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Show 130 of MEDICINES ufid in SURGERY. d , Ian it 2'; to by rrpeatcd. an Of MEDICINES W51 m SURGERY, Thole that are apt to faint lhould bleed wh a {mall Orifice, which lhould now and then be (topped With the ibifgegr, that .the Lleeding may be gradunl. _Women.pal; fifgy may blfeed i {reel as alfo when this levee-nation 15 made in t ‘e prmg, 'e Pe‘ more 1 ‘y ' But it mull be {paring in excellive Ham‘orihages, Spitting Eggilojddajioverflowing of the Men/£5 and Hzemorrhords ; as alfo before ‘ " i . 9 ~ ‘ w. the Pl 1m€ th‘j AWE/{if 3,6323%; in exa/ztbmmlic Fawn, when a l'lctlroi'a In Zligfialll'fadi'iiyr if; the Quantity be too lmall, the Inflammation wrll lacqim‘i‘ial'edenorsowili the Eruption be promoted. If toolerge the Ex. 6‘1""? ifthb Exazrtbcmaz‘a will be prevented. ln the Flew-1f); .and Pen;Bleeding prevents Expeétoration and the DifculiiOn of , ,._ i ., Failiiziili‘exceliive 1;. in. ‘helf‘iliijrldnisn: P/etlwra both with regardeto the Strength and Vellels, :1 ' ' . away at one . "LEW eligiyidictihllgcbittithinA'r‘ioh, is often uled inl'tcad of Vang/email; for iiilzicute bileaies when the Strength Will not bear the farmer, tllfilil; tel- may be ul‘cd and the Blood taken trway by ellttfleialtia ‘ ime‘. Cw-ml. been obl‘eiw ed that Murry/I715 ofthe El°l€€lfl" l ertzga},l a my? an ha» Bee." ehaended fly]; have been incl-caled by plentiful bleeding, w)ereas rulpmg iul‘ed with Advantage. ln nerds lovers, when ‘a ‘Iflv-m/y ls apltrcu m. p; .b from a Longeltitm of Bhopd .1: the Hegdéoidt in la el't to app y > Mr! an ota‘eawa . . . g/Zliiittiiliidh :lidrreisi Need of ipeednyelief, and a Derivation of Blood from the .1l‘fetted Part, as in an apopleftic Fit, 21‘Peripneangry;1 o: If: flummzttion of the Womb, a Syncope from an lnlarclion of 0095; heir Heart, or Hanger ofb‘ull‘ocauon, it is belt to make adarg: Blr1 (lustful the l'urt al'futied, and to take away a lufhcrent Qlantity o 00 131 in Hardnefs of Hearing, and Noife in the Ears from a cold Caufe ; as 3110 for the recalling of Exantlvemam which have been driven back ; likewjl'c in the Small-pox, when the Fullules lie burie d in the skin for two or thrte Days together ; and in the crude lymphatic small -pox. When the Small-pox is near the State they may be applied to the Wrills and Anklts. 1 hey are proper in newt/om Fe-verr, and {houlu not be dried up too loon, in fu/mmz'c Fae-rm, in the Zaflara' Peri/t hew/raxy. They may be applied to the fore Part of the Neck in very dangcram Qitrli/sz ; andim m/zgmuct Fawn, when the Solids grow torpid, the Circu lation languid, the Spiri:s low, and the Patient comatole. BLISTLRS are not conVenizmt t) Women with Child , nor to the Ple- thoric, nor when th re are large Hmmorrhages. nor in Conge ltions of Blood, nor in the Beginniu g of inflammatory and malig nant fevers. lib/I'm are commonly laid to the l\ape of the Neck and betwe Shoulders. but are applied occafi nnlly to the Head, to the en the Seals of the l'eer, b.hind the Ears, to the Wriit, to the Arms and to the Lalvcs of the Legs. It is generally known that Blgfler: affeft the urinary Fri/age: and 17/111!n'er,cau fing H at, ketenflon of Urine. or the Strangury; axd therefore the Patient lhould drink freely of W175}, Ez'zué'z'am, or any other loft and cooling Liquor A Stro. is, preperly fpeaking, an U/(er made in the Skin to drain off noxious