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Show Of the CAUSES of DISEASES 82 Of the CAUSES of DISEASES , Languw of the .. ffuzmdlra, Cm umpfz'mz o.r the Lungs, the fl'norexy of the [Jazz], as es Dileaf to nlfo As Fiver. Whole Body, and I'm/Bic the flfioflexy, Etri 311,9, Pal/j), flqcpy Djflamper: and Pain: in the flaw}. S4 't‘itzmus Liquors coagulate the animal Fluids and greatly tend to ol‘iliiuét the \lellels, indurnte the szm‘a, and to can 8 park/50:15 Cm:t J m‘rrimr and Srl2z'rrlsus'5, whence the Dileafes beforementioned. 83 I fill natural Eacrctxaas hare/Edutary, and when they are dimhzi/lj'd or ya; they are very permcrous. If more than one isfaulty the greater t/J: Danger ; for there is no Fever or other Difea le but what ' generally ulher7d in Wlth Ca/lz' a." ,‘ vciztfv for two or three Da' 3 ml: U .jyfirclhon ol Prf/plmtzm or lome other Evacuation y ' flaw Ban-g ' heref . oremiq , to remr f n b' e the f 09j l lruflzom i and reflorc i ) i the Excretzm ' r {A M o . t, g 0 ,or eDore the flarqflm of the Dilea fe, is the Me "l‘ligugh ‘i/VXNE is; much more innocent than Jo'randy, yet the ij'tllif‘l'n of "$751"th o in : h'lorningis very pernicious, and otten D, 110' r o. prevent various treats the Stone, Arthritis, and Gout; bevets Catarrhs, and Con‘ l motions of the Lungs, and is hurtful to thofc whole Heads and n vhachs are weak, and whole Food 13 apt to grow arid. u New! all [line is certainly good, for it comforts the Stomach, re- {kcL MIN/L . it 'tis . 5 r‘o . eafr ,Hy Ill atter ; . to ' rev ebulate tnc ' e Evaruazt5 h: of Swmz‘ ' , or Nr. /]' a try. , or li'ellics the Strength, exhillrr'ites the Mind, promotes the Circulation of the Blood: and helps Digefl'ien ; liut drank to Excels, it (lif- poles to the above-mentioned Dileal‘cs. But if the Wine be adul- . (emor . r 10sz ~ ,- becamec tie l ‘ ault ' not 13 ' to ' much In ' ‘11:] {0d pr as [Malian 'l Jhus when Exten t/252mm are forced inwards a a , L, .on the writing 1 arts, 'tis a dlflfmlt Tufl' to make r v. AL them *‘ me their former Statzm. i V i m- 73'???" tiliefgrrlznux Dzflafcs which filllo w momma: ,Ejlx 10"! of the on "may", do not {0 much (rule from [mm-[rem as from 7 tltc ° lw Q1.4l5‘ 9f olrffigt/J ‘ , whereby the fllxmmt : cannot be diaefted nor tie UCCICUODhS dulv "Orrunt'l‘ Conlequ J })erformml i ently fiagnate ct, b ut W11 D l i and H Tlier' CW ence a Carboy, Dropfi, Coir/amplimz and a 555/2} Fewer l/zritr fellow, 35 a {WI/57772 {1' State of .Hmlfl) depends on the Ram. "1:100. t1: Excretzam, and lesqfl': on their Dizfigz'mhy, no (SW .l‘, Ctlic‘ 9:1 0X38; Without their Rg/loraz‘z'm; which mull; 1,9 (lone by ‘)//\/‘l, P A I" A ‘ terzitcd, as is often the Cale, nothing but be 1 EEC/3:5 can be expeib 4, . and pro- 4 Cost/l ll/z'n: provolrfi Lrine, moves the llelly, mi from ' t 1‘ 1 . t v o, ,,, nee-13,, and dull rerfons render not ‘ocs ti 1 mn zi'mtes Per ' ‘ :t:' Vt hatcver ha ‘ilorders , and " to preferve the