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Show 0/ 1/23 MATERIA MEDICA. Of we MATERIA MEDICA; 244 Fibres and languid V'eflbls, as Caz‘a'uus Bentdiflur, Scardz'um, Ermitory, Sarz/Zzparz'l/a, the [til/OE" Cant/1m], and Genlitm. X'oppyleeds, ‘flibiateti or depurated Nitre, Oil 045 of l'weet Al (I dulcified Spirit of Nitre, Whey, and emollient Baths and homim S, tions are proper. When there is a {alt Serum and plcn' of Pic-12:3- L;,vz,fl~/e Pefifiration is of all Evacuations the molt falutary ; for when it is {upprefl‘ed various Dileales fupervene. On the other Hand the the Parent of arthritic and rheumatic Pains, Promotion of it correfts, relolves, digel'ts, and difculfes the morhii'ic Parcira bravélt Sailnfras, Liquorice, l‘vladtler, Fennel gand Dleapriylla, In till mute Dying?)- and made therew1th; but principally mineral Waters ,Whether Cioluons Matter, whereby the Difeale is {afely Cored Fuviirs, at well as in lnllammntions ofevery Kind, Diapbare/ia alone in {mall Boles, given for {ome Time in proper Vehicles, :mlwer all the Ex. Intentions oleure, and are the belt Purifiers, of the Mats of Blood refill Him in the Summer Time in hot lmlious Conl‘titutions, as alto in then or the more temperate ‘f/lrrfizlz'. , ‘ivelySa‘f iii-bar, ‘ [Ida/(f, "/2371 there .arc ‘Z'Z/[;"d, ff""tl[if*Z/5, ar/dgr/[t [Ira/sow": 1'72 2‘11: Bluff" ' h the firll ,Rudiments ofa Stone, which‘arc to lie evacuated 4 tlfr' WM more rtcrid rind powerful Dz‘mefz'r; come in me Inr‘h as Gaillic'fn ‘the bilious fevers, dries up the Humidity, and hinders Pervpii‘ation; and nth the Sprint txfjuniper, Powder oft/rillepetles. 'l'inc'ture of & my" then acidulated and nitrous Medicines, and principally Cl'flj‘J-tJ'EJ with "fella: dldhey are alto good in a virulent (3011- 7131533,, when theal‘lltelil: J'Vi'itrzfgiven in a julep with algxz‘tm'al [VI/item, and syrup of Orange or Lemon juice will tempeiuite the Heat and promote a, Ifiapborgflt. When the Skin is dry, and its Pores lloppezl, attended with Pain, it will lie 3432:"; 3. necefl‘ary to mid .r/W/{yngr and Ail/:- mazz'z'r: to the Dz'zzp/Bcrcrici. in acute Diletii‘es and hovers, \\ hen there 1.5 little or no Acid in the Prr'z'xa‘ Vim, lixed and earthly Diaphoretics are heft in {mall Doles and mixed with Syrup of Lemons, or Vinegar. DIUR liTlCS are thoie Medicines which promote the Secretion at a Salt Serum, full of gold terrellrial Recrements by the urinttry Pzillhg 3. raring Lit/1's Urine antl lVFillLulty in mnki g Water may proceed from I. A Lelee‘t of i'vloillnre in the lilootl. Caries l‘ucli as, flruf‘tion of the ni'nnry Tuber? by g: ;inlpifi1ted JLlCCS. ‘e renal Canals. Spafm and SH tor; o.' 2. An Oh- 3. A Violent '1' "i and tenacious Humonrs, and open the 0L- ' Properties l'tructiom of the iii" eye. in till.) Care likewile Whey is \'C"}' .510":dll‘uwd; "1 13"»: fit‘éad f.‘ i "Maurie :igul‘t be had to :Xetl éalts properly diuretic Salt, the neutral Salt), 1 tolutiCn cf ' {riponzicco Alba, and Lime-water. ln Spafziis oftli: ft: ‘ per, as alto 13m; ions of the greater C0"? ind Ul offiteet Almonds Netti/[f .. ' i. i- " , ivy, ‘ 23'}, ' 7' ‘ : l T4175 ,» . pentinc. l -. \Voount‘e, l ' 1" .i, Amber, Bulletin of Capirl, "7' l 115, and Fennel. The following file "ml" Pareira [rrarwu Ground. " if firm 13/25 9trurgtl‘ cf 1/35 ram/‘1': is required 5 fuch as Leeks, 0111‘" at". :3 muf»: not be given ag ‘" 1‘ '1" trout diniinifliing the Calamity," . (in the cont aiy, their '1 Ff"? ‘, 1 V Hot and llaniu‘ l 3 when th ' l . )I over delicate toni‘titutimrs; l0? Run." 211': tut llfnyulate gently to 'he Excretion of Urine. 