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Show ‘ 86 roe SIGNS of DISEASES. Of the CAUSES of DISEASES; Of EPIDEMIC DISEASES arz'flng from a VITIATE Am and SUPPRESSED PERSPIRATION. human Body, whence the Vigour of the Mind is varioufly ' *d. . hen the Sky is firme and pure, and the Weather tempera", The AU T UMN is the molt morbid Seafon of all, which is afcribed to the hidden Changes and Variety of the Vv'eather, and the Vapour-s of different Natures which leflén the Elafticity of the Fi- bres, hinders the free and lively Circulation of the Blood, diminilhes the Pcri‘piration of noxious Particles, and lhuts them up in the Body. will] Enfl, Norm-gay}, or South-rafl [yin/15; as alfo in a mild Spring the Body is vigorous, aétive, and Hrong, and the Spirits brifk and lively. But when the Weather is cloudy, foggy, and rainy, with the Peripiration; hence Plenrifies, Peripneumonies, Rheumatiiins, arthritic Difeafes, Defluxions, acute Pains, and Difeafes of the noes 0'? the A'z'r greatly affect the Motions and Func'tions moi/i "Xylem sz'mlr, the Body is languid and heavy, the Wit dull, the Spirits are cait down, and the Appetite fails. When the Quiclfilver rifes high in the Barometer, with aflrere, pure, and eoldi/b flir, the Body is more rebuilt, the Sleep found, the Appetite is itrong, and the Sick fooner recover. But when the Quiet/fly" is low, the contrary Efl'ee‘ts will happen. INsE NSI B L E PE RSPIRAT ION is much greater than the Ewacuatiam by Stool and Urine ; and when it is free, with an equable and lively Circulation of the Blood, it clears the vital Fluids from much fuperfluous impure heterogeneous Matter, that the Strength \VIN TER Difeafes are derived from z'm‘enfe Cold which impedes are aflected with Spafms and Pains, and their: who are extenuattd laxes the Tone of the Fibres, and retards the Coutfe of the Blood ; for it not only inipiilates the Humours and {tops the Pores, but 1-;and therefore a cold ljumld flimofibbere, when it is hitting, contributes more to the Generation of Difeafes than a cold dry fl'z'r, which renders them more active. It is certain, from conflant Oldervation that a moi/1' Coigr'liturioil Olflinate gafzartam, ariiing‘ from Chile A"? long predominant, is very moréz'o'; as alio that Declivities and Places furrounded with Lakes or i‘tdarihes, with continual hop, an Infarétion of the rg/em, are either more mild or quite go oil. When Perfloiratiorz is rzylored the molt dangerous Difeafes termiu are {molt proper to produce Fevers and Putretaition. 4' Nothing is more apt to generate various Kinds of Epidemic Dr'fm- nare ; and the more lean recover fooner than the replete and {pony "5 than WW, raixy,figgy, calm [Vent/her, fiicceeded by a narp Cold, A [heated Peifpimtion increafes the impure Humour/5, and hair Tendency to Corruption and Putrrfafiz'on. It likewife products and northern Blafls, or when the following Days are very lJot. 1: ivei n1 Dimes, fuch as the Cat/92X): and Fevers, and gives then :1 malignant Force. It is probable that the Difeaies proper to each Seafon have tlttir SEMEIOTICE; or the SIGNS of DISEASES. Rife from afirffirejflv, Perj'piratiorz. 'I‘hoi‘e molt rife in the SP3 I N Ga HE SIGN of a Difeafe is that which helps us to know and according to Hippocrates, are l‘viadnefs, Hzmorrhages, Epileplicia (Luinnes, arthritic l'ains, Catarrhs, Coughs, Lippitudes, Ahfceflin P\i‘.CI‘.iillllli.iliné, the Smallpox, Meafles, catarrhal Fevcrs, and 5f- SIGNS, are oft/Bree Kinds, the Cont-.11: M oRATIV E, the DIA- dll‘inguifh the Cauieiof its flpprmt/J, Duration, and Event. GMS'I‘IC and the PROGNOSTIC. l‘K/‘i iiiLQ. ,mn I . M. V . int: mitt we the DUMMER are burning"r and biiious F, ' "" continuzu and mtermitting Tertians, which are not Liv-ling dirt; I" W" ‘ii'v'l : W- - .32; La; :1 (old moi/i A'zr, which is ircuueni in um i‘vigill - l i Dry, pure, firene, told Mather renders the Body more aE'tive and nimble; hecaufe it flrengthens the Spring of the Fibres, whereby the Fluids are impelled, and provided the Body be well-clenched, it isJ‘iealthiul, adding Strength and Vigour to the Solids. A eolrl dry northerly [Wind hurts thofe Whoi'e Fibres are rigid and Mind and Body may be able to perform their Funé'tions with greatcr Alacrity. A more plelzlry'izl Perfln'raiion preferves the Body from various Dif- never to well as in the Summer. l l arife. and Nourifhment of the Body may be better maintained, and the In the Summer Months when the Perfpiration is greatef't, then there are but few lick and fewer die. The Spafins of the Hyperfine/riot: and the Pains ofgouty Perfom then ceafe; and infirm old Men are 5' Head. Inter/e Cold forces the Humours to the Breaft, Head, and Joints; whence Stagnations and Obftrufiions of the fine Vefiiels and weak. A my}, cold A'lr is more prejudicial to the Health than the dry, eafes, and has agreat Tendency to remove them when preterit. l ‘i l 87 Night and Morning, and which retains the laol, oiliofi-flzhlmreom excrememllious [Walton \\‘vc the {ECFM M E MORIAT I v e teach usuwha‘t has happened heio're the P Liaiffiand are taitcirfrern every i'ning in _ ‘Jr utded, that is, 4 (hunts Manner of livn'iq, the Place of : hitatirzn, the ionfiitur'‘10" Of his PalCiliS; 1i}; lliifitlt'f ‘40 1‘.‘i1i';l'1 ll; : been litll" U 4. gm. l .i. - "‘ il‘ ‘-"‘l\\-‘"V \um --.m~4 . |