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Show a.‘A...- 4h zero sz‘he MATERIA Meme/t; Off/13 MATERIA MEDI CAS 1t i'trengtheus the Stomach, helps Dicefiion, and kins Vy'orms. T 09% of the Tops in it mixer is n. Pug Ill‘DCCOLfilOn ; of tr e you'd Leaves from a Bj to 3j. The Extract is likcuife gimn to :1 Amy‘s and Obftruclions. Tiltizll‘x‘lfli‘ulliLUM, Ca V immations, and corrode the Part. . j Water or Wine is fafelt. which cont-tits of tea Cl‘ftl yellow 115/2 g1 '31,]? Suéflzfizce find firengthening. 'l'heyhuvc a great ca-rminzitive Virtue, Da/r' of the l‘lozstrs in Powdcris ft alone {or A . 3{ to 3}. l'illil of the fame Colour ofth e Flower, viii: ‘v‘v'hz‘n ,t i. {onietiines pur'plifli. This Clutn ces into four 5, Head of a Viper. The Eco at; gas, confo j; It‘mpe ' they are eiiiOizient, difcutlent, IIllClgfltClLLlflS, and rcloli'tz " ‘i ' This is :i rates, correi‘ring {alt acrid 521 um. f "' ' w ‘ l‘j‘t'CCTLLlC, r ' {cuncwhut 4"ueeti‘h l ul. Thur which is cell‘t J a Colour, or 1' It exceeds all other firength ng, refills 'utrefitc‘tion, and is at g excel in Ute h an At :2 ofthe liihres, \XI tint ()qu defettii'c li'lotions; whence it is good in .L7,9‘ in Powder is 53' "n * _. w a s. to g}. ome recommend it :2. null Ute" to ‘3}. In Dec ctzou mom s of tire Lungs and RUPLJI‘L‘S. ICONIT‘RAYER ‘ VA, 21‘: R005. 11K: and edged round the Circ umference with blucl-{iih Scales. 'l he "31016 Purimrlzim is hollow and quad rangular, immerfcd in the Re- :Echc, {Ind united .ti to it. It has no tiara/[a but {our aim threa d-like "vir'fl‘lm With roundlh 14231595. There 15 a roundilh Off/71H! with a fun- :ghftfltfilud an obtul‘eotgmq. The common Receptacle turns car- " {'_l"."hlc.h are roundifli lhzu‘p-pointed St eds, whzcn are very tender "1 "We, Without a Pericmpium. [k of an (2 urge, whole dried l'ulp is fling; us, :. , as it ‘«" " Bend, and nzluicous, burning : It is importctl ll-"h \‘xi't‘ilOUE the l3:3/«.', and mu". l7: treed from the «,{1' lent Purge, and powerfully be gin-:1 to ' ' ' as u molt VI merit and dele' near i:. Others V‘CilCTCIi' v l,!l‘c‘>, . lrecaule it will {ruler 170:;11. ' int a colcT gains/F 1" 1m 0pr pi‘ifi] lEL- , Lama HEW/Erna i 13:: liant ha: :1 fig/'IMK'L‘EU H l'Om of w. L Eur/p e, end ere {mi-(iii onnthe t op 01 the (launches, in [mm a CH- th‘H Ifu": Ia." _ 1 hey conntt ofhue Ull‘ffllllill "oz-.Qfifzw 1 55am, '. ‘Ulliplst . k 1 turn: into two etc-eds, which, ion/ed U);J\cl.l‘.€l‘, make "M gutu‘Ct-Ziliifif'fifi green, and ulterwarcs of :1 priie Fellow p' i)fi'f/-t7i1/.7 an fart/1, and the {1.13 ha1}iiféu;y' 1,11 :m Arcma of the stomach 1).». 