'l'heie are Silt og‘fllns, ttrr.‘ halt of W Oriiiwoocl, fixed Nitre, llibizited Nitrc, \'ltrl01;tl'd \i'tfl'r- \L'itrplzit'ed :I‘artar, folnble Tartar, diuretic Salt. and, 8:11 Poly: llrtl‘llll-lgDitty,gategilzp-etnny)Illnjsenwtlrms againlt a dim/1p at 72121202", the: expand-frog, the" 2: 4 z/mUzaf-r, art the. Gerri, they are‘ certainly to be are 0mm diurnrjc 1321:6724 //2 of Drawer/(5 ; and in thele Cafes the beit flange, the 8555;}; W eto. ions, medicated Alcoa, and Haifa/e; for In. men. E. ELEUTHERI/E CORT‘V the Bam': of 77 '4'. _. r a '1 'l'm'. . r H . Thel-e'i ., " . of ‘ "(Mid up m Fubcs or Plpi‘s abouttlie Tliittttieis otonn‘s "finer b is' '; ‘ ' ferruqr' ecu: '4 h.out, and Within ah03W Alli colour yvat blltt'rand'f'V l hev i Tulle Wto {0 l'lfSY, and two tar-.101}, when burnt, has in aromatic l"J"l"'I"l‘)CC I'm-w it "pr/v, 'Wl h "E 1"" dllklffrecahie. 'l 11.5 was called the a M lt 3is l good1' ‘5 ~ a and .tcdatve r. , ioth,\tOlllt, asrcloivew w t: of fly (Indy/hr in Dilkifes I l i r ‘ , 1 . V V ‘ . , l, tne teripncum-mv. mil 1 mli)' iii the D.t‘1eht;re;11 7, . ,' t .. .. ‘ r 151' ‘ y, and princi- ,.t If! tear of acute levers, we the L;y.tt.tery, ZiCCol‘dlng to MM 5‘0 9 13_ 1 ..h, it «,A. 7-,. Lt} R?" Jim/tr) . tn. , l:l<:e the I}lei. _ f, lm'iwn ltm A'rues ‘mea}.glVL‘ .‘ m 1rifticfimal ' ' ' \~"-v ._"‘1:!Il'u7 . hypo- in Farm, ; in nu Mots L‘XCcplC. tiic; (Qumey and th : Wondrigc "Wrrhoid'il ‘1'] yitt..ic Sphinx, in Difortlers of the mei‘illrual and ilzel‘OOdirq‘Qf C191??? m internal Harmon. lC‘CS, vomiting 0F lilood, -~ . ~ ‘:' . r Y? .‘1;.»: . n1 of Blood.‘ Likewile lpiting and toil Vtflomen2 m Heritmnzf luolenei‘c- €331, \vaRrJlth ofztie Stomach alter Dileal‘eQ, \'o;tii.i" l'rcc": yet) b {It And though {ometiiiies it may (com to (W: no i ‘ " . z ‘ I s :1 ' ~ . 3*n1uClil'ngrymgl iodyfle anu tonic \']I‘ll1€‘,1ff€l:0\'65 tl l'ntuxm. ,. 0r 3} ilnirth ates. ll:erDc/Z' in Sulrllnnce i. t ; ii 5 i . l'i.' hilulion from 315. to 2). Ofthe Extraft li'ozn or iii lull" b '- .. ' and Li'eimxp - " he gave Morning ),_,.,/,. .which ~ ofs rw , [1 pm -State #1.} 1:"! Alt-mm, » L .6 ‘3 V. J, is thus math: rebut], , ; as alto in 1331mm ariling ft‘){lllll‘ll\‘l '1 .- ' omen, 1 Gonorrnoca, and :1 j)i{pohtirnyttt 1. the v, nits; in -,,, But the molt proper, que, and 216%! Dim-mks in general are "ll 4' .and {moral Arr/t: ; {or the)! not only: dillolve tennciom Vileid Hui fl" 4. from their too great V a"- it folows that the Remedies until he Laxityand Refolttitrn. , ty of warm or cold Water may he '1 variotu. in the f Wakirt Herbs, or Tea, or Collee. Sly diuretic drank, or litfiifions or alkaline not only in oly the Blood with a Fluid to dilute, but by their "cetl, ilt-fpir- er, Plv/JZMZ', ..nd Law/1m are Pulled \vltil thick, clgtmmy ' 21¢ It'd ' ' tr. "n hen the Urine is flagged [2),];qu I; : it of the Gravel, then Liiiullions 011): th,‘ t7 ' , L's/far. C«,2,7.:[/,_fl/m z'jmf/ft‘. A'rz‘i'm. D5 ‘fzzi‘tzé. «equal firth", gills. Ext/[.15. Cased; . [4.1'. Palm. Def: (2 Bis. ad aj. R '; lif/llfl'i'lCS, I 1 |