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Show .ggu "w. 7,». 178 O/‘NEUROLOGY'. Body. They generally run {trait along, fending off Branches at very acute Angles. There 15 no confiderable Variety in different Subjetls, the 'r' eeth, and chiefly the Tongue, whence the Whole takes the Name oil; Gzflamy . The lNTERCOSTAL NERVES proceed from Branches of the fifth and mm Pair, (Jam ll/tztr'r they are llraitly embraced by that Membrane, which cover; after they he‘le efcaped the Or Petra/hm, and are there joined by Branches from the eighth, ninth, tenth, and firi'l and {econd Spinal which form the cervical Gt'lflg/ian, Which is the larrrei t of the Bod ' iIt them in their l'rogrefs ; whence they become white, Erin, firong Cords. To tliel‘e Coats an infinite Number of Vefl‘els, both Arteries and Veirs, are diilributed. The Nam/t5 are the Organs of all our Seniation 21:6 it feared immediately behind the Pkmjnx, from which the callcdimmz/fai goes out, to defcend down the Neck with Nerveyn'ovri the tarotidfi'r- ray, {applying in izs Course the My sz' Flexarer ofthe Hta and Neck ani communicating; with the [gram/Nike". As the Interwfla/is about: to enter the Wmvx, it again forms a Gang/ion, from which the Trade" z/rfrz'iafml Heart are {upplied with Nerves, which join with Branches or the tiglith Fair, and pals between the two large :er-iw and Mimic/c; to the siuhliance of Motion, which depend upon their Communication iiith the Brain; for ifa Nerve is tied, all Motion below the Ligature cealcs; thus, i‘itlie perezzir Jim-(yr: are tied, the Motion of the Diaphragm is at an End, "till the Ligature is taken oh". The News: are divided into tliofe of the Mani/la ol'Jalrgata, and thoic of the Illa/Mia Spizzalis, the former of which are m: Fair, and Girl: latter thirty. To which may be added the [JL'c'é'fldly [Yer-Wt, or the Con» panimis of the erg/Twila Fair. The OLFACTOR‘i' N envcs are thefiifl Pair of the Alida/J52 017/0;ng the H cart. The [Marco/Pad: after this runs‘d owLn the [tr/eh": of the T/Jorax, from between which additional Nei‘v‘v'er are rriiillmitly {ent thereto, 'till it paITes through its own proper Holeloftlte Diaphragm} after which it forms another Gang/m clol‘e by the Grimm/u» /§szrr.' and arii‘e from that Part of the Brain where the carotid Arteries are about to enter, and running under the anterior Lobes of the Brain, become a little larger, ~till they reach the O: Cri/iriforme, into the For-mm of which the {mall l‘ibres inliuuate themfclves, and are immediately z;, into which the eighth Pair enter. From inch :1 Cam/[m or l‘tnion each Side, the Nerves of the [Isle/finer, Li‘L‘f'I‘, S/MIEM, P;'7i[i‘:tlf :md All/iltj'J, are derived ; and the Extremity of this Nerve is fen; down to the Per/wit to fupply the Parts there. i the r nnuctus is fpread on the dimizi‘rzflm Narizmz. 'hc Oe'rr : Nrgzv i- - arc theflwml: They arife fingle from the 7th theflxtb Pair, which arife from the fore Part of iiI:Shpc:fhfjgajflfdil[1.4, and after Ficrcing the (til/fa Mater {ends of a [maxi [Cu-mm»: Ofr‘icor-rmz, and pafs out at their proper Hole oftizt {phenoide Bone, and enter the Globe of the Eye to be expanded intlie' thefiftl; P2111c fJorning to the reflected TWig of the Op/it/E a/mir 139mm}; of 'l‘hcfe Nerves in their Road, unite before the J F: jhnn'iéu/m, and crofs each other, according to Petit. They do tr: pierce the pollerior Part of the Eye, oppofite the Pupil, but a littlelowef / 1r, orms the Original of