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Show 154 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON A N E W ORTHOPTERON. [Mar. 2, enclose an unequally pentagonal impression ; extremity (representing the globe of the bottle) depressed and scarcely perceptibly swollen in the dorsal line. Maxillce slender, elongated, incurved, very sparsely provided with hairs ; outer lobe simple, rugulose, swollen at the extremity ; inner lobe nearly smooth, compressed, with carinated inferior edge, its inner surface sulcated, extremity armed with three long spines, one of which is subterminal and the two others terminal. Maxillary palpi six-jointed, the first two joints short, smooth and swollen ; the others, excepting the terminal one, which is a mere button, elongated, smooth and cylindrical. Labium elongated, depressed, curved, irregular in outline, swollen at the sides, its free margins crenulated; the ligula separated into apparently three-jointed pseudopalpi, the third or terminal joint of which is large and oval. Labial palpi four-jointed, the terminal article being a mere button; the third joint longest, widening gradually from its base to its culmen ; other joints compressed, the basal one being the shortest. Prothorax smooth and constricted, with slightly elevated, rugose and marginally carinated borders, the inner edges of which are marked by depressed lines ; slightly narrower in front than behind, with dorsal and transverse central impressed lines, the latter interrupted in the middle by two deep central punctures; a third similar puncture at the posterior extremity of the dorsal line, behind which the inner edge of the posterior border is represented by a widely divergent angular depression. Prosternum slightly rugulose, simple. Abdomen rather small, cylindrical, the cerci very hairy. Elytra and wings shining, brown, with very prominent veins. Legs moderately robust, very long and more slender than in the other species ; coxae and femora smooth ; anterior femora unarmed; intermediate femora with carinated infero-exterior margin, armed in the middle with three equidistant, acute, but small denticles; posterior femora ornamented along the superior half of their exterior surface by an obliquely striated patch, carinated and longitudinally sulcated on their lower surface, the outer half of the carina being armed with four acute denticles; inferior surface of knee-joint also armed with an acute spur ; anterior tibiae with two superior terminal, one superior central, and ten inferior spines, the latter arranged in pairs and divergent; intermediate tibiae strongly carinated above, with seven dorsal spines which diverge in pairs from near the top of the carina on either side ; posterior tibiae three-sided, the edges carinated, with nine spines on the supero-interior margin (the two terminal spines large and curved), and ten on the supero-exterior margin; inferior margin with two central and three terminal spines, the latter being the largest; tarsi short, broad, lobate below : length of legs-anterior pair 30 millimetres, intermediate pair 28, posterior pair 45. Antananarivo (Kingdon). Type in Brit. Mus. |