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Show 54 Of the DIFFERENCES ofDISEAsesI Rufliw/i anil farctarrmtural Strength. It (lifters from a Flynn/y», whichis :1 Delirium areompxnied with a Fever. A VF. R 'r I G 0, or Swimmivg in the Head, is a Diforrler in which all vilible ()l‘ieets teem to turn round, attended with Staggering or Danger of Filling. But the turning round is not a (owl/{ant Symp- tam, unleh; it is made the Paikagnamonic Sign of this D'feaie. A ScoToMIA is a Pirtiga attended with afliddm Diving/i or temporary D:':pr;i‘.'ation oi bight. A BY M P TOM A '1‘ I c VE RT 1 GO proceeds from Diforders of the SIM/7176]). i‘IOKTAEGIA is a Kind of [li'lriizrbaly arifing from a DCill'C oii‘i-tiii'ning to the Countrv in which the Patient was horn. HYD ROPI-IOB IA is, the Dreziil of Vfater, a terrible Symptom Coinequent upon the Rite of a [Mad Dog. FICA is an aby‘iird Dqflre of eating Things not fit for NonI'iihment. The FUROR UT ERINUS is a flame/35 Salad/y in Winner, attended with an Alicmtion of Mind. {in 'i‘ Y R i A s I 3 is 2? parallel Diloriler in 174m. AN 1" i P ATHY is a fironz: Aver‘fion to certain Things, whole Sight, Emil, er Iii/Turn will pl‘OtlllLCYCI'y troublelbme Acciden ts. * DISEASES of the HEAD. . -.... - <-m----_...-_---~ a... __.__ An APOPL E XY is afiizldm Alia/[tibia of all the Senfes external and internal. An Hvs T E R i c A P 0 PL E x Y happens when the Bloodis form! up to 1/55 Hind, whereby the Veliiels of the Brain and h'lenin gcs are, expended, and the fi‘t‘f.' Cirrulatz'on through them hindered. Vv'hilc this Singimticiz lails the Sawfly are aba/zflwd. A SE nous APOPL 12 XY is when the Stagnatian continues i0 long that the Sari/m oozes through the Vcfiels and tails upon the Sides of the [Wain/[a ob/azigam or Spinning and {o {tops the influx of the nervous Fluid, and produces a Henri/filmy er PHI/2y. A SAr: G UIN eons APoPL E xv is canted by the hurtling of the fine Vciiels of the PM flfatcr, as‘above. A LETII ARGY is attended with a Fivc'l", :nd is a prrpimi film‘s, v. iih. ligziI‘CC any Intervals of [Va/ling, as alto a Stupidity and jury» izfng Fmgctfui'm/E. The Go M A 80 M NO L E N 'r U M is without a Fever, and is known by a winning] Drcufimfs, and the Patient will often fall alleep at Meals, or in the lli'iid'il of Bufineli s. fl he CAR US is either a firi'mm'y Diflaji' or fyznpfo/nai‘ir. 1" film the PALM": cannot be waked, or, if he is, falls aild'p again inn '5 The Diiai‘ts whirl) follow are not relucibie to the former Hcads. med istelf. Oftiie DIFFERENCES ifDISEASEs.‘ 55 mpginipiiv. if it haopens on a whim! Day of a Fever with 510,715,145 it is :jmoii, otherwiie it generally ulhers in Death. A Co M A ‘1] i G iL is :zlways/ympi‘pmatz't, and is :1 Huang Inclim. iv ‘1 lit: 3 ileen, without ESE-5t; or the Slacp is very ihort, with 3'. e i2 1: it 1 G I L I UM is frequent in nude Five", in which there :s a eon: nual \Vaking with a Propenfity to fleep. A {it U Po R is a (lull, r'Jmtiy Sen/L q?" Riding in any Part. A BALsY is a Zia/i of Sew/é and Marion in any Part, which gene." :lly feelsJ/iifi, [ax andflacrid, when examined by the Touch. A PA R AP L r G i A is when all the Parts beneath the Head are atlceted with the Pal/y. This is very rare. A ill]? MIPLEGIA is a Pal/y on one Side of the Body, in which the Nth/s: or thefbiniil [Marrow are only aflefled, unlei's when halt" the Head anti Face are Para/fife. Theft: two are the Utisprinz of the imp/my. A i'AnESIs is a Pn/y in a particular Part, with a finall De~ gree of Senletion remaining. Cal/55. It often {uceceds fome Kind of ' A CA T A R p, H is a Flux of Sgrum from the giandzilczis Cam‘s of the Faures, [Wont/J, iWflri/r and Bram/Jig. A CORYZA is an extraordinary Running of the Note, or a (Miami) of the Noflri/s. DISEASES oftbe Eyes. A CATARACT happens when the Colour of the (ml/failing Humour is changed, and its Tranffaremy loll, whereby the Sight is diminilhed or obf'eui‘ed. A GLAUCOMA is not only attended with an Opacity and a Change of Colour in the Ciyfiii/iirig, but its Volume is C(miiderahly a'iminzflrd. 1 NY c T A 1. o P I A, orB/indmfs in the Night, is thought to proceed from the too great Confiiience of the Fibres of the Ki'fi‘m, which can only be afiieéied with :1 "vivid Lig/Jt. He M E RA L OPIA, or Bliudiig/i in the Day, is generally canted by an inflammatory Difibgflt/m of the Eye, which cannot bear the glaring of Objefls greatly illuminated. AM A U R Us 13, or the‘Gz/lz‘a Serum, is a Pay} of the optic IVW‘UE, WllCl‘ehy the Sight is abolifileil, did no Fault agpears outwardly in the live. MYDh i A318 is too grant a Iliiizltzitiwz ofthe Puff/'0." the Eye. MEioPIs, or the Caiiiraflim ot‘the Peril. EXOPH T H A L M IA is a pitta/natural Largmq/y and [JI'Wl/ilm mm of the Eye, which cannot be covered by me film-.4014" A n |