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Show Of P 1-111 R M A c Y. Of PHARMACY. I17 tendei to bc b1':l<c11,a11d applying :1 Bit of Linnen to the Place 1:11;: :11 cold 1'» 3101. When 61.115 '1' 13. :15.mm 0199100113 iCquire. are to be placcgi" 211 11312011 Fire, 111': 11'111ckc‘1gl1'1fs15 110111111: 111011 c11n1en1en for though ,1 the 21's 1110111313111 1 ppgamncefi '.1r:y wil not bcm'tthe F116 {0 weil a; the thin 2611, but 1.1.1 be 21p: 10 cr'1cl-1 and fly ,fimiling the wh1 l1: Em. ccl's. 10 1.1chr11' the machine of all \ effe'ls as much as p01hb?,i:e will be 1311er to 1111111110111 wry gm(114..lly, and, "hen the 11001151, 1111 '11. to l t t1 cm 1:01:1111 tic fame 1111311101' unleis 1111' V efi'cl'15 1011: 11.11:c11 10 t;'11:13 out the coma n d Mmtcr ; 101 then i: may beexpol'ed fud11011l"to thL' cold 1111', 111111C11 will (:1. 1.11: it to crack, by whic‘ c1 11103113 the 1.011111 111.5 1:ill 11C Lettc1‘1cc red th..'.= 11yg'iv111:1t a 1'1'1011. T1.c \10101: cc ofthc lirc in a1e...11'1.=11'1101.'y Heat will often cam: C111 01011.1 ' ‘01'11Clt, :md tl1c1L1‘01'C 11 1.1: p20=361 to c011ttlie1n11i1.; {01116 "171': 01": 'E‘ . 11''01" Half" :1 (.‘1'0W:1,\11 hich being dIV 15111 '11'613‘1'c;111(1111:.‘01:: A '.I fhis15 callcd L1" '11, (:1 which there are v211‘1011sC01i1pohti1121s; but Uziugfirllms1 {011011011 xxith\1:11:11; 0 pzoper C'o:1:111:11cc,a11d 171321.: up with .0111 Ham :0 111y 113C in }31111..£5111‘;g Mutar, 01' CVCI‘i I0110-111111g1'11'11lda \1'611 C! (High 1111111 thi»1.1111111 is 1101 to be had. v.11i‘e 01' b113‘3c01 pipe 1.11 11111-11111.11111011111ch11."1fl)Ld Sand as 1.111 111610111 115111. to 111.6 111110 : '.'.ill‘ 0 111 its Stand. 5011113111sz U10 01'11'0 P: 11 111 hand and 0110 01'" L 1.1' .11: {1-110 1' 1.1111011: 'Ihcf': 11'1"'1'11;.‘\'. 1. 0111111: 1110 1011115 01‘1'1 . ' ' of volatile 8.1215 51:111111 111.5. ' tl1:1l1111"' '1111 of 11011 811'.1it3 ‘11: Mutter 1.:1y '00 11111111.: with a :01u11C '1 (.11 101' ;.11csi111‘1¢ad of Vv11t01' 111 111011 1111101 C31 '5 a Piccc of'wct 1111111'1'11111y be 111011 which being lined with a Kilzflf :1 (51110 11111 11* <211'C1v1'c31'1111.y Th16 fame may '00done 111111 1713119 of F101;" 111d \1 Liter or of [11110011- meal 111 ' 301 the C211 :11 11'1": after the Expr: - 11 0161101 Link-:11. '1'113': are 1':: 11,11 01‘ 0111.01 111111'1'111'1C11ts which the Chemical ( will 1'.:1\'0 CICCZ‘iliin 10'111'1'1;c U1'C 01, {11:11 as 1301: 11.11115 0:1 Retmt' RCCC.'.L‘I5. 1111111111.th (31511131110 .1d5', Subl' 111.rs C like (1101-;Cps, Q75. but 115 thefc111C to bl. had .11 would 1:01:21: ' "-110111 to attempt :0 1135.111 :15 :11'1' 1111.11.11: {01 ccch Cipemt 011 '51. 