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Show 7, x ‘54.; «a! "-55% «an .2? fr; n§;. 134. 0f MEDICINES ufld 2'72 SURGERY. Of MEDICINES ufid m SURGERY. Mad Dog, the [tr/J, and other Defeziarz'om of the‘Sliz‘n Bathing in mineral Spring-5 is ufed to relax old CICRU‘ICL‘F. to relieve the Lonfequence' of Luxritions and large v'v onnds ; to firengthen the Weak and lrcmbling. to cure Palfies, €55. _ ' ' . Dorm/Fir or arzfiri‘al Bathing 15 either performed at a Baguio, orni Vefiels made i7 r that Purpofe, Whl‘l'ell'l there fliou‘d be as much tweet {oft Water as will take a Pcrion up to the Neck, either ii ting or {land ing The Bathing fairs, as commonly made, are only for fitting. When the Water reaclie, no higher than the Navel when fitting, it Is called a . Semicupzum Or Ha/fhat/J. The Water that is made Life of fhould not be hard Sprng‘water, heavy and loaded tvzth calcareous Earth, but light and fubtile,1ueri as {ta/u.un/gr or Ri'L‘Ei-Wil./E7' aft r plentiful Rain. .\ chief Sign of the bell \Vater is when it is good for qua/03mg, and will readJy male a 'Lather with map It will likewife {peedily {often Peale, anti leave- little or no Matter beh nd after Evapor‘ tion But if {nth cannot be had, it mull be ioftt-ned \\ith a little Ca/ijle ‘iaap, or by pouring in a good (diam tity ofM/M, or by mixing it with a Lecoftion of W beat-11m", or cammile ,YL‘TUflf‘S, or white LIV/uracil. The Hm: of ‘he hath {liou'd be mild and temperate ; for Efit is overhot it will do more Harm than Good; for the Patient will fall into a jn-(fu/c "qt-ml, atended with Fair/ting, Pain; in the Head, L-‘fltur/g ofthc Bod-y, a‘rorpor of the Mind, a Urjne/i of the Noni/J, and 7/1579, ant. yet drinking any Thing co d Will be very dangerous. The belt Time ot‘bat/uing is the [Warning when the Stomach is empty, cfp cially after a Stooli .t is hell not to enter the Bath too hallil but by Deg=ee~, firll putting 7n the eat, thr n the Tin/Sr. then 1. t the Water reach the Pit ofthc Stomach ; encreafing the Heat 01 the Water by l.ttlc 135 a better Efl'eét if Bullying is not negleé‘ted at the fame Time, efpecially in fpafmo-hypochondriac Diieafes, when the Syllem of the Nerves is very weak and amlfled. . in the Lug: Venerea, when the Body is prepared with Bleeding, Laxatives and Mercurials, Bat/25 are of great Ufe during the Courie, ifthe Patient tiles them every Day, and then goes directly to Bed and iweats. Sudorz'fir Demfliam of Roots and the Woods are much more efficacious in Dil‘orders of the Skin, if Bathing be now and then interpofed. And it is fcarcely credible what a Plenty of thick oily Sorzz'er will {Wim upon the Water, generally ofa bad Smell. lfflrmg Purgc: or Diuretic; are to be ufed, they will fucceed bei‘t after bathing. The fame may be {aid of Emtiu. In Difeafes of the Uterm, as the F/zmr flMztr, and when Concretions and Moles are to be expelled and the Men/2r to be rellored, the Uie of Baths {hould accompany proper internal Medicines. When the Ca- (bexy, or ohflz‘mte flguer, or the bjfiac/Jondrz'ac Fajz'm proceed from a Debility of the perillaltic Motion ofthe lnteftines, then the liquid Preparationsof Steel, the Infufion or Pecoction of the Bark in Wine, will flrengthcn their Tone; but their Eflhft will be more certain if frequent Bathing alhlt their Operation. There are NATURAL BA'rns which abound with the Particles of from which