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Show 598 MR. M. JACOBY O N PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [NOV. 16, impressed row of punctures parallel with the extreme lateral margin. Scutellum elongate. Elytra wider than the thorax, finely impressed with double rows of punctures, which are nearly obsolete near the apex, flavous or testaceous, with a spot below the base, the anterior half of the suture and three broad deeply erose bands greenish seneous; the first of these bands is placed before the second, behind the middle, while the third occupies nearly the apex, none of them extending to the lateral margin ; they all, however, extend to the suture, and consist each of three or four longitudinal patches connected together. This species is closely allied to D. salvini, Baly, but differs in the finer punctuation of the elytra, and in the markings of the latter, which in the present species do not extend to the lateral margins, and are also wider, the space between them being much narrower than in D. salvini. 55. DORYPHORA SEXGUTTATA, sp. nov. Ovate, convex. Dark fulvous; elytra regularly punctate-striate, each elytron with six flavous spots, viz. four placed longitudinally near the sutural, two near the lateral margin. Length 4\ lines. Head finely and rather closely punctured, labrum testaceous. Antennse black, the basal joint entirely and the second one below testaceous, terminal joints slightly longer than broad. Thorax a little widened in the middle, its sides very moderately rounded from base to, the apex, anterior angles not produced but acute; surface nearly impunctate, sides with a few distinct punctures, dark fulvous, shining. Scutellum smooth. Elytra very convex and regularly rounded, each elytron with ten rows of very distinct punctures, which mostly unite at their apex and are interrupted by the flavous spots ; four of the latter run parallel with the sutural margin and are of a round shape; the other two are larger, more elongate, and placed, one at the shoulder, the other below the middle near the lateral margin. Underside and legs a little lighter fulvous. From D. 12-guttata, Fabr., this species is principally distinguished by the single punctured strise of the elytra, which are geminate in the former species; the shape and position of the spots are also slightly different. 56. DORYPHORA MARGINICOLLIS, sp. nov. Oblong-ovate, convex, widened behind. Black ; above bronze-coloured, closely punctured ; an elongate spot at the head, the lateral margins of the thorax and of the elytra flavous testaceous. Length 5 lines. Head rather closely covered with larger and smaller punctures, with a longitudinal central testaceous spot. Thorax narrow, its anterior margin straight, the posterior one slightly rounded, sides straight near the base, rounded from the middle to the apex, anterior angles acute but not produced; surface punctured like the head, more closely near the sides than on the disk; brownish seneous, |