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Show 322' Of PHARMACY: 0f PHARMACYJ 0f CALCINATION. CALCXNATION is the Reduélion of hard Bodies into Powder, 0: at lealt to a Subflance that will readily powder, by the Means of Fire, at. tended with a Change of their @alities. Thus the Bones and Horns of Animals are calcined to a Whitenefs, or at lead to the Exhalation of their nleous and faline Particles, which is otherwile called USTION. Thus Lead by a reverberating Heat is turned into Minimn, and Filing; of 1m, into the Crow: aflriagem. 17(gamble: are burnt in the open Air into rwliitg 4/1723, with Intention to obtain their fixed Salts. This is termed lucmr. RATION. Some Things may be burnt to a Whitenefi by the Rays of the Sun, by means of a Burning-gla/i, as Antimony for preparing the Glafs. And Vitriol partaking of Copper has been thus burnt to a Whitenefs, in Order to make the jy'mpatlietz'c Powder. That Storm and Shell: are reduced to a Lime by Calcination is generally known. The Caltination of Metal: and Semi-metal: is promoted by the Mixture of Nitre, Gold, Silver, and Mercury excepted. Thus Powder of Antimony mixed with Powder of Nitre, and thrown into a red-hot Crucible, will fuddenly take Fire, flafh, and make a Noife, which is called DETONATION. There is another expeditious Method of calcining Metals, which is to make them red hot till they fparkle, at which Time if they are touched with a Piece of Brimfione, they will fall down in Drops into the Vellel underneath which may be reduced into Powder. FIRE alone will reduce the Body of Tin into Afhes; Iron into Drols, after the inflammable Part is confumed. Qaz'clfilq/er put into a clolc Glafs Vellel, and continued in Digefiion for Months, will turn into a red Powder. In like Manner the Regulus of Antimony may be converted into a grey Powder, which has a diaphoretic Virtue. Volatilt Minna/r, as Antimony, Adair/t, Zinc, and Bi/znut/y by the Help of Fire are fublimed into Flowers, which are nothing elie but Calctx. ACIDs have likewife a great Power of turning Illineralr and Mtlal: into mederl, Saflram, and Calms. Thus all Acids turn [ran into Rflfl, Copper into l'n-dfgraa/é, Lead into Cara/r, and Tin into a Calx. Oil of Vitriol, Spirit of Nitre, 0r Aquafortlt abllrafled from Alert/17y, leave 3 yellowiih or red Powder behind them, as is evident in flrranum tom/li1mm, and red Prctipitatc. Oil of Vitriol abllraéled from Antimony or its Raga/m will quit a Calx ofa more fixed Nature. This is likewile done by diflhlving Metals in Acids, and caufing a Precipitation. Thus Gall difl'olved in flgua Rrgia, will by the Ai‘Fufion of Oil of Tartar be turned into a yellow Powder endowed with a fulminating Quality. A Solution of Silo-er in Spirit of Salt will, when precipitated, yield a white Powder. '123‘ NH." not only turns Antimony into Cent/i, but Will have the fame The fame Thing happens to Iron, Tin, Cap/W. 317' mull), Zinc, Antimony and its Raga/11!, and Coda/t when they are diflblved in their {pacific lllca/lrunnu, and are again difunited by the Addition 0f other Things. SULPHUR will likewife calcine Metals, for if it is mini with Antimony and placed over a gentle Fire, keeping it conllantly llif' ring, it will turn into Afhes. The fame will happen to Iron, Cofftrflm and Lmzlif they are mixt with Sulplyur and melted. Qiz'rljfilrutr joined intimately with Sulphur and then fublimed turns into Cinnaéar. Nita; Power over Tia, Lead, Bifmut/y, or Regular of Cola/t, if melted therewith.In like Manner Iron may be turned into a beautiful Crocus with Nitre. COMMON SALT mixt With melted Tm .or Lead wrll produce a Kind of Alhes. Regulus of Antimony blended With Salt and calcrned will turn to Alhes. ALKALINE FlXED SALrs have alfo the fame Power of pro- ducing Soflram and Calm. Thus if five Parts of antimony are mixt with one Part of Salt of Tartar and melted, the Regulus will link to the Bottom, and will lhine like poliihed Steel ; but if it be reduced to an impalpable Powder, it will be reddiih, and is called MealiIinal Raga/u; if Antimony Alkaline Salts firlt melted with Sulphur turn into a reddiih. Mafs called Liner quu/Plfilr which will dillolve all Metals into Powder, not even excepting Gold 0f MIXTURE. What MIXTURE is, is very well known, but as frequent Miilakes are committed in blending diEerent Things together, to the no {mall Prejudice to the Virtues of Medicines, it may not be improper to give a Caution or two about it. Volatile Salt: or urinou: Spirit: are improper to mix with Oil, becaufe they thicken the Oil and loofe their Volatility, which is invifcated and loll; among the oleous Particles. Volatile Salt: blended with Adult, become fixed and turn into a neutral Salt, like Sal l‘r "‘ |D|I|\l\‘l\\ \II\\\\ mu" Ammm'ac; and therefore they are guilty of an Error who order thefe Things in Potions or otherwife, unlefs knowingly and with Defign to obtain the Remedy refulting from thence, as in the Spiritu: Mindereri. Alcids mixt with Subilances of a firong or fragrant Smell tend to dimi~ mlh it, becaufe the Fragrancy generally relides in the oleous Parts, and therefore the Exhalations will be greatly weakened ; whereas on the other Hand, Alkalines render them more odoriferous. Spirit of Sal Almmrnz‘ar, or any other urinous Spirit well rectified, mixt with rectifier! Spirit "/ W13", 0r Tz'nflurer or Elixir: made therewith, will prefently coagulate, which however, by the Addition of a little Water will regain their Flui(lily. Tint'turos and Elixir: extrafted from rofinous and oleous Subflan- "with Spirit of Wine, will be precipitated by Water. But this is no leeélion againft taking Drops of this Kind in Tea or other aqueous l‘lllld, for though it is rendered white and turbid, it may be conveni- ently taken. Volatile Salt: mixt with other Things in a Brafs Mortar prefently becomegruglmufii, and unfit for internal Ufe. Syrup q," Violet: blend- 3 Wlth an Acid turns purple ; with an alkalious fixed or volatile faltChangCS greenilh; with Crabs-eyes, Coral, {9%. the Colour becomes W‘d‘ Add SW17", Rob, and Coafrr‘ve: joined to alkalious Subilances, Egg: Efieri'efcence, and acquire another Tafie which is generally . r1 . 0f EFFERVESCENCES. neEFFERVEscenccs are fometimes produced in {0 unexpeéled a Man,that a P'CVIOus Knowledge of what occalions them is necellary for ofe W110 begin to be converfant about chemical Operations. An Efll tiff/C rt. ; .‘ m-._ .l . |