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Show 1880.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 169 Genus EURYOPE, Dalm. 7. E U R Y O P E BATESI, sp. nov. Oblong,moderately convex. Shining rufo-castaneous above; below, the antennae and legs black ; thorax and elytra finely punctured. Length 4|-6 lines. Hab. Nguru Mountains, East Central Africa. Lower part of head rather deeply but widely, upper part finely punctured ; face impressed on either side with a more or less distinct oblique fovea ; anterior margin of the clypeus and the man-dibulae black; antennae robust, the last six joints broadly dilated, entirely black. Thorax convex, twice as broad as long; sides nearly straight, anterior angles produced into a pointed tooth; surface closely and finely punctured, impressed on either side by a deep transverse groove. Scutellum black, smooth. Elytra wider than the thorax, subquadrate oblong, deeply transversely depressed below the basilar space, more or less distinctly costate near the lateral margins and on the disk, punctured like the thorax, the punctation diminishing towards the apex. In the specimens which I take to be the females the costae on the elytra are strongly developed and extend to about half their length. This species differs from E. nigripes, Thorns., in the black underside and the antennae, these differences distinguishing it also from E. sanguinea, Oliv. Collection of Jacoby. 8. EURYOPE MINUTA, sp. nov. Oblong-subquadrate. iEneous, greenish black below; underside of first joint of the antennae and the entire second joint, together with the femora (base and apex excepted), rufous. Length 2f lines. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. Head moderately convex, extremely finely granulate, covered with close and distinct punctuation; apex of jaws and a spot at the base of the vertex fulvous. Thorax very convex and rather narrow, the sides greatly deflexed, lateral margins rounded and widened in the middle, anterior angles acute, but not produced, surface minutely granulate and punctured like the head. Elytra short, regularly rounded towards the apex, distinctly depressed below the basilar space, granulate like the rest of the surface, but more finely punctured than either head or thorax. Underside greenish black, deeply punctate, the middle of each femora bright rufous. One specimen in m y collection. Genus STILODES, Chevr. 9. S T I L O D E S CHAPUISI, sp. nov. Oblong-ovate. Fulvous; elytra testaceous, geminate punctate-striate, each elytron with four interrupted narrow longitudinal black vittae. Length 4 lines. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua. |