 .116}' or 11165 1 ; Cnd €1161111‘1'11711111ing fur 1011: 6 'liiizc to 1.1111fI1I rlxe Blood. 1151121172 Ia}s, the W161011'111111;1nce 01 t116'16'1 101161515151111).- 1111116) Leaves in P061615;- is 3j. in :1 (£11115 of \"Jliirc-u‘iizc. 1 2:". 1111.1 InmatmninI 31:1 111'1t 1116‘. are prope1' 101' 1116 1111116115, the 116111, :."16\"} 111:6.51‘11 women. WP n . 1\I051 '7 . Ime 1811: 1-2 Tami-rum. ' " h'""6""- dc: 116.111161‘ :1'16 11161-111611. 1116f: 135.0965 316 111.1"agent and their'15' need 01‘1111‘icli011.Inevaic comm d 2171101) 1‘oi'iz1tii2g, 1. :t‘. 10 for Looiunel1L) . and I‘I?JI]‘1011111"'1'T "116','..16I)'rI.o(111). :1 Confum'otn 1. 31h6611 Ul(6rs cf the L unm, andbe'111 ' SILIV NT A .117/2'1'11'21-Ig M1.- ' 'l'hclL' iiliCV.‘li'C in 1'1 more - 16111111116d 561116 111 C Am.111.1'I:‘.11'11'iz1-1V':‘1.1, or l';-:»:;5.4"1'r.‘ cf 6/.1Iz1,1166111116 thuyDi‘ll‘eg 1111111111 1111160115 31:11161' from the ["17 ., 1.:'..',1'1.: \1/1'1'1‘11D117..- 111-) 11"11161p1'11 01' th( 6 111‘; '1'ob21660,1‘611it 1y OI '11'16Ro..r5 oi 1,1111'6‘ lCd i'.L‘(lUGl'\, .111t11\lI.":1 11. 11111611 being 61161661 1.111161161931116 (0116112 111 C'll‘l/I 11 1'11 L")'J}C1(CI1['{7II"0;I1 jj‘ (1111111111.1...‘.‘. 1116 Air, 111i." \.it11t116 S})it1I-. 1.1:11 106136in the h -ir.g 1 Ul).‘1L‘CO 15' 16‘)' (-601 111 111516 ‘1 113665. The Drrcfmcm" .1: in Brandy 01 1' 6."':11:111I\ 1. .:1‘65',I\'la1j0r:1m, or An- (6116.1 a1'e(111I:I,I1'1I111 lII)iloI11161'5' 1'1 11161111 -'16. 1‘.I "ah, 'I‘661h,I1111(1 (3111115, .' IIL'II‘Z 11'.‘r 111161 1"1611011‘. the 1711115, becau'e th.) ipittirioI o‘r Blood ang'mm afiLr 5' 116 has cured (116.1"61:1t6 Lonhimp110115 ()1 the L311 5 11". 11 (.16. 2/22 .II' and CGiIz/EI'w of 1341;).- continued a 1011? T11116._A.11<I A" .~ aliens, he kncw :1 COIJCLIIXTIICIZ'C .‘11‘011166111'1‘ 0111166 01' 111') L19.121/1'11' .,, 1111/1: 15 not Mr 1mm (16 LLII/a, and mav b6) ‘1"1'1'0 cured himi 1101 1.11:1 iit1‘6 611/ ///'I/1'1;;.'1171‘ or 5pir1t ('.1' 11161.1;116. As for, W1..C11‘1.1‘C 11111111312))‘l-‘(Ligieli 5, 1111111611, Io culled they 116661 not 116 ' 611.111g Sugar of Rofes 31111011 6011 '1111'111‘1'. RU"F 1 A, Caz-1:212 R-Ii', 11:15 111'0111660u5' 1'1 0" (1' (0113111ng 0111 ('1' 116.1011' 01111:uctec1‘..1-ith (1' Para/1- circularly p1accd,‘ from its L'z‘tlyx1ril65‘ :1 1'11111 1631111 161115 into ,1116 Lm: 1 are 111(1d111g'. :11161'1111:t111g, iiimulutihg. d6t61‘g6nt, and cilcut'cnt. lhcy {116 good in c-'11.". 61116131111111 tic Coni‘titutions attemmte \‘iiLid Humours, open (/1111166110n3 01 the Glands and are good 111 Chron. (3 131:)..163, th6 lp'161)1'.",1lI.'1‘1'61ic and 1166va 1)i‘1iord6r5', as 11110 in fiatulen: "1nd 1x11110131 Lo. 50m: 1111', if‘Lhildrcn afi'litled \i‘ith the King's 61".1 61.166111166611061.L111‘1'1'135 61‘61y Morning, they wii1have ‘11 good E566. I'l6 111111111; 111111-16) (11'. ' Ten ; ()r 31'. of the dried Herb i5 :1 /)I_11-. '1 No bpoonlh(1‘5 1}: 1112111166 of R116). in 1'1'16'I'11'116 0f1n 6(110115 l)ll1f:mI'?Cl". t211;(;1111 11 (1:91. 