ferve not to "ml/{f} butfll'c'flgf/Jt'fl and tori-ohamte the Parts. Thele. after fettling, depofit afii/p/Jzzream Cram: of Iron, which will tinge Lin- nen ofa yellow Colour. Theie have an aitrictive 'l‘alle, and are given in the Room of Steel Medicines; and are very ufeful to the Phleginatic, and thofe of a {pongy Habit of Body, with Plenty of {mall ‘Jeflels. They are all‘o proper when the Blood, from its fiuggifh Circulation, is apt to grow thick and contract flg/Fordm‘z't Impurity. Whence proceed and little. Languors, rheumatic and arthritic Pains, cedematous 'l‘uniours, i. ontrae- flfm- bathing the Perfon mull go to Bed and promote Sweating by Brat/.7}, Duofiiom, or proper Izy'itfiom. ln natural «warm Bat/Jr a Pcrlbn may flay a longer Time, efpecially trons, Weakneiies and Refrigerations of the joints; all which are great- if lab02iring under an obllinate Dif ale, arifing from a Spqfizzof the con- firiéled nervous Parts ; or the Mind is diflurbed from u'erimf or bl‘fflt'igofldri'ac Dzfirdrrs; or if there is a Contraction ofthe Parts from too greai 3 Rigidity of the Ligainents and Nerves. Eat/2:, temperately hot, are eflicacious in l‘t'ladnefs, Melancholy, 3 Stupor and Torpor ofthe Mind; in unqniet Sleep With terrible Dream's; In the Hemicrania, Vertigo, Scotomia, Tooth-ach. Cardialgla, Pains m the lnteflines, and from the Gravel, even in the very Paroxyfins They are {0 powerful in eafing Pains and relaxing l'pallic Strittures, that Whilfi the Patient {its in them they are quite at Eafc, but as foon as the} leai‘r them their Complaints return. In Quartans afflicting old Perfons, If emollient and nervous Baths are ufed on the we‘ll-days they have often 1 good Eficét. Bath: not only drive the Humours from the'I-Iead, but they promote the Circulation of the Blood and encreafe Perfpiration, eipecially if the Patient goes immediately out of the Bath into Bed. . Bat/i: and Semicupia aihft the Virtue ofotlier Medicines in curing gnc‘ vous Difeafes. Drinking Earl; and other mineral Waters have :ilwilyS ly helped by the corroborating Bat/.71. Thcfe martial Ball}: ought never to be tiled but when warm, and yet when they are too hot they greatly onend the Body, raii‘e Commotions in the Blood, Pains in the Head, and Languors ofthe Joints ; neverthelels after this tepid bathing of the Body, ifthe Patient goes prelently to Bed. he will (con grow hot, his l'ulfc will become ltrnng, and his B dy will be all in a Sweat with a remarkable Increa‘fe 0f Strength and Vigour. STRENGTHENING BATH\ are prepared with pure light W[ARTIFICIAL user, In which (eff/Eli: and Iztr'vz'm? Sz'mp/i 5 have been decoeted ; inch as ‘3y.leaves, Balm,Southernwood,Marjorain,Origiinum,Mother ofThyrne, 1hymci Roiemary, Hyflbp, Llary, criiped Mint, Nep, Pennyroyal, Fe- VCFfeW, and Camomile Flowers: All which being included in a Bag, With four Handfuls of Pot-allies and common Salt, Inuit be gently de. @5th in Water, and poured into a Bathing tub. This is very effeftuul "1 paralytic Diforders, Weaknefs of the joints, lmbecilities, Cachcxie‘s, Ugld Difeafcs, the Debility of old Ace, and an Atony of the Ligaments S thief JOmts from other Difeafes. They are good for all Difeales of :in {Pruiiyafie‘r Abortion, Child-bearing, or hard Labour : Ur when the :35 a bluxion upon the uterine Parts, the Whites, Suppreflion of "f", or the Hemorrhoids. {l K 4 LAcouie |