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Show Of PHARMACY. :06 qwsgm srmeutse guts gangs rw wm ww wm me afienfiumaflfi 107 VI. The SHELL ; for feveral Remedies are good in Proportion to their Mai‘iflrolfl Smell ,- fuch as jel/mw Seeders, Stijifrzzg and Cinnamon. ‘ VII. The TASTE; for fome {hould be fweet, as Liyuorz'rr; others bit. tar, as 14/08! ; others flrarp, as Tamarind: ; {ome acrid, as Ginger, and o- thcrs ftyp‘ic, as flmcz‘g. 0f PHARMACY. teaches the ELIECTIOF,7§RE. H ARMACY is the flrt 0r Sriem‘e which 124. and is one art 0 mes, Medic P-ARATION and MIXTURE of L and (.HhMXCAL..I a. NICA GALF Parts, two into ed d‘il'd ‘ ‘ ) ‘1 re of' Medrcmes, 2- e ) Mixtu A"?15 CO nvcrr.cant about the fimpl is v mrmar flame ' ' a]. 17/1t 06‘ npgltd. " isdcort . catn Drug .l Subltanses of Which 1ft~r the ing Le‘ eel. out {with (filih \Vl A ri: I Begiefsfin or1 ficdici ., ,.120' is that which a7;'[Z{v_/Ef natural (71077 s . / 111111771;"; dg: dividr tra T(then an ed exalt rate the ufelels 5 arts, and to make more n eA r.. e y :are . 3 Lamar ' (11 ' 7mm; ' all are r r .. g) '7‘ 'i Hal/m ‘ I " ' or '1i he Ob eds VfigETAB‘LLS. MAI/tyrant: t "up? C/ifi; Animus, Murmurs-and [Var/r, Heft, 12.}, M, 30722:, then‘ but Fri/3'}. ir ln only , nOt i/ i nd i [I rehe 0 comp rvm Metals, Semz-mrialr, thefl de inclu minus 1": M . Hair. and Ex‘rrzm‘iztg fuz(farm, My],Sap, r their ,f "a," vs conta"in P/mzt ) ‘ ABLr ‘ " rurr V , . Limbs and . " Starts . 1'00715 , , re thre' hostr, .Stirls, . Fri/xii s, Hatter (0: Git/11$ Rqflm from. and all other Things 'fii‘iiCh proceed there ' ' ‘ ‘ 5. , V ‘ ‘l V '. , d to t/Jrle Operatiwzr, the 11156320», . , reduce . be .~ may "-vrmi‘ " ' m I ."Iin C1.1m of thh Medi. t. icrues ofD/Mm r [ancho and Prrzaratian, 1 h" re Drugs, [imp/c the 0; e Choic the P ‘ "rros C01.Illi': in 0 let fhould We ent Judgm with this PHIL tines are made. in Order to do ' m : . . ‘ ""1 Cirumfiances. Fig/di'dmiiirjfl-r or H'om's in grow to {CVIUQThe Pr Acres; tome delight to , 330g:: an,1 #413er natural more are h 7 Some I" i . . . A u lti\r: rt C d in Carder: r , Vol/let, If the! in others Maum'azm, in :rhcri- to drv Places; tome told, other; Hrg'xy‘I/H d Dita/yrs; fotne injnt Earl/2, and‘otherswin/miay hid for tome are excellent in [meolezl‘r15.i,;n [if Ihie (ELI‘I \TF' mm Intuit . . ‘ ‘ . 'a ‘ 'r'.5. tian i . morepmmt. ,, m t is i e h mum a n tha: from lhus Sma l" in roll]. I ,. . thanVir-tuc ‘ '- 1in Norma better are , mez/ and ‘ )rrir . Places . other in i row s l baring-gray: and Saflrm, are ofgreatei ‘ northern Countries . iimte 1:." . ten in other Races. . - ' ' the nag/figuring I"? 1) from Virtue acquire tome f0" m Illilguiiiizcti:r'ry ' at oe from the Out. r A " ,' PabiGCZbJ/andtigviZ/Z from 7(3):": i . Don'z/mIuch as ' ,l ‘ i " \ 7iirtuc at a Dd a nce , have unit as . out~y n r Y OHV other)‘ ‘ 1:.\7' our in the 5‘sz, 1g [ P / i‘ thin: PM" H] The flux"; for lume are in greater "mm s b f re'thev 11m M l he 50 c ' \ d we in x/utnmn.' i in i thei Sum/7162‘, .nd others _ * r ‘d 'f‘ oflible mfmc Member, an e o they are come . . wgo and when w , . warhered be a. . id L on "fh 1 "1 dPFrmg 7 "I ' an Steer, hi $1"le Friars, fliould Seed. be a.» 1. 2, .. ‘ / _ younb ~. when ‘ be. killed »; , 7 lhould a/I/IJLZLJ' ' 7‘ i Lyrowth. ' full their fizz/{101" l‘emale. the . o With an /-',‘ ofcouphn: .. Time _ the t. ,3. nd bi‘rore t(dus r Vi (eight, E) ‘ m . 