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Show ‘53 0f 1/16 DIFFERENCES of DISEASES; APEPSIA is a Want of Digflioo, and is attended with Pair: and Senfe of lV-sigbt in the Stomach; as alfo with Eruflatioizs and Flolu/mcios. BULIMUS, or a canine Appetite, is an z'gfeiz‘aolo and pcrpmgz Doflr‘o ofEaiirg; in which, unlefs the Patient is indulgeu, he fometimes falls into Fits. PIC A is an ahl'urzl Delire of eating Thin/Vs which are unfit for Aliment, as Clio/é, Cools, &c. It is a Diieai'e [Gigi ' ‘ ' MAL AC I A is a longing for, and agreedy devours: ; ' that are lit to eat, as fame Authors fay, and yet it i: there is nothing too incongruous and abfurd, that ionic p '4 r " 't/Vomen will not long for. Of the DIFFERENCES of DISEASES 59 Colour, and renders Linnen of a Sszi‘oiz Colour, The Ext-roman: are pale. . . ' ' A DIABET Es is a too quiz/c and large Excretion of crude, unaltered, and fiuoel-tq/leol lVator, exceeding the Proportion of the Fluid taken into the Body, accompanied with intoloral‘lo Yhiifl, The Hngra s not D3 or Pile: , they are either the olt'm'i/‘fg or the blind. The Mod feldom bleed but turn to Variant, which often appear externa ly about the Kim/5, and are attended With muffle: Pain. A BEN] GN GONORR HoEA is too frequent and copious an Excretion of the fommal Fluids, with Ehccidity of the Penis. Ifit be the real Somm it is called the truo ; ifit is a thin gloirozznforous JWottor, it is {aid to be the fpziriom, or a GLEET. DISEASES oft/2e INTESTINES, ABDOMEN, mza'UR INARY A V l R U LE N T GoNoR R H o E A proceeds from impure Coiz‘iorz PAssA G Es. COST I VENESS is 21 Retention of the Excrommtt fome time beyond the arrzgflomed Period. DI ARR HOEA is a long and frequent Dojoéfion of the Context: of the lntefiines preternaturally fluid. This is often a 121mm with an iiifefiod lflzrzaiz, and is known by the foo/cling [trial of the Evacuation LIENTERY is a Dejeé‘tion of Aliments not greatly changcd, from the V‘Veaknefs of the digtflio'e Faculty. The HEPATIC Flux is like the Wathings of raw Flefh. It is in Confequence of the Dyfaimry. TENESMUS is a (ontiziual Defirc of going to Stool, which is generally imfifiual. Urine, and the yellow or grow f-Izio of the woopilig [Morton LU ES VENEREA is when the former, not duly managed, feuds its poi/owns zMatter into the Blood, producing Balms, nocturnal Point, and yollow Srol's. A SCUR V Y is a Difeaie which greatlv impairs all the Fuirfiio'r: of the Body, ariling from a preternoruml D_j,firojy of the (vital Fllh izlt, attended with Lafitm'lo, Heavinefs oi. the Legs, and a Liillefnefs to Motion. The Colour of the Face changes, the Gum; bleed, and the TM]? grow loofe : Then Pains in the Limbs, with Inabi- lity of Motion or comizzlflvo Sirifluror. A CAC HEXY is a lad Habit of Body, known by a difcolooroal The SCRoF U LA, or King's Evil, is a hard glandulom Tumour, feated principally on the Sides of the Neck, behind the Bars, and Complexion, which is either polo, yollow, groan, tawlzoy, or livid, under the Skin, either tingle or in Clufiers. In jdmt they root/J from with the Face generally lloafod. There is great Laflitude, with a Palpilm‘ion of the Ifeart upon the lealt Motion. It tends to a Dripfy. A DROPS? is a big/fly depravod Haoit of Body, with Regard to the Ear to too Clat'irlc'. all its Parts and Functions, accompanied with aprotomaturdl Stag- DIS 1: Asrzs ofWOME N. , The CHLOROSIS, or Grow Sit-bids, is known by a polo, 'l/WV/la dijoolozmol Faro, flzor'ivid or grog :i/l}, with (Jar/a Ciro/o: nation and Colloc‘iion offerous Humour: in all Parts of the Body. A DRoPsY ANASARCA is a Stagnation or Shedding of the Under the Eyflt. As alfo Heavinel‘s of Body; :1 toifluo LnJitude of the Legs and Feet; Difficultv of breathing; l'alpitation of the [.3722le in all Parts ofthe Body, whichvbecomcs tzmzid. Heart; Pain of the Head ; a Pita, or a Delirc to eat Cools, Chalk, Uf- tOgether with a Suppreihon of the fla'oifly. Su PPR E58 ION of the M E N 353 is known from the Coizfeflion An Aschis is known by the Tumidity or Swelling of the Bill}',_ and the Lymph {lagnating Within its Cavity, overflows the l'i Com. In a 'TYMPANITES the Abdomen or Belly is [limit], but appears hvghly inflated and hard, and will not yield to the‘ Im» preflion of the Fingers. The lAUNDICE arifes From 2 Fault in the l/lllOZIS Duffs, and appears mill with a yellow Colour in the lV/iito of the Eye, which at length tinges the 29/2515 8:352]. The Urine is ofa dark rodaw Colour; Of the Patient. The FLooR Annus or [575565, Conlifls in the Eff/M of a 1-. 3'5 if: firms, or aqueous hyulizour from the illoz‘rix, which v21.ties in COlour, for though commonly whitiih, it may be yollow, S‘Ifr‘j, or film/s, . 1‘53 DROPSY of the Ultra: is known by a rozm.t',prominont, Ravi/ism in the Region of the Utarm. The {IR-"1375 N: Q‘, j}: (l. |