the Interm/ial, and pailes thro' the {grim armmz, to be fpent entirely on the [Wig/ca lm Aéduflor Oru/z'. the M31121? RCOSTIfL arifing from Branches of the two former , or from 'Otid‘a and more internally. The ; mites OCCL‘LI are the third Pair; they proceed from ill: anterior lidge of the Prargflu /i'm;th/17‘f_t, and going out at the Ft -; nd "em? Pa res out of the Skull, by the Canal of the intern al "0";- 11d 25:16 eighth Pair through the Neck .5 thence throu Ca" gh the ‘ifious ‘Plares 21073978 asl'far as the Pia/wit, forming {evera l P/hxm at [arm-um are dillributed to the Globe of the Eye, the Mil/rule: ref/m tr..- ZD‘IJZ'JI, the rifle/Jew, Adi/1m m, [)3 rimmr, and Oil/17141.15 minor‘ The PA! liE'l‘lC NLRVhs are theft/wt}; Pair, which ariie behind [:15 Ernincnces called ‘Trflzr, and go out at the Foramim Jaiera, to be entlffiig {pent on the Jlfi.‘/i‘1;1i Trafl'lhlzrc‘f, 0r Oil/'igui majorer Caz/arm», which iv" vance the Eye forwards in l‘taring and Fury. :79; The third mav be called the inferior Maxi/Mr}, becaufe when it is come out of the Sign" through the Format): Own/e, it is heiloWed on the Parts of the lower jaw. nor yet in dill'crent Sides of the fame Subject, as in the Arteries and Veins. The firlt Coat they obtain is from the Pia Jli'zzicr, in which the Me. dullary \\ hite Fibres are but looielyCOiinefted ; but when they pierce the Jli'tm/Jréizli Raina. Of NEUROLOGY. times forms the Beginning of the iizterco/hzl Nrrrw. , ihEAM.-[i~,r;xn3.1da;‘i;a' bellowing Twrgs on all Parts contai ned in The Aw '7 ‘. 4 amen. . . _ ‘ . ‘. 00c ofthe ignortilrnsfthe/Ewiztb Pair : Thefe unit: from the Side oftne am [My themi‘fl iocefs in twohTrcrnlcs, whereof one 15 called the mm! mg"; 0 rigr. the Porno rim/(It. . I hefe entering the Men/u : (Ilioats, and is.zexan Ciirriimediatelvdiriding, one Part {oon lofes its firm. The GUSTATORY are thefift/J Pair, and are very large in the Brfil-"U Below the Dam 111.21" they are divided into three remarkable BI‘JIICJUi the impel-int is called the Ojibwa/mic, and is bellowed on variousfll'JE: flier pallin thrcihfldh e11 on the inmoit Cayimz of the Ear; while the itl‘olvcd in fill its Cb t. .ebflguzeduzim rial/012:2, comics out of the Skull, of the hie and Eyelids ; the Mulcles of the Forehead and N219; "l "lilies the ili'zymf (Jag/s, alt-o, the l‘eguments of the hate. Ville/260,312, may be called they " ; becauie‘when it has trailed out of the Skull through tilt Jaw. it is (ltllribui‘cd through all Parts ol‘the ill'cznsr/i 1. Q; '. Jail. Jr's/aft", Utrtln. (ii/11.3, aizd‘frrs‘lv, v v‘ - ~ - t A r1‘\\i‘g of. thl V" I to tie L21", \‘.‘l‘.lCl"i beint: gained to a Branch of the "‘3. l‘air ccnllitute the (Kl-iii '23-»,vfm,vf. L‘cfitles, When i: i: in tl.e bl"; mini; (:21: :i. llvxig or to, which. with a Branch of the Exth razr. ‘ 'll , Ietween t.:e Stylized: and rim/laid: Pratt/73:, and fzi‘ and 13/0!th 1 0‘ [:‘im Ccfz/wang/chzr/ez, Siv/ag/qfl‘, Sg/oj‘lbarma 1 "rtNurriheir 0"" Halli)??? ‘WllICll and to the okin or the heck, a E: _ he Pll."0l1'a]G/g;v[rna‘ 1 i 1 aments run. The/i: tt')‘20:‘ Brant/125‘ ofit lup . {"A‘url‘om-ard 1 h" tint. exterisz-ar, and the whore bide oi the face, her ,1,/ :3. the Vaillfi. W" Pt?" 15 the PAR VA CUM, Which arifc. from the Side ofthe " OH he ‘ . r , . . (17' "eve (AW/ma OJzavaz-ra, then running to the Hole common to the ~ Jig/m r . -31. .i 22 and Oar/mtg}, they are there mined - ' i by the fine/,0‘ J\ ,2 . - [J 111' 1/: ‘ "‘l l'lIIlH-"N ‘l wu ll |