01'116‘1‘16) rous \‘Vine is 111;;u'l1t 10,1)6 a good i1'6-11:11:11.1'6. 1111::16 (1116611116 (.611- , 16.'16 01'1\.1(.' w th '1 nIz'gS..‘. ' " '1 '- 01‘ 1116 1111661.;11'14 01 the Honey ()1 5(1 u:"11‘.3.1.1111 (116 Lpilupi‘I-I.. "111my;116 1i.'L‘-..'iic good in 1). Re‘.:.1>1".1t1'(»;1 011116 [)VLil1'1, I10111 ()1 \ (2166, and 1':.11y I61 t.16 Ionguc 111111 the 9161131- tioned 111'6 a r01111di1h t1i11r1gu :11'1‘1111t,compOI6d offuur C1,), 1'11' liked to an Axis, which 11611111 01' 1'6'11i10 1111 566d... ' This has :1 2111111616611165 11121611661 1"‘01‘6' whofc :5 Joni-(6)1116 » .1 (111661 and . i1‘.‘.(‘:; {:11 cared; the lower . '1P11‘titei1r‘111 11161.; d. -\ 111111 1 , . 1'1'011111'165Ca1' -Whic h is {Wed '11 the luck l":11't ()5 111-.) 15101161 11:6 :1 13-.1‘111. it:' Utendal with 1661' E11:b'j.'1'165:, 1'6111'111111n to :15 1131:1611 1011116111116-.('15 coxerea‘ w 1th 8. (IV/Ila \1hiLh (111: L211} : 61' 1116) '1'1.\'.‘61'. 1116 11l1'i/‘1‘Ji.ll 11161111116 " i he I63‘ (5 ()ft‘ ' 3'6 1'::CIoz‘1'1r1‘1611".6(1 in :1In A‘wxza of {I18 1"-,:111 1'1 ((11-11 6 :11'1'11511 Di: 15 oft ' I'l:fld1.~r (111', the Wrigo, 311 11111.3, 1161111111110 "'1', ' 1:655,thh-L) Stomxch, Dmncls ' ' and Debilitics oiithe nervous . 1116'1 65': ITL'1‘6'I1 :15 :1 631016 it is b‘)‘j‘uI IO 1'IIi;611 100'6 I"6L-:‘.1 I 11/1111 .1 ' I. ' " 111 o1'ti(.' 'I)11‘(hir1n ()1 (11-: 111611165, Sterility, ‘1 1 ' 110114116 6.. 16.11. 11115 a 111L11E111d0115 1151‘.11. 11615111116 \ 11. . SABINA. 57011-3.) 615 at the . tI'cmitiLs o1tr16 1 . "I'. .Iz'prr. uhiLh‘HIV)? angular rm‘gh l\;‘")'~". :71'6'1111:1(11(:i.'11111hn1::16_11203116, 311.,1118-1L511'1121‘3 1161-1 p166urihg Aborruun; but 101116 wil Reme(1'/.E'0v.'6).'61' it is {115611 161 It is (6111.1 1y 0. warm l‘ri111u111tinqj 8w c . ' I, 1111(11w Mergiiw".111111111ou1d notthe given to 116111: 1.: 11116 11161'6'1-5 Sl'célt H.211 and 1.011111: .1011 in the 1.106(1. (‘11:. '11:". 611116111166 1111.1 :11i11,I'.V'6‘6t UCCi \'.'i"11 1: ‘ Medicine ag'tiii 11 Wo1'1I1‘1-1, .1ccoi(‘;ing to /.'r 1111i." (1 \'.1'it'r1HI)116 IV and laid t1t116 1\' 1161 10'1'1. 1C 1113130 ‘ 1/«113'\L."‘:1 (‘2'.(3 111111.111‘.., 11: at (116 I1 eaves 611116-61 wi: h Qalt 2111'11‘ "'13)" C'" . 1 I-‘E‘P‘li'yd 15 good fora flirt loint and 16 ald He6.615. V" 11:613II'I‘II 2 9616161 , 11-1111 ‘1' " .t ' =..:6, o." ' 6.5 (1'1" 111:) ‘. 1 L 0‘)‘ 9.1111 31 (11(11'111'11‘1m1. 1111(11611'1‘1~1,1i.g: 6111111: \‘.'():11C'1‘1 \_I‘1'1I1‘,:: 1:161 p616" t0 1'10""‘"" '.."1"1d" r1116, 136111.; V61I1' p6116t11 '11.. ""1 3‘3. ?‘ ..‘.945: all: any. 1 n ‘" ‘l‘f'r. 2111.1 (.1I' 111111‘1tli‘6, may 5101165 iiom (1)6 11. .1 :UI": Put 111 to 1'1 Pancake 11110 6 "Y are (1111111016116; 21. 15 21iiU 11:6 15/1 a111I1nI1s,1,. ;1 :17th 11: :1I')":1 1‘11'1‘ ‘15-. C "‘"V'11 [11C '1 1111611ti5 9-: a. i1'1 .11c11'116 01" it niixt in I.i(€1‘ 111061161 arglc at 1116 111.116 " " "he'll10\‘16r5 may 1'16 110 11: 133110 gonr‘i in 1111 151-1111: 1611 M111 lpiiiflncd (‘11 11".; 1 Z).Z(li't'11¢.,{13 :1 "00(1"L..‘.6'I'Lly111151121»). 176 111611 ' I" |I\.\-lll1|\-I\l‘\1\| |