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Show .9" r, Of the THORAX, or BREAST. The BLOOD-Vessets are oftwo Kinds, the imp" Arteries and ‘i'cini‘ called the Care; 73', diltributed through the Heart; and the r 771mm, 0; which two are mm the I'm: Cari/a, and the Panama/[5 ; and two Ar, tcrics, the alarm, and the flrtrz‘iaPith/702141.713. 'l he Lffi' ofthe Heart is to promo e the Circulation of the Blood, for it receives the Blood from all narts of the Body by the Veins, and by its Motion {ends its ba 1: to all Parts of the Body, by Means ot‘tlic Arteries. Upon this not only depend the Functions ot'ail Parts of the Body, but even Life itlelf. This Motion of the lieart is worth) ofthe higheit Admiratioi; for it feldom beats leis than {onyrtwo thouzand Times in an Hour, which is above eight hundred tliotiiaiid 'l'iines in a Day; and this lometimes continues for upwards of a hundred Years to. gether. This is a Demonltration of the llupenduus W'iidom of God. The Oesor'nArtus, or Gullet, is a Membranaceous Canal extended from the Fauce: to the Stomach, liervingr to tranfmit the Aliment from the Mouth to the Stomach. It is lituaied behind the ‘Tmrlvm, or 17":sz fire, and runs along the 1'}; aim, of the Neck and Back. The upper Fart ot‘it is called the Phony/ix The external Coat is my: /2i'{171(1rf£0:(;, and is continuous to the P/mra The next is a'i‘g/Ezdfzrr, ant confiIl-v of it eight and annular Fibres. The third is cal/idem, like the hit llines. ‘l he fourth is narrow, and is full of \I'ieli'els and Glands. The laft is - limit, and is called the Cz-zg/ia I'd/n a, overfpread with a lubru ating Hitler. The 1)].AX'HRACM is a large, mulcufous, itrong h'i‘enrbrane , divzding the [Ida's/2:371 tranfverfly from the Thorax, whence it is CZL‘lCLl the Silt/rail rm, " film. The {ore Part is placed higher than the haul; Part, and Ihfi upper Part of the Surface is (dial/Ex, the lower tonne-c. lt is connicici In Elie 5:2"?11771, {purious Rib-3, [lav/mi'iriirzxxl, the fli'ed/q/fi/mm, ' .0; the Loins. It has two la ' Holes, one on the left bide. for age ofthc Guile: and the Par L 1.5.2:». and the OTl‘lCI‘ on the right, I0 :rdini: the "rm r area. It has alfo an 1;.3,'2‘:"_‘/17[‘t1'z_1}:z betw en the [WC l‘lL‘ruii of the louver Part, l‘erving to tranlinit the 11:71.1, the Vex/z x nnrl the fluv- : Duff, it is cncomp: d with a Membrane a from the Plat/2a, below, from the Per/:02... 11111. The Subltancc is i'I-w {ta/2.2;, the upper Part of which is large and elliptic, and arifes fleihyfl'om the i'purious Ribs, the tranl'verle l/liileles of the gamma, and the fig/5' f Lin-[5113. and by its Tendon makes the nervous Centre ofthe Dis. phi": rm almolt triangular. The lower ariles from a double Beginning «"11 be 1 Side: from the l't'rz‘rr'vw of the Loins, and is inlertcd almoli in Iiit‘ Lerxtie (it the Superiur. The L7: is to aiiilt Fifi/jimmy, for in 1!- ,"f'u' )3 it i moved downward, and in Tatum upwards into the L‘- rhe fin-xix. lt promotcs the Motion oi'the Contents oft! 8 «1mm, :‘L'irnach, luteiliues. Luer, Spleen, Chyle. the bilious Ttiluéd. C , it helps. the Expullion of the faint, Urine, of the Fast/41 at the '1 iF-W 0‘ labour, ofthe After- i th. ti .. 