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Show 208' Of PHYTOLOGY, Cr BOTANY. Of PHYTOLOGY, 0r BOTANY. 209 which is the RUDXMENT of the Fruit, :1an is Called theferxa/e 023m: of Germ-mic". 2. The STYLE, which is a L'ou‘y accompunying the 07""? or German, either arifi ' from the Top of it, or handing as nu Arm 1;} the Middle, with the :ézyorr of the Seeds round It 3. Jhe'bm. Mi'rs, ANTHERJL, or fif'lCES, which are thole Bodics1thst contnrri the Farina flemnflam, or prolific Powder, analogous to me sperm in Am, mals. Thelc generally hang upon {lender 'l‘hteuds called t-rmzmmyor Clii‘z'fi. The l'rxrALs are tlrole Leaves Witt: beautiful Colour-swmh cive the Denomination of a Mower. Mr. Ray reckons, that eva per. fett lilowei'has the [Jr/m; Siam-gm, flfz‘m: and Sly/tr; or Pz'flil, andlufli NECTAKIUM is a Kind of Carol/a, but more frequently a Part ofit, which is defigned for the Reception of Honey. It is ofvariou s fi- gures,- {ometimes it confills ot a Forum or Pit; fometimes ofa Sg.2'¢2~ ml; or Scale : as allb of aflzzall ‘/ 115:, or a Tuéerzle. A I‘ll/)ll/flll'd Caro/lulu conhlls ofa fdmpr'Yi/h'rvdt511 [,z‘mézu, cleft into four or five Parts, with open Lat'fflirz‘ turned back. A [/gu/az‘ed (bra/[uh confilts ofa plain linear Limlu; turned outwards with three or {our truncated Teeth. Ill. The ST A M E N is the male Organ of Generation, and confilts oftwo Parts, the Fi/mizem‘, and the , 125572 or 412m. l he Cncvx are thoiu The FILAMENT {ullains the And-era, and is fometimes {aid to be/z}. tender Leaves which cover the other Pal-:3 of the Flower. .. F/aqcm, from the Number of their Pym/5 are called Illnmfetn/om, a, 5,2141%me its Likenefs to a. 517557341303 rice] , Tire Aurrrsrm or APEX is the e lentirtl Pitt of the Slams", or the Alla/2 genital Organ. lt Confills Of an uni-[scalar 01‘ fl. mulli-[m‘u/ar {mall :15 want any of thele Parts he accounts {repaymfi v' ‘ *5 5 [yr/5. Iiiizafcla/rzzs, tic. . Gmm-atfs/z, is more particular about the Parts of blowers, which 3.": Big, and generally adheres to the Top 01" the flz't/irru‘. IV. The PEST] L comprehenu's the 7/3/1151: Part: as follow : namely, the Grrmen, the Vail/m, and the Alibi/"Ila, P9t0{itJ:‘:r:P‘/fia dii.ir~' 1‘ ":3 Plants by their rim/e fiild fizm/r Orgnm‘ cl The univerlul Parts of FRUCT IF l CATION Ame two, the FLowrn and FRUIT ; the particular are (even, with their Kinds. I. The C A LYX, which {ulieiins or involves the other Parts oltlt: Flower, of which there are fix levcral Sorts ; I'm-imtlvizzzzz, [luvs/Jaws, Sim/Zia, Gltmm, 17221271111171, and Cab'j/na. - . V , PEIUAN'I‘IZI'Sl/l is the more common Kind of Cnfyx, and c5 itA" cu ccrir of fevcral {mull Leaves; but it itis momp. / Z; , or mm out: it only, it is divided in various Manners. t does not always iaruh‘: the whole Fltu‘cr. , L. InvoLccnUm contains many Flowers colleCtecl togetlicr,_ 9:15" C‘ which has its particular Fri-in [um/'1. lt COiifills of leveral little L‘tau: Placed in the Manner or" Rays, and are fometimes tingsd r tn carol" A Sin-trim involves one or more Flowers colleé‘teu t genie)", ‘l "I are often deftitute ofa proper Prriam‘lrirmz: lt coniills of a