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Show 190 Of SURGERY in general. Of SURGERY in general. . ' which fome Infirument is added to PROTHESIIS) lgciinoggei'itrlftvhliZh is wanting, eithe r naturally or acci~ be done either tofaci/imtg the Fum‘i‘zam, as'when dentalllyl. Teeltl: or )i)a1at85 are adde d to facilitate the PronunCiation. femfi ud '.‘flng Funflion, as a wooden Leg. when Perfons cannot walk 1". riflarf dmita nce- 7‘0 [gfln a szormzty, for Infia nce, by the Help without ifb - 7, a fictitious NOTE fupply theTle. fna , {9}, OfEG fllgéi-eggddice 63": as y ‘ ' ' {[0 (army? a dad Caifii'mai‘zoiz, But this is now the Bufiiiels of [zgffrmzimt Illa/(er: . uding the Air. It is ufed likewife to keep Wounds and Ulcers open, left they fhould u nite before the Bot- toms are cleanfed ; and they at the fame Time imbibe the am}! Humour.and Pm, which proceed therefrom. Lafiiy thry keep down and corn- prefs the fungous or proud Flelh, which retar ds their Cicatrifation, beiiig covertd with proper Ointments, Digeltives Dossus are ufeful for the fame Puipol'es, , and Ballams. the Shape. APPARATUS for Daessmcs is the feveral Things necefiary there Theh s Comprqfl}: or Bel/fem, Cami/(5', Splints, Lzm‘, and bandagri. to,CfuCP:rssr.s are made of Linnen, l'everal Tunes doubled, to 1315110}: 0i: t. They are either applied dry or alpt in forne liquor. in. fome 'ard Si7e are according to the Occafions for Whl‘Ch they are 21?: blind): "The hinnen ought to be white, worn Without beam, Hem, 0:1 Pl}; - Their U/& is to fill up void Spaces, to make the Bandafiepan/~ prefs effectually'upon the Parts , to retlzftin ti:i {ISA andthemfelves eafy, t" fitthe £113 [P inand Parts in their due Situaiimé; as ; o tpo lent]; i i x f the Air. When t e ampre: is .l‘f' the Part from bl‘ the Refii‘tance, Injuries 0as in ' many F ra fibres .and Luxatioi'is, _ ‘ . itis‘ afconfiniaed: of a Piece Emplafler folded together. Sometimfesha 2r then Ball filled with of Saw-dult, is ufed to retain the Head 0. t 6C0}; fizrlfug: and a Farthing itfelf is folded up in a Lit of Rag, fOi a I , I ' t 7m in the Temples. ‘ ; prefs fdtrel'firiszzifkcs,}they are only confidered here With Raging "$111189; ‘ ' for the Part to which they are app ie .. . reatProper or fmall, but oval , roun d , fq uare ,.crucial , like a T,, Figure andl SIZE, 3:1: Iii?;no;(ifthger Figures. They are fpread lipoIn _tli}11nnen, Lsatlheerlhgi ("l ‘ alfcty ; and the Patton w"hich they ‘ are app ‘ ie , i \ CH airy, m { or mam. ' generally 11 fed per e, wounds ved. They are . as Remedies d f tot. eale, ES to 1 defend up or keep open, or dilate Wounds in the Tbmzx or Adz/mm, that the confined Blood or Matter may have a Vent. in this Cale the Tent lhould be only a Bit of fine Rag or Lint rolled up and made like :1 Cone, With a downy A‘prx, and leaned from flipping into the Cavity of to its Bans. But if the Tent is delign thofe Parts by a Thread fallen‘d ed to dilate the fmall Aperture any Fi/r'i/[zz of or Ablcel‘s, fome make Ute of Gentiaiz, but the common Me- tliod is to dip a Spunge in mel:ed Wax, and to prefs it clofe between two Plates till it is cold ; then it is to greexble to the Defign; and when be cut into the Size and Shape a~ the ten; the Wax, the Sponge will {well Heat of the Parts gradually fofl and enlarge the Aperture. Stross were at firl'c made of Horfe-hair, but now ofThreads Elm: or Silk, either loofe or twil'ted of Cctei'ge and cleziiile the Sirius througtogezher. The Ufe of them is to h which they are made to pafs :11: Means of a Seton Needle. They are commonly made behind b 33:61:, and relieve many Difordei‘s the of the Head and Eyes. lidNDAGE is a Piece ofl'trong Linnen Cloth ofa certain Si to the Dilorder and Part to be invelied. It lhould not be ze, fuitable too much ‘l‘il‘lhnoi' t. o courfe, nor too fine, and cut according to the Direc‘lion :nc'l'lir of n , ead. lt ihould he fre e from Knots, Hems, and Roughnefs. para/gr; are etther finiple confilting of one entire Piece, or compound. made up nfnmny "ieces {owed together. Thole that will admit rolling ‘P are rolled atone or itflmdid ' Tumours and Luxations. An ome im . ‘ t: ffdinnfllir and other Injuries ,- as alfo to keep Tents, Dqfl/r, and P/Hgt' l i-n (fixing .' Places. . . I? . e" are finall Pipes which are put into certain. "(303113; to'llrleie; i and dilchar 'V 'e the hlu1ds "' containfd ‘ =‘tieir in .i.. {lizriiigiigbf Gold, Silvcgi, or Lead, and are either round or llakttllh.S 65:.) a SI'LINTS are made ofthe Pafleboard (fervmg to make H}?-t oxe , of an oblong lsorm, and ferve to fupport and defend any (air .rett well 1 WT is made of Linneii, neither fine nor courff, anA p {131503 wor'n‘ but not too old, and is fcraped oil With a Ifmjgplied igrjoa flat or ' t to Bits, and unraveled. bonivctimcs i _ . , _ it or ' ' - s \ :vzflusliiire, and then it is a P/edget. A v t 15 ‘ I bometimes'it is r‘nfade Ciiléfidgbou: lobular, then it is a 0W7, which are either (ipplth-IOO1(?,f01‘lUldhkc a ghe middle with a. Thread. and differ in nothing but Tsnrs are now in Difiife, nnlefs to flop Of DRESSINGS. "mg: 1 or gt {hould be dipt in fome Stypi‘z'c Liquor, in Alto/Jul, or in Oil ofTurpmtivzc heated. Lint will alfo heal, incarn, or cicatrize clean Wo unds, by abforbing the Matter therein and excl When it is made veiy co 6 . T i ' allel 3. Tent. . cent U?.i"(l:i'elt[1}sf<: ofLPi.i:,nGi=.'rs is to flop the flight Ha'morrlwgrs of TC ' is' of itfelf ' i ‘- btyptic. ' ‘‘ In the laroer "rounds; for Lint an innottnt a- Sozt1‘., both Ends, and fo are either fingle or double When the Bandage is to be uledand will admit of. it, it ‘iyu‘t beheld in the Hand, and be iinrolled in proportion as it is at» We?" {1nd not be {offered to hang down loofe. Heir general Ule is to pleClVC any Part in its natural Situation, or tel: CE? 0‘" and cover the Dreifing, that it may not flip, and to make a L'v‘i'llpieilion upon certain V'eflcl:;. V'Omer Lites Will be mentioned occafionally, in another Edition ofthe "HR"- FluteI‘lCE or PHYSIC, now in the Prefs. |