11'5" ‘10. the Luxcs, is the lai‘g'ft Fiji/(v; of the fligm x, and is comi'oled of two Lobcs, one on cash ~3ide Ur the Mir" mum, and CO" the Heart almoit in the filitlele. The it !it Lobe which is lealt, is a} divided into two, and the right, which is :reatcl‘t, into three. it looks reddilh, in Adults livid. in lnt T Each Lobe is di‘uided into {mall Cell} which are the Extremities of the driven; zirteria, whence the Sublime]: rtantrum" 169 . acuicus and {pongious The Figure ofthele Cells is irregular, but u {o titten to each other as to leave no vord Space. In the Branches 0 their: Cells are diflrlbuted the Branches of the pulmonary Artery m d Vein. it is connec‘led with the Sterile/m and Vertelvre, by Means of the Medifligg, m, to the Heart, by the pulmonary \/'efllele; and to the A/pmz iiirm'itz. The ll'fmzérane which covers the Lungs is continuous with the l‘li‘m‘a. From this they derive Senfe and Motion, that is, of Dilatation and Contraction ; for when they are dilated by the Air, by their own proper Ni/u; and atlive Motion, they are again contrafied and contrihute to the Expulfion ofthe Air. The Bram/{rm and their Veficles are torered on the lnfide with a glandulous Membrane. which feparates an. unétuous Humidity from the Blood, which is expelled in Exfpiration. This keeps the Membranous Subliance of the Bronchia from growing dry One [W of the Lung: is intimately to mix, unite, and combine the different Parts of the Blood ; which is neceflary for the free Circulation of the lilood through the very minute Veiliels, for the l‘refervation of the Life and Health. But this will not account for the inflatitaneous Death of Perions going inio "Wells, whofe Mouths have been long flop- purl up, and Vel‘lels wherein Liquors have been juit fermented. The ASPERA ARTERIA, or Trot/5m, is a cartilaginous Canal extende d from the Fame; to the Lungs, and is fituated in the Middle and the anteriorl'artol‘ the Neck, being conneé‘ted to the Fauces, Lungs, and C'rril‘xl/zgm, it is divided into the [rm-"mt and Affirm A'rterr'tz. 'l he LARYNX is the upper Part of this Canal, in which is an Aperture called the (.‘fotrz'r, of an elliptic Form, which is enlarge d and con- tracted by the Alliilance of Cartilages and Muicles, and ferves t0 modu- late the \oicein 1 "king and finging. The Struflure coniilts chiefly of M's Cartilages, r. llié‘, ‘l/yjroz'fle or SCH/firm, commonly called Pomum ‘5 72"} from its Prominence. It is the largeft oft-ill. 2. The Crimidc or _ ' ~, which is as it were the Balls of the tell. To the lower Part r‘l this the ,ci/jrrzz .e'rrerz'a adheres. 3. 4, The two Arytmcz'dcr, which it‘l'm as it were a Guzmrnium, or Eater, which are joined to the fuperior "f"l l‘OfiCrior Part of the Crz'wir/e on both Sides. with peculiar Joints, Ilie C/ottz'r may more readily be contrafied and dilated; ;. The f it ,- It is lhaped like an Ivy-leaf is joined to the fuperior 1s anterior Parts ofthe WWW/45' upon, and which it appears behind the "‘1‘"? Orthe Tongue, to Which it is conncéted by its middle Ligament, ""l'." ll," t'ixo lateral to the O; Hyoid. r, and by its two potterior to the _, ,. «mm L tilages. At the Time of {wallowmg it covers the G/ottzr, 'u'moreabie Bridge, lell any Thing hould fall therein, A Iii/e72:- nn‘el‘ts the larynx, which is Vtry ienr'ible, perforated with many .wlnch pour out :1 lubricating Fluid. The Glands of the ‘4er- and the (Harri; {ecrete a mucous Liquor, which lubricates the em .r'rr 0-511. ‘ . Haul, or Tim/2m, properly {0 called, is'the Remainder Cir" figmw; Canal abovementioned. At the liegnmr g 1t readily [,1 Angel" but gl'OWS narrower towards the « .,,. inucrrne Srmmm, and before it enters the hind. lt. entersthe Lungs, divides 1m"two -4 J Of the THORAX, or BREAST. I.-p.". ' "i 168 |