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Show '28 Of the FUNCTIONS} szl'bc'FUNCTIONS.‘ In young Perfons the nutritive 31mins: not only {erve to repair the Parts that are damaged, but ferve to increafe them, which is called Growth; which is a lengthening the Fibres, by the nouarilhing Juices. The Ejeétion of the Excrements is an Evacuation by Stool, Tag Hafinau mentions another Ovary which lies between the Bot- tom of the Uterus and its internal Orifice‘ where Chillers of" 02/qu are always viflhle. Thele were firll dilbovered by thdofl}, Profell‘or of Anatomy at Leif/ice. And as for what fome object, that a Fretu: has been found in the Fallopian Tube, having been Urine, and Spittle. The Excrements, properly fo called, are the fibrous Parts of the Aliment, mixed with the Bile, Saliva, and other Fluids. The Uri/1e is difcharged from the Blood by the Kidneys, thro' the Ureters into the Bladder, where it irritates the Coats by its flopped in its Progrefs from the Try/fer towards the Uterus, he Salts, which provokes the total Excretion. tricate, and f0 full of Difficulties, that I think it filler to lulpertll The SPITTLE is a h'lixture of the Saliva, the Mucus of the Nofe, a Fluid filtred by the bronchial lands; and thofe of the Ones Judgment, thinks it more probable that it lllOultl get into the Cavity ot‘the Tube from the Cavity of the Uterus, than from the female 723/355 to the Tube. Upon the whole, this Afi‘hit of Generation is to exceeding in~ than to adhere to any Hypothefis hitherto invented. True/ma flrteria, and of the Olfepbagut. OftbeFoE'rus. EXCRETION or SECRETION is a Separation of fome Fluid, mixed with the Blood, by the Means of the Glands. When the fortune/died O-Uum is llid into the Uferm, the Volume of it inCi‘eafes, and it adheres clofe to the Uterus. Of this is OfGENERATION. formed not only the Fa'z‘us, but the Placenta, the umbilical C uni GENERATION is a natural Action performed by the Con« the Rudiments of it are contained in the Ovum before the Com and the Membranes which contain the Waters in which the Fmtus fwims. The PLACENTA, which with the Membranes is called the flfi‘erJzirz‘lJ, is a fpmgy, cellular Body, chiefly compofed of the Interweaving of a valt Number of Blood-Velléls, and adheres to the internal Surface of the Uterus. ‘ Its Shape is orbi‘cular : that Side next to the Uterus is a little grefs of the Sexes, has been warmly difputed. convex; the other is flat. grefs of both Sexes, whole Organs have a due Conformation, whereby a Foetus by the Means of the prolific Semen is conceiv'd, ,._.... . _ -. -. .. .- «~-~-;---u-~.~.~---....____~ . and grows till the Time ofExclufion. It is now generally {uppofed that every Animal proceeds from an OL'um 5 but whether the Animal is contained in the Semen, or He men thinks that both the O-vum of the Female and the Semen of the Male contain the whole Struelure of an organized Body; and that if the Semen of the l‘."ale is molt ailive, a Foetus of the lame Sex is produced ; but if there is a greater Motion in the organical Corpulcles of the femz'uul Lympba included in the Ouum, a Female is generated. Some maintain that the Semen received by the Female is mixed with the Blood, and reaches the Ovum by way of Circulat ion. Others that it palfes from the Uterus into one or both the Fullepz'aiz Tuber, and from thence to the Ovarian Molt agree that when the Semen is arrived at the Ovaria the Tubes contraé't , and by their Extremities embrace them, to receive the foecunda Ouum, which fwelling getsloofe and palTes through the Tube ted into the Uterus. Some have afiirmed that they have feen Multitudes of flizimal- In the laft Month of Pregnancy it is about eight Fingers Breadth in Latitude, and an Inch in Thicka nels in the Middle. The Navel-String proceeds from the Hat Side. When there are Twins there are two Plac‘mtas, which are united without Communication, with regard to their VelTels. The UM BIL ICAL CORD or Navel String is about two Foot long and reprefents a. wreathed Column. It is compoled of a Vein and two Arteries. Thefe Vellels are united together by the means of a cellular Web, and are covered by a Membrane which IS continued to thofe which enwrap the Feetm. Its Ufe is to carry the Blood and Nourifllment from the Placenta to the sz‘us‘s and to carry the Blood from the Child back again to the Placenta 3 as allb to terve for the drawing out of the Placenta after Delivery. The Cherie}: and Jennies, two Membranes united together, contain the Fwtus. rule, like Tadpoles, fwimming in the Semen; but others, alto- ' The CHORION is the external Membrane, and the thick/ell; gether as lharpfighrcd, have affirmed they are nothing but the target Particles of the Fluid. It touches the concave Part of the Uterus, to which it adheres Haj/5:742: throughout the Extent of the Convexity of the Placenta. The AMNros is the internal, and very ill 2:, it'contains the Rpm} the Ner-Striug and the {Metro} Til-V3 |