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Show 150 Of MYOLOGY. Qf MYOLOGY. fixed to the Rib; in (uch a. Manner that the ir lower Extremity13 ai-urav, ata " greater D111.1116C from the [c21eé1e than the upper, 21nd there 13 111:0w11'e con11.1nt1 y one or 111016 Ribs between them. '1 hey are mof; readily met with 011 the lower Ribs, and adhere cloiely to the Ribs be. tween their IIixtremities. The Trinngzx/arir .11'i1es from the lower and internal Part of the Sm. 2222222, and is 1011:1th into the Cartilages of the third, fourth, fifth, and fixth Ribs. The 25/1722 2' and inferior Vex-ram; arifes from the Spine ofthe two {uperior Vm‘e/Jrj' of the Loins, and from thol'e 01't11e three inferior of the Back, and terminates 111 the four lover {purious Ribs, Ariatomif'ts Themflpgfi'm 01- Fury/[2121's ari-"es from the 0: (21,01th Bone, {mm the "'ntnal 1"1'10CC 01the 1'1'111'1.222.521! 01" MelNed, 311:1 the B:1c';,andIS ini'erted'into the Cl.1ViI;1e11e. . ' of'the Spine of the 32221922112 and the 171222221122. - '1 he L01 1\'s "141 BACK have different Motions; for befldes'mending and E..t when they alio have a Motion towards the Sides. Thcfe M10 tions a1eper10rmed by few.1 .11 Muftles.'1"hc Bad"1:; beiit'Dy the (91721 .'2'2'412‘221' 01 the 1.1011113, 111d the little P/En: Mm'cle. 1t15 extended bythe ' :' ten 11110131111011 of 1'22, the back Part flame draws the 55.19211.2 11.1ch . . rd. The R/jymém'I/c; ari‘fes tendin".0113 unt1er theFormer, 1101711110 {pin-11 ' of 1""I.I21';Ig Procei's of the 11111 1"22'1'5/72'21 01' the N CC.'1', and {rum the {1111111 t'rocefl'es oft' "' . .1: five tippermo't 1' of me .1221", and terminates 111 the 1....1' the 31121112103, whit. it pulls up- \vflld and b:1 1:1I'trd The E/m‘flfar $227,122,122 arifes from tho -' differ much in the Dei'cription 11' this MI. The 3.1.212/11211/1121'1 arii'es from the O 60111-1222 and the pof‘terior Spine 01 the 1111221,:111J terminates in the p011er'101 Par: ofthe ixibs. 15; "I "I' I. 'L of the four :upeiior Var/16211.2-0, the Nezk, and is '1.1'; ' 1'7 ‘. ,131'2111g1e of 11165222112122 Ihe "flora/1": 2722'22222', 01' the 3221-1312" 7.72.7222" 7222312225. arii'es under the P1""222z/'2':, from the third, (0111111, and 1'1 1th Ribs, :1110‘ is 1111?;":eti in the CI zmz'dr Prom-21's ofthe Smpzzla, which it puhl1 forward and 'I\'1/‘.1\‘."flrd. 1111:"01"2-2221‘1'5. Or Den/22222; 2222.7.j 2'27I!..I'2'. . :11:0' 110111 the fix inferior true Ribs, and.00.12::1111es from one or two or 110'. i'purio Is Ribs, and is ," , and t1‘16 hilt/(222.725 Safer . inferred into the 11.1113 01' the Snafu/22, which 1. d1 .1' .'1 forward. '1: 01 the 101.13 arifes .I'rom the upper Part oftheopihfl oftheO; 1"!122.1, and liLcwii'e trom all the trantverfe Procef'cs of tie tour uppc.rmolt 2'121'2152'21' 1.1 the Loins, and :5 inferted in the lat .'2-22.71111 of the 71202212., and the 111ternal Side of the 12111 of the [pn- '.11': AI"I 11.15 diheient 111010115: it is 1".11'iet1 by the MMC‘es 02/222512: 9111\1.2122? altar; it is (iepre 12:11 by the [221. .I ' , and the Tyre: 2211122-.'t is brought r rt'I:1. C by t1e P2012. 