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Show 434 PROF. F. J. BELL ON THE T E M N O P L E U R I D A E . [June 1, higher than the connecting ridge. The sutural furrows are barely indicated ; there are pores, not pits, in the middle line. Australia (coll. J. B. Jukes). E. coast Australia (Stutchbury ?). i ii iii Absolute diameter in millims. 72 75 102 Percentage value of Height. 61*1 61-3 64-7 Abactinal area. 16-6 Anal area. 9 Actinostome. 25 253 2108 IV. MESPILIA. 1. MESPILIA GLOBULUS. I have not the time to notice in detail the bibliography of another writer; but there are some omissa of references and misprints in the bibliography and synonymy of this genus, as given in the • Revision of the Echini,' that, to save future students a labour similar to that which has been imposed on myself, I will for a moment turn aside to point out. On p. 143 Mespilia is ascribed to Agass., on p. 193 to Des. (1. e. Desor) ; a reference to the Catal. Raisonne (p. 357x) shows that the latter authority is the correct one2. In the reference to Klein the page (p. 16) is omitted; in that to Leske the page is again omitted (it is p. 152) : pl. x. is a misprint for pl. xi., in the case of both these authorities. It is impossible to discover whether the M S . name of versicolor, first used by Agassiz in his * Observations,' &c. published in the 2de Monograph, des Echinodermes (1841), p. 73, is to be ascribed to Valenciennes, who did name a number of Echinids, or to Valentin, who was a valuable collaborateur of Prof. Louis Agassiz. With such confusion, due to the adoption, without definition, of a M S . name, it is surprising that Mr. Agassiz should complete his synonymy with giving publication to a manuscript name by Michelin. It is not the purpose of the present communication to give fresh definitions of all the genera or species, or there would be much to say of this interesting and beautiful form. The accessions to the Museum since the time when the geographical range of the species was stated in the ' Revision of the Echini' have been from three sources-(1) the Rev. S. J. Whitmee, (2) the collection of H.M.S. ' Challenger,' and (3) the collection of the late Dr. Bleeker,-these being (1) Samoa and Savaii, (2) Zamboanga, and (3) Celebes and New Guinea respectively ; but they do nothing to increase the extent of its area. A specimen from the island of Masbate has long been in the collection of the Museum. An examination of the 1 Ann. de Sc. Nat. (3) 1846, vi. 2 Cf. also Desor, ' Reponse a M . Agassiz' (Syn. d. Echin. foss. p. xv). This is ordinarily quoted by Prof. A. Agassiz as Int. M o n . Scut.; on this occasion, however, he prefers to refer to it as " Monog. Scut" |