Humourt ; it is made With a large crooked m eedle armed with Silk or Thread, either twilled together into a large String, or tuenty or thirty lnrall lccfe Threads, which being drawn throug h the Skin are to be'cit in the Neck after the Netdle is taken out. The Wound is then. to be drelled with {ome digel'tive Ointment. The Ligatur e is to be lhift- ed or drawn through the Wound a little every Day, and the Matter is to as (hag/£1115 necell‘ary in Pains, Tumours, and Inflammation? iii]? they profited from a Staguanmz of 19/0012 or Serra» in die elite/grind Ant 1","le Ofl‘ every ivlornzng and Night as in [fire]. The; are uleful in Diforders of the Head. as the Head-ml), Effie/55 ', It appears from Experience that when VE'Z‘Z:/‘fizon in't I6) .00 hi {hart [97(st the iglz/raceflmlmn, Stupidity, and even the piggy/ex} itlell. As alloriiDzleales Or the E} ex, loch as [.z'fiz'tm /er, Zy‘zkzmmatz'nm, the Gaffe; Sn‘cm. Calm-(267, and imz'pi m‘ 5‘Jill/Z" 1072. ‘ have been uitlcl's in violent Pains of the Acaprzlzz, in runs; t -Sn;]- l-luxi -ns of thC Em, Cuffa [Ca/arm, Bill'lzpé'llltous Tumourrof the 'iwo'n m riflm/imu in the Mal, Oar/funf and behind the Ears, With cupimg , . . ' ‘1 t . ,. given (treat Re ie . L(lf\ill:‘t'll\cil"<vlly di‘lz/gerlz'ug is by LEECHEs; but whether 'tIhkel'c 36:21? Calm may be preferred to Capping 15 very Jultly doubted. ) eéwcllitg plied to the Eye/nix in great In Bani/nanny: ofthe Eyes, in greaftfl 010‘:le of the [if/narrliox'du, Vt" Hr, to the Lips and hole, m algflmate um ) 1‘ . S. V. thofi-‘iiqdi'iwm rs, EPISPASTICS, or BiJSTERING-Pnasrerj 3.133;" are made with li‘cmtlw; 1}]; r, which raile Bltllers on the Skinhlle Y 111er rain. 'I‘hev are nllcd frrprtrm/ when drefied with an'OintnIlien d-atfw with Powder of the Flies. They are good in obllnnatc1 .63 Li"? Rheunnttifms of the Head, {crophulous and morll: Qphtha} mlczhrorilli tudes, and obliinate Delluxions of the liyes and hats, C1111 2:116" flee? Carma; in the {crous Tooth-itch ; in the lethargy, an 9 ‘6: lost: Jw‘he‘tiions ; in nioill Ulceratfions of the Heed which congnLTonN} in L‘onvullions from Reptrlfion of Achores ; in a Pally oft e a . L SULS are Umc made with a potential Caumy, and lometr mes With 2: «met. big enough to hold 21 Pea. '1 here are zzrt{fl.z'a/ Pear made of ll ax and mixed with digefiive Sub‘l‘tances, {ufhcient to keep the Ulcer 0P9" ; or the Pet may be drelt with a zl/g'lering Oz'mmtzzl. They are generally made in the Arm near the lnibz‘tlon of the Dz/t'oz‘d: Illa/(1e, or 0" the 1nfide ol‘the Thich, a little above the Knee. But they are oc-y.‘ "(finally In de in the blind, in the Neck, over each St‘afizlla, {3%. "‘1 lfly. "reintended to carry 0.? lbpez-iluous and vitinted Htinrours, and. (‘jlul‘ClUI m Dllealc: ofihe Haul, of the Pyrex, and of the Lreaf. in. fo"d," rmed thmldJ'W/Nt Perflm they may be dries up With they have pereir Olli made when th e i or when the bifeal‘e is cured. But if theynre e Pati ent is pail forty. he mtn't be obliged to continue: tneiii all the tell of hi 5 Lille, or expet‘l to fall into {on e terrible‘Drlorder. . t1 srt-Rs ar ling elle but e al lo reckoned among EA‘icrn‘a/ Remedies, VJl‘llt'll are no- Certain Liquors cr Decoftinns conveyed into the #7an by: 1 reams of Inn/tin". a Sylii‘ige‘ They {CH 6 to sea/£7, abhrgt‘, and (half/é (he ; of! P1 h‘W are either anal/ism, purging, orflrrrgrberzirzg, and :13"? i9. 7. term: |