132'122/.I.'"'22/15; at. d backward0y the 1'"-' ' 22:22j2r,a11:1the (31.2.172- '41.». and the Tare: 221' . lt tious lxibs. The 1mal1 Pfla: arifes from the t1'an1'ver1'e Procefi'es of the £111 ."2/'1:Zm'z ofthe 1.101115, and thel:'.110f the Back, and is inferted bya11'11111 i3 brotttrht to the Sides by the 11. ‘ ha, and by the 111(1leGC Ae- tions 012111 the hlul'clea, it 11.5 :1 circuiar 1‘./101110. The Dt/lor'rz'er aril'cs it'On'. the ("/22711'6/1; the 222'7222 and the 5,1'12'21'2 of '1 endonmm the OJ P1151: 116:1 t the 1'./224m. The L022g2flz'2'22m Dar/z or longefi' Mucle of the Back, arifes fromfl 0: S22222221, and the poi1erior Spine of the 11222222, is in11ertei 111 1".e the Srapu/a, and 11111i1li'tt3d[331:1211.0115 in Spines of the Mr:12/2. 01 the Ltins, and'mto their tranl'vene 'roce aborie the Spine, and is itlifi'ftr‘u'111o the Lp-Jti 1' afcending along the Back, and is conneé‘ted by fiefhv P01tions I1 the i'pU rious Ribs, and, by its lendons, to the t1 an1ve1'1'e P1ocefl'es of the 1e" '. ' ' C? 1' I 1'212'21'1 '110 3255221412721; 121' nz'ifes 110211 thIC {my 01113.16: .' f the .11' 0: the Or /1' 7211f: 1111: T1211'21 rizfljm', or Roizwa'm, 1.111.135 110111 the inferior '"121g1 e Ofthe StapI‘I/Iz, and te1minrttes three Fingms Bre ad'h below 111311 cad of the IIIH/IM'HJU. upper [with/1: of the Back, wh'ere they terminate. The Semf/pmo/Em 0r S221:fling/2'5, arl' es from the 0132202022, and I115 '1'11CL'I " m 19.1,", 01' 111041011 \Il'umi ll't'II.",nllws 110111 the [.'2/51.2192 Ptr: 01.1 lime/"2 e ofthe Loins, .1111 t11mi11.1t-.s in the {uperior VHtwrrL' oftiic 772.222.,1' part iIuirtr1y111 th'."11 1p 11:11 1' man.'03. '1 t e .".I21/222125 Sam- co:npzei er1615 leveral {mall Mufcles, v. 111th arihng mm the tranf'erfe Proceii'es «:ft'he 122221223 01 the Loius and termiziat: in their 1'1111111117r0ce1'165. the Ur Savant. T he loweft of thee Mmcies are COHHCC'Lt'd U nor Spines of the 01 .'\'.II1 ., 1111 the 11111: the {even interior of the 1,..ck.1ts e11. '{, otherwifc 242121'I"2.222,r the {upeea of.he Loin: and that o. the toimer, 33:1 111 i111:'31th111 the.'21.1e 1" 't‘e with it "'3 P93121211"; 11'1'1j'1'2, or 22', 3111051111111 the ("701.12% r221'.('2.', 3‘1:111 the 22227 R2721, and t61n1111:1t"‘ about the 1:151:11'1 01' 1our F111- . '111e 11'. 1.111111 '1 117,3 are SUPERIOR 01' "173111011. The SUPERW comprehend the SHOULDER, the ARM, the (£01111, and the HAW11261NFEIx10K,thE T 101; , the £50, (111111116 hem. 1"22241'21, 0r (.027222-[30225 (111d £115 CWT/‘1'" 5-512121411721M's The (1'./21.22.1111 has a par1ticu1z'.r 111:111'18. L" .1 't>e11e.1ththe Head 01'the [1102252125. cr;1s 01' the $222,122.17. 0.110111". the Mid'iit e 2111ch 2'72" 0 'lhe J/ry'}fl/J"-tIz: aI'ifes 11'II1r11 the C." hdi'.i111ertedr011 the 1'Cp ('1' Th? [' "'72‘, 1112222 which .1;.' es .1011. t11t. tore Part0 1 the 15111; 1\l1) 2111‘ terminates in tilt lower Part or the (.72.1'.". .I.I1 .I.whith it {err es to deprets. 3111\1 i' Igt1~12a1111u221arife1 1'5" The 01.10171. A 1 .., or St. 111 ULA, is rai1'ed or deoreii'ed thrut'l 4'03 or b;1c1:ward.1heie Motions are performed by the A8000 offit'e1.1a. Clea ; the Trapezz'u', the Rlvzvlmr'der, the Pan."22/5: 22212.2; , the I"/I:‘ and the 52272231: major ant.t'zu. Barfly: 1' "' and I... .1111 :'din t1)0 inter]1r Par 1 he CL'1: IT has ft‘2t1r1t'1OtOt",]" 17", 1 1. Iterz'g‘z 1-‘1 PfifiIJth‘J 13' 17.111115 221/22321 '11. '‘-....1‘ ‘ 1' ‘1' |