1 -111111 1111,11 it 11111;; be 1210161 10 1'L'111:11',1111t 11119' { 111.1111 .mg 0 01 one Salt than anorl1er. Thu: :1 Tound off-liver water will difTolve :1 Pound of3/1/7117/z_f/t', :1 Pound of 1621'! of? [WI]721' ;fix Ounces and fix 1111111501 Gran l'z'l;1z'a/;f 111 (Lunces .0111 11K Dr'amsdmum 54]; four uunces aud [11166 Dr"111115 ofEl! ['51 11; f 111-(3'1111ce5 {111d two D111m5 of {Tu/1101512111.: ; 1W!) U ncCs 01 mt; c/nm/ zts'e, one Ounce and 11x I) 1.1m: 01'" /'/.'1 , ‘HIfl'Ty. 1-:Ve1'1 .- 1ran15 0' Par/1x, 'I 1:121}: EX1361111161113 31' the 511:: tirm of 5511115 11011 various Kinds {11,9 pixie . . 0.1 n '1110- 11" fl/m-z 11:15 been added 5.1 .1 8011111011 01 011', 2111.1:ough ([1110 '~ '1 :1 is 11.111? 1'n1c'd 1111' Lin-1,11 13112311011 the .‘111m wi ‘ {1111: 1511131111 1"1'011'11. L137: huh'nu. 111<C\".‘.'C 1L@111 11< .0113, that 111:11Wate: 1.; 1""docsmt p.13 0 t it 0111 (1111111y'11g :1 L011.- m1) b 10111111 {mu 1 upon .1. . . 1'.' afgr '.'1'11 11k 11.1i'dil1'olve {dime 1301.11 l'u'p 01' (1153,. Mama my 1 11:1 C l111:c., F3 .. y 11:; cured, :1 d vary "110513.111y ml 1.10 :11 -'.1.:< 01p5 , . 10:1.1111 ‘ . 1111' e '1 A1011 . ‘ 111c.ne. 1.011115, 1.1:L1'1'zz' 5'177'1'1/1'! 91' 1:0 . - ‘.', 111:1 11"1'111: 11‘11)1"1L111110r they may 11' (1‘11151L'd ..- " 3 » L ‘ 11111 cor 1121.1; .11 111111 to 11:15:11.1: v211,111.. 11y1 0 2.3811621" 1.1.111'1'1 '1 '1'011'11,b1.16 'lxcn 11111111311111 jC:r1 d to MHz/hm h :yd'11'1011'c111 ' 1J0dy. :11'111ye. 1,1;11Cn 11.111011 :, LOFDL'.1 1t 11.01f'113011" 131111111091 01.101111101101111 :ch1101 111111 :1 wry '. 11113111: '{11". ‘. 5 An 111611.101) '.':1 1-, ihcy 170001110 ..1, 1 'OL'lY 1;, "'1 \1.,.15: 1'1 ... v : 1» E1L1'S 111 J- '111'011‘."ll L 1.1111131? ‘ L1.Ls 0111115, 1.1.1.».1131;highw and (1... \V.'\.'1 11R 1'1" 1'". .5 1': 11110111011 "1 Md :"1111105. . \1'.=111 Oz; .1 \w '.‘ '0 «1 LIC1t111.111.SphitfiI\'it1101|".i!;c 1 " .1111, .'.;141").'.' _ 1111,11J 111.4 '55,."11111 '115'1 11111111}! 01 121111,; =1 1"11161‘. (/11 5, Ba1.1111115, 1.05115 1:1'1 2' he fi1‘1 1113.11.65! withBil1:_.Sugar,lc10ney, 011111: 101k c '1. " .11 .1; 21.011 11101 11/111 111.56 111 Water. ' qP11".1'1'S :16 11111 1:1.p..1 of W11 ".10"ff-‘12: .r/l" . 1'! cffi'xz't . .1110 Vfizmm'. T 11211: difiolve111' 1. . 0.11.15, ."..'11.1.11". 130011 .11 111.511111'1‘110111135, h it .pCCC‘1 Ly 1'11 '311011; 1111116010 111 t . 0111;: 1' 1L31:.11:11.iq110'1'; (‘11.Cl 111:» '1 111 L11'11c1c'15. (11,- \ .11 is ~ (1;: 1111111 501111 ) . -I\\ \ lum' |