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Show 504 MR. P-I-SCLATER O N T H E [June 15, but they did not breed until 1865. We have unfortunately our whole stock of this bird. Hates of Hatching of Buddy-headed Geese. 1865. April 30th. 1866. May 8th. „ June 5th. 1867. May 18th. June 4th. 1868. May 1st. „ 25th. 1869. June 6th. 1870. May 11th. 31. BERNICLA MELANOPTERA (Eyt.). Andean Goose. Anser melanopterus, Gould, Zool. Beagle, iii. t. 50 ; Scl. et Salv. P.Z.S. 1876, p. 362. Hab. Antarctic America. W e have received several pairs of this Goose, but have never succeeded in getting it to breed. 32. BERNICLA ANTARCTICA (Gm.). Kelp Goose. Bernicla antarctica, Cassin, Gilliss's Exp. ii. t. 23. Hab. Antarctic America. A single example of this Goose was imported in 1868. d. Species reg. Australiance. 33. BERNICLA JUBATA (Lath.). Maned Goose. B. jubata, Gould, B. Austr. vii. t. 3; Sclater, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 587. Hab. Australia. W e have had examples of both sexes of this Goose in the Gardens since 1864, but it has never bred with us ; nor am I aware that it has done so in other gardens on the Continent. 34. BERNICLA SANDVICENSIS (Vig.). Sandwich-Island Goose. B. sandvicensis, Jard. et Selb. III. Orn. iv. t. 8. Hab. Sandwich Islands. This species was originally based by Mr. Vigors on a pair of birds living in the Society's Gardens, to which they were presented by Lady Glengall in 1832 (see P.Z.S. 1833, p. 63, and Rep. of Council, 1833, p. 13). In 1834 a pair was also received by Lord Derby at Knowsley (see P. Z. S. 1834, p. 41). They bred in both places ; and in subsequent years our pair and their descendants bred frequently in the Society's Gardens. Bates of Hatching of Sandwich-Island Geese. 1835. May 7th. 1837. April 6th. 1839. May 8th. „ 10th. » 12th. „ „ 30th. 1839. „ 11th. 1840. April 21st. „ 16th. „ „ 23rd. |