13215 E;(,t:1.Ai0n‘jlflld In the flatulent and thuitous Ct 1c LORIA £11323 SDIfiLnb/rfig) 31‘. in oyubllancenlaiud 31). in Detour/on. ' -' 1.: Fruit {thonit That which is brought to us is my light and nliite, ext The 16-» is {udoiis‘ic and file‘KlPllflf- C‘ firth{ifllens the Stomach, helps Digeition, dii‘cufi's {,‘llllln‘mi tilt in:clline Motion ofthe Blood It is proper l-fii:d,:1nd in nut? nant Giff: Ii‘finsltc With a Loofenefs. j' m (by: it is moit‘ul‘elul. in a. produce various Dilemls. 'l'lie Dye" in St from zfs, to 3i. This '. 1"C01"Cli.ig [O Donut CVSI‘V [flu/Hint]. 01' this Herb turns into a common Lava/2401112 1, a little Sue 'ing, linear-:1 "‘ndgreeu underneath, but almoft {lat Eli).VC, cOt'ered with a common hftcptaclejomed to it, with a l‘ilultitu dc of {mall F/ofssxx'j tasted on [lit flinking lji'ezifh. Rafe?" Emil-adults, Dialliccus. ti L‘nlic, Greeiriic eels, and Sluggiflinels with judgment it is .llent in Difoulers of "w'i‘mrm. in hard labour. But it mull lie :‘ezncznhcrc‘ ' tinuingthem too long mil" Lonizno‘tions Mouths ol‘tlic Glands of the Ftomzich, therein, which will conleriuently hurt all lili'lfll'S, Cm'cgzrz'm‘in'a. .lt ha.\ a thither i‘iiiu glilfllh-mallows, and muf‘t be ufed with the tame Cautions as, 1' e'ntss L . The g zftrmg ' NFL, Loot . up iii-i ' bright yellm nil red Q Tour, oft: ' igcnt :icrit‘l and llemiplcx) ; as wall as in various it is Flower in the Shape of a Funnel, w O res, a [Lo/Z mull be taken every fwur Hours. Blood. (.Lii\l"{AMOi‘,lUlv/l, ("77' But its Decoélidn 1'; 1:3 hxtrael is lilteii'ile much in Ufc. from gr. .to Bi. cureflrlly {trained In Dexfiz‘m, irom 31‘s,. to 3}. "In Decoc‘ucn) l'fl‘l‘ (,l'V‘//,'«,1'.r to 3i, in apoplet‘lic (Jule s txoni 3125. to 31}. ' When r: em «3; S.a[€;f‘rz;'~4"fa/15 or Com ulfion s Plenty on1l mull be given by the hiort h, and ‘11} Llyllcrs ' is ft‘luom given in awn {kt/Cu, in r':."' ~ 4‘ "fin/£0215, or wli I the I; are not; nor yet to Childrexi, old Patrons, and pregnant \J‘i'o Pulp applied to the Navel with Oxes Cull not Chly DL.I‘"G$ Worms. ‘ D CONSOLIDA MAJOR, Cowf '1 he ,"1 :t'em vie lenient emolllht, reicl‘i'ent, unodynu, autilpxlli: s; very powerful in difcufiirag Wind from thence. They are likeix‘ile n thew/r1 . y-at/i. As zillk) for an lull: =‘ laurniund the {paltic Pains attci. ' ‘ 3} Ol‘thc ['41: iv" (/ I‘ll/3:117: . Salt oJr"lr"'};r'z/,- ,x/every fixtii Hour to 241 bell is to reduce it to a very fine l'owder, _ and to mix it with {Ohio other Subliancc that Wlll keep its Particles divid ed,- for m‘olTer Particles "d hering to the Coats ofrhe lntellines will cause too vbiolent an irritationproduce lxifla AF"? city, ) They 1413;; 5:3; .ch ,ngm' and Stomachie; lthey incme grofs acrd lhlegm .c lvk‘hx‘ficial vigtgfrurepflrttuent J/ilortttrs thence ‘arifing. It is like- L‘Jllrucliong f ' uturns from vzipid l1 urnours, ‘Lzrchexres, ant. hight I "i ILRULL' SO thfblands. i he Lia/e 1n. Powder is from a}. to 3}. 071. This has a bulbous Rootliom which .J_ A.y‘::'§l'{t7r . a Stall; t ." " """ni'i‘l a finglt'; naked, liliztceous, monopetuloue :» initcz, tilLuiutt"'l |