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Show 9f (222 HUMAN BODY. ""133 Helhy t ibres, others '1re more folid and flexible witha ll."011g 3-lal'cicity or Spring, as the membranous and cartilavinous; a third Of PHYSIOLOGY. E bl‘lYSIOLOG:" is the Hillorv of the H'zmzmz 13975;, and confe' 1111entl7 leids to the K71011'ledge 01‘ the Parts of which it is 7 779-72 21nd thtir F22172129725 1'1.' their R 321' 7.72 8157.77711‘ divided-111m S, [271‘ 21nd FZ777'72'1, which 215‘: upon '7rom th7.s 7"277 7277! 77975977, and from tl1eir due E77727- '7 7727777 re 11 their lei7er21l7‘777772‘.‘9225. Th ere‘orel 1i1'..ll treat 'dil'« 1 - . 7 7~ ,- :7 11118th or the 21917211, or the F272'. .1, and or the F779629725. Sort are hard and inileKi'DlC as the fibres of the B:.711es.80me 21- 7min are very len‘lihle,and others deltitute of allSenle;1bme are :1.molt11111,"erceptihle, 711d {mine are large. But examim .l by the l\.‘/IiCIOlCOpe, they atpear to be compoled of Hill {mailer Fibres. Some fay they have their Origin ler the 1 erves ot the Brain, and1w{pinal Meirrow. the ole M BR A N"1:s are :1 11e7ible Web 01Fibres, Cio ding each othe. on the lame Plane, their l7 inenel's depends upon that of their 1‘thres, and their 1liiclene Is on the Pluralhty oftli‘1e1 ler‘:7‘1e1 11 i',l311es :Ihele i‘l‘ UK}; are called Lam/77¢, and lbmetirp1es 1 7:2.1‘ or (.2521, 12117" 7 l heir U11.i:17 to line the principal iavities ol' the Pody, and to conll‘itute v eins, Arteries, 21ml theli lie. 0/ 7/99 SOLIDS of 7277 HUMAN BODY HE f9/7'172'P277‘7‘1‘ are nothing hut :1 Mufs of IU'Elill Pipes‘or Vellels, which'contuin a Liquor, and of Nerves, which dil'cribute the animal Spirits. fio‘ otthree duht ances, aComsz‘t, .7 Spungious (2r Cel lular, and . All the Veli'els have an iiiallicity, which brings their Sides nee..- er to each other, and diminiihes their Diameter, when the Quantity 1‘ Fluid contained therein is diminilhed. When the Fluid ceales to circulate through them, the Sides unite, and quite deltroy the Cavity. All thefa/zdParz‘s of the Body, though equally t‘ompoled of Vellel s, are di lJECFCi‘. t with Re'rird to tlei1 Connllence, I'o:he are hard, and others are lol'tt. 7, he hard, fuch 71s the 397295 and C7771: 2217227275, give Firmnels and Attitude to the Bod y, and ltiltain the other Piii‘ts. The {oft Parts, either alone, or with the hard, ferve to execute the Functions. , The [9/22] P.77‘2f: are commonly divided into fl72‘222'9r or fln‘zplc, and 7172777177‘2777 or 9977159777{297/ or 9rm722'2‘. The 177.77/ar Par25 me the 129775, the M7777'zl'77‘2772‘275, the 3971277, the 1.133172212772721, the [My/2‘1771‘, the 1972619221,the .412'792‘2'727‘9/25, the (312772211, the 722.775, the /27777279r2, or 27.1‘27‘22729737 Ema/1‘, the A2712: and the 2797232977 Tegamenfr. The 7729,57722'2'227‘ are {rich as are compofcd of the former, as the {era and other Parts. Cf MeSIMILAR PART$ {he 1"113‘1'13353 ;11‘~:: lo: 1‘ {lender Threads. ."‘1:711e are l'or't, flexible. 7?.‘71‘1zill Pipes, or 1'71;- . The l} ONES ;71‘e the hardei't P1ts ofan human Body. The SLihlt211ce of 3 Bone13 a Web O1 {'0 id 17101-9, diti'erently tlil'pofed ccorcling to the Con-formation of each Bone. 'ihev 17.1e7:ompo- ollOW'like ~111c1‘.t.1‘111us and "36157- 21 Iteticuizir. The 2977225997 3779/14221‘27'15 the external Paitof the. home, which17 comzioxd of {e17er2.l Zr7272'722r,l:1id one (1111 the other. The (2777277217 1377177 717.7227 is at the Extremities of the long Bones The 7"'77!22‘2.7222r is formed of llender T hreads, which pioeeeds {10111 3117i er.f5 thcyozm‘.‘7779225 Subllance. Thelle three Sulilqtances are alwaysin the long: and round Pones, hutin the net 131711163, for lnl'tance o‘r theoCltull, thereis no retieultir Sublt1111ce 3 but the 17011192161 Subflance lorms two Iables,‘oetweei'i which the lpongious lies. All the Cavities 01" the reticular and cellular Suh'i31nce zinhver to eachther,ar1d .1re li 1‘. d with a very fine txlemhiam, full of Blood-‘2eli'el s, which 11317 be called theinternal P22'29 .. The {7'77‘277‘7275 depofite an oily Subliance iito tl‘li21eCells-, which is cal.ed [1/1177‘7‘9‘227; that w hich fills the Intervals ol the reticular. bJL7l‘""C€is 21.3 liquid '73 Oil, that in tlhe C2177i ties of the long BO:1es i. a: a gxeater Conliltence. flhe hlei‘nhiane iult limit:7 Of i tied to thetione by {mailll'ellels, 2117111 h, iibres, which 1roceol from the l‘fembrane, into the Pores or th :01 . B17 thele Pores the M17.rrow is come ed into the S71;blisiice ot the 311112., which. renderrs them lets brittle. The1 EETH are trhe Bones ti 7ed in~'1.2"17', or Shel-zeta. T‘mt £321.17: of the Tooth contained in the .4'171'7/225 is the Root, througl iti 1e lt' Xi‘1cmit17 Ofwhifh, an Artery, Veein, and heme are c7171xeyeu into the 11ulwii.7.11te o. the I00th 71heEle ‘1er17e to nou~ 31111 the Teeth".7111 to render them 1enlible , '1mt {Wort he Teeth out of the /'172‘97 is covered W:'th :1 whit-1‘ l1z71r1l 1.117l1s1iee c:l.‘1 2d Ettamle, X‘v'illLll 9108913 'ljfllng elpeeiall; 8 ‘7 11.) 317111111; l 11‘7‘1'11115, When 1" |