Life ' V from -- ures Al; "2 ity and Cheatlulnels. :31 C id of [ml [Wine may properly be applied tr heavy Mall Liquors, for they are certainly as unw‘nolclozn; and prrgiu'iicial 1:) Health. lt if; :1 Fault in the contrary Extreme not to drinl: a fiifhcieni l‘. "rout: [J -,_1n4 sw1cI L-W 612371 the oily/21,53 Pa cnder theMat. terfitfar Sacrrz‘w- n, who}, u») the Fr Chiantity of Liquids ; for thi" lays a Foundation for many chroni~ cal Dilbrrlcrn. Gay/l Bleed eozitills of three Parts of an aqueous Hui: and om: ot‘Sa/z'a', that it may pals through the finalleft Vellels with l" re: dmn, and {end off the talino-vilcid excrementitious Sonics tirz'nugl. the Lmnnaories; hut it‘the Humours are too thick, w :2! c ‘v 1:: n liappen but Stfigrza/iom, 0/1/27 ufz‘iam, and Imlurmz'om, elpC(Ealiy ilthe Lite is fedentary, and 1452215 are too freely taken. "5 rivzsy ealily olchrve that fret Drinter: are not lo obnoxious to Dli- 1 . fig", and which dzru‘? rlJe diction of the Humour; [I'VE/7211'; Lftgmet: for it IS evident that no Err/gr will 772225: or nop n e "5 Wit a out,- an [571415. szan ,[3) ‘Swag: 07' Steal;‘ and wlwl lo this and the F: certain convenient bealons they are laid to be critical , . . either then . . (lac/[128 ,. From allwr fil'lll . or h end. . . by Elwyn" WI/IChs' the Lszzlm/x 0t Evacuatmzs plainly appears, a, ,9 . . . ~ . . i all1 kinds :hd 0/("gill/lg, in. The excellent Servrce of Extra/z of , a 'm‘m and 7 ~ 3‘ , Dcwtlmz: ol the [root/J, mineral h0" llflklllg (Vi/55}, 0t er diluting Liquors. Gates as thofe who are addicted to plentiful and luxurious Eating. 0/" DEFICIENT EXCR ETIONS. 'rm "Thile the EXCR ETIONS are regular the whole Body is vital mus, and its Funaions {ale and entire ; all ofl'enfive Matter prt'le' (hr ile to Health, is conflantly carried of}; that the vital Fluids mil remain pure and uncorrupt. , Fl heretore there is nothing contributes more to Q/lalrli/l) Heal/l and to. dylroy szcajés in flat Bud, than to preferve the Ext'n'z‘ims m theirfu/l For", eipecially by I'wflviratian and Stool. Sometimes the Flux ol‘purc and laudable Fluids is to he promol‘Cd that Haalrla may be preferved 5 as that of Blood by the Ufs'rzrs; W 1*]a/i102'flx0id5, and Bleeding at the Note. Of the E ADEEEFECTS arzflng fi-om tlye S'I‘OPPAGE aft/13 XCRETIONS 5y ASTRINGENTS. F the better underf'randmg . "or of this, it will be necefiéry to preo mile . ' What 3222:3333: llop. the Excretion: 5 that is, What are bind/71g, , hole filimflfifzmtzwz, and what reftram the Flam! of 8/0061. (7]) liar/b, I‘m/2m" at; leDIN-G which'are lJar/l, lran, mflz're, aU't/h/«tg Mm 5r ,ayfdlu Bgfl'mrs, ASzmmls, lmrzl Eggs, Cher/é, "517",": l7 ) 4 mom )7 (Qunzcfl, unripe Pears, Mad/am, Cm‘mnlr, :2: 3‘ , - , , A7,," Wind; 1 agar arid Real "/1726: . As allo little Fwd, Ry}, and Bl'lliraAlxllfirlzragntizty ', ' lit/[5].are Preparation: of fllzlm, Sim], [flu] and )e lid/Ml hart/C's and Bolas, Roots of Tai‘zneixz‘il, Bi2 flort, |