02hr"?bpft When they have the r-fitlulfitc bize, SOlldlt}, , , t as ,flvm"; .dbl‘ hfm . compaet, ‘ be {horrid tome . , s i Sbssrwcrt; PV . The An": as ,7, ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ '-, Oilers as Swim/.671} i i)")tth, , zg 1., . . , others J heavy..' as (.Mza hard and or), fcirne lic‘uid and flowing, as ‘Tuvpmnm; others It/Jralvo/mu. as hard, again others : m i as '. ui'xzzn 1 i I ileft, other; '7 ‘7 zi/grr‘afi: {ome yellow, as Turmerid'; and others gray, as yak/'1). IX. The SIZE; for fume flrould be long and moderately thick, as Cnfla; and others {hould be young and tender, as Hart; Harm. The PR E P A P. A T I 0 N 'Zf Remedies, whiz/2 con/WI, I. In qunflvz'ng them : Thus Rim; are wafhed as foon as they are dug; up, to take away the Dirt. Lifm;g£ and "Tu/(y, to free them from acrid Particles; and l'omatum in Rofe-water, to give it an agreeable Smell. ll. Drug; mutt be (leaned from their grofs and ufelefs Parts. Thus 5mm is cleaned from Sticks and dead Leaves ; certain Roofs, from their fibrous Cords in the Infide; and Raffle: are freed from their Stones. lll. Some Things innit be dried, either in the Sun or the Shade, as "glad/r; and Animals, which being freed from their Humidity may be kept withOut (Failing. Filmer/‘5 thould be put in {mall Bags of wliited brown Paper,otherwi{c they would lofe their Colour and Smell ; l‘uch Of GALENICAL PHARMACY. f VIII. The COLOUR; for fame fireuld be white, as A's-mic; others black, as Tamarind/r ; others red, as Drzgm': B/azm'; others green, as Ver- as Flowers of St 70/:72'5 W'arr, and the [fiflflél‘ Ceizr‘aur}. Rod Rafe: ilrould be dried in the hotteil: Sun to preferve their Colour. The Roots of 74:my, Brim}, Mac/mam", are cut in Slices to dry them more eafily. Praisiihould be dried in the Oven. 14' em", when deprived of their Head, Skin, and lintrnils, lhould be tied to a Packthread and hung in the Shade. IV. .Sonre Things muf't be muff zzm', as Filing: of dial, and Fry 3 of 1i‘?!1,Wllh Dew or Kain-water, to open their Bodies and increafet heir Virtue. \. Some Drugs mult be zlgfig/m' in Liquors in Order to rig/"five them ; a: 9171/; in Vinegar ; or to tom‘mszcate their 1.1."le to the Fluid, as Serum, p gund Kmart in water; or by Way of Cam‘cflim, thus Eflr/a is in- :ulcd 111 \‘i, :gar before it is tried ; fometimes to increate their Virtue, thus, fl/Jr‘i/Iz'wsy is infufed in acid Liquor to render it emetic. Sometimes to Picfiiwe them, 35 Roofs, ,2; m, or Adina/r, are put in'o Spirits ofi'v'ine "r l ""8311 Sometimes to render them frz'ttz'e, thus red hot Hints and Ulrirlhls are quenched in Vinegar. ‘ VI‘ 501116 Things are to be est-fad in Order C) for" en their] ; as when life Roots of Alf/2.7a are boiled the better to get the Pix/,6 ; or to commu‘flcatc'tIICiI‘ Quality by Deroflz'm, as in the making of Ptii'hns; or when yhfl is boiled to make at Sam; or the juice of Quinces to make J>Ill)'7/IL,/*?r,/g_ ‘ ' Vll. Some Thi rigs are to he flew-15d or mt, as Wood 3 others are to be (I'm/‘17?!) 115 Herbs; to be ral‘ped, as [gaff/$0M: and 17‘1'9‘0‘; to be fi/M, as [29/1 and Stet/3 and to be bra/3:71 as Rm; and (In?! F/‘fol. The MIXTUR r of Medicines con tits in the blending and unitingthern toga} w digigfiglmflic.("1""P/1/zihjomr. To perform thi; properly we until l-zarri - a, .1 there ingredients which unit; together tam-my, Item. thoie ii , ‘ i‘ thin"? hIl I- \IMI \ -I" v ‘\I . |