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Show 1880.] ON NEW BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 155 4. On new Birds collected by Mr. C. Buckley in Eastern Ecuador. By P. L. SCLATER, F.R.S., and O. SALVIN, F.R.S. [Received March 2, 1880.] (Plates XVI., XVII.) Mr. Clarence Buckley has just returned from Ecuador, after four years' absence, and, besides several collections transmitted during his stay, has brought back with him one of the finest series of bird-skins which we have ever had the pleasure of looking through. The greater part of it was formed on the upper branches of the Rio Pas-taza, and on the spurs lying between this stream and its affluent the Bobonaza, Mr. Buckley's headquarters having been during the greater part of the time the village of Sarayacu on the latter stream, which must be carefully distinguished from the place of the same name on the Ucayali. Mr. Buckley's collection consists of upward of 10,000 skins referable to nearly 800 species. Of these a complete set has been secured for the collection of Salvin and Godman. Besides the novelties which we proceed to describe, the collection contains examples of many rare and little-known species, such as Cotinga porphyrolcema, Scl. et Dev., Chamceza nobilis, Gould, Phlo-gopsis erythroptera (Gould), Pipreola sclateri (Corn.), Osculatia sapphirina, Bp., Mitua salvini, Reinh., Accipiter pectoralis, Scl., and Leucopternis plumbea, Salvin. At a later period we hope to be able to give a complete account of Mr. Buckley's collections in this district. Fam. VIREONID^E. 1. H Y L O P H I L U S FUSCICAPILLUS, sp. nov. Supra olivaceo-viridis, pileo toto cum cervice postica dorso superiore et scapularibus cafceo-brunneis; alis nigris, extus olivaceo limbatis; subtus ex olivaceo-fiavidus, medialiter clarior; gutture sordide albo; subalaribus et remigum marginibus internis albi-canti- sulphureis ; cauda olivacea-unicolore ; rostro corneo, mandibula inferiore pallidiore; pedibus fuscis : long, tota 3*8, alee 2*4, rem. primi spurii 1*4, caudce 1*7, rostri 0*6. Hab. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Mus. S.-G. et P. L. S. Obs. Affinis H. semibrunneo, sed capite magis fusco et ventre flavo distinguendus. Fam. TANAGRID^;. 2. NEMOSIA CHRYSOPIS, sp. nov. Cinerea ; dorso superiore, alis extus et pileo toto flavicante lavatis loris, capitis lateribus et gutture tota fiavis, hoc colore in pectore et ventre dilutiore; alis intus et cauda fuscis; remigum marginibus interioribus albis; rostro corylino ; pedibus plumbeis : long, tota 5*2, alee 2*7, caudce rotundata 2*2, tarsi 0*8. Hab. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Mus. S.-G. |