lyremnr l which joins to the Stalk of feverul Figures and various Confiltcnce. n is in tome Diflyfla, or two leavcd. _ P . . M GLUMA, BALE is a Kind of Calyx peculiar to the Grels kind; I": fills of two or three membrauaceous Va/t'H/(P, generally training/rel:t "' cf Ccmratia The GERMEN, called otherwil‘e the Gear}, contains and cherilhes the . "mot the Seeds : In Plants it {err/es in the Room clan LIfL‘I‘IlJ. The STZLE is placed upon the Ger/21(3):, and {Lil‘tains the :f/z'gma. It lures inllead of a Title. Sometimes it i: wanting. SricuA is the y'Z'Iiza/e genital Organ, and is of various Shapes : lt generaly terminates the Stile 5 but ifthe Stile is wanting it is placed upon the Germ/z V. The PERICARHUM belongs to the FRUIT, and is placed FPGchc Germm. it grows thick, and contains the Seeds. Sometim es M13 wanting. The Sperm of this are nine, tjaAfi/rlz, (.bzzrmtflmi'uw, Szl [ii-ff, Ltgumezz, Nzix, Drupa, Purim/71, Bdrm. and «‘troli‘Jt/m. lhc CAPSULA conlills offiverul dry elul'tic Valres. ge' e nlly OPP" at l0 jr't'x. it is laid to be Uzz'r/acular, or IiJZLZIi-Zat‘uztzr, accordin g as the Seeds are dillributcd into one or more Cells. The 'Couctprat‘uiimr is dill-ing ,ifhed from the um'loaz/ar Cap/1414, in hmhgits Valves more {oft nd leis rigid. .Tnc 8erqu confiils or" two Valve: opening from the Eng/55 [0 the "PM, and feparated by a mezzzémmrmm Iszfi/xfmu , from which, by means of an uméz‘lz'm/ xmz'czi-r'm the Seeds (it:; end. . wards the Edge. Vhen it is feparnted from Corn it is called C5417} m AM 12m U i is an Aggregation of Flowers of the (nine SEX hie; lOMitudi'GUlMiiN is an cbl Ing) llattilh, hittire: P./‘i('dl'}7i2¢772, havrngla :1 Kind ofzm Axis. to he film Ibuture above and below. lt there are any Fr lcrve inllead Ola Ca/yx. ,, {it the lame 13mg} ‘lv . It is zillo culled f: my, in Ely/W), a ("y/""1." CALYP'rn a, or (1.011" is :1 thin memhrunttceous {firm/mm? or ;. wring, which is generally conical, and is put on the Parts or 21"" cutix n. This is very common to the .r'zuvlwrm or Affair ofM‘dt‘y ' 1, ll. COROLLA lurrounds the Parts of Generation immeblfi‘ca' 1h: seeds are JOlnCd alternate y perior Lzmézu of each v alve. one?" °‘" 3 Nut, is a Perimrpzum approaching to the Hardnefs Of a I . . Mifigtfionfifis cfa foft. ilefhy, lucculent Pull). in the Mlddlc 01" D ‘ .e Aim/em. in lOme 1‘ rur: it is Called the Sims Her/cilgidmdhilf ifolid carnous' Help, in the Middle of. which the Seeds Olitlxis there are two Kinds, the Peta/Yum and the frit'ffm'wwl' rt. Ll.1 in, or I'M/IA is that r Com/la which is generally tirdt." J tice offar the Beauty otiits Colours. When the (ore/.01 lefili: (Edi-i Petal, it is diridcd into the Til/T and the. Limflnr. \‘v'llt‘ll N h "7‘" ii p; of {everal Peta/r, it is nillingrrillmd into the Univ/1‘5 01' "Kl? 3" " Mon-1 ital-1h naxeu beeus mime Middle of a. fucculent Pu.p. _ Tc (08%;: 15 fllitdC] of Ale-vent 7ng¢ laid upon each other which B)‘C.‘.‘t‘fl. mm m: Sm ., ll, is. wear: what this 15 generally known. K 5;- We??? ""3‘h."‘f=m?rw,ccors sorsrmgS,I‘ éE-figéowwnrdsctue - 17pr ‘1 . 1 ‘ It has two 0: Body of the Seed is ex venous Figures and Shapes. f The |