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Show 92 LORD WALSINGHAM ON NEW TINEIDiE. [Feb. 17, to consist of two elongate triangular spots, one on the costal and one on the dorsal margin, joined on the middle of the wing by a narrow streak running inwards and upwards, and connecting the apex of the dorsal spot with that of the costal; halfway between the fascia and the apex is a small elongate white costal spot; the cilia are also white, except at the angle, where they are brown. Hind wings greyish cinereous. Expanse 22 millims. > 1 J, reared from a larva found boring in the stems ot a species of Saxifrage, on rocks near Canyon City, cn John Day's River, Oregon, March 30, 1872 ; bred May 22nd. The larva, which I did not describe at the time, has much the habit of that of Lampronia rubiella (Bjerk.), boring in the inside of the stems of its food-plant, the empty pupa-case protruding from the injured shoot. LAMPRONIA TRIPUNCTELLA. (Plate XII. fig. 10.) Capite hirsuto flavo ; antennis fusco et albo annulatis ; alis anticis subpurpurescenti-brunneis, fascia basali, maculis (duabus costalibus, una dorsali) triangularibus cum ciliis subflavescenti-albidis, posticis subpurpurascentibus. Head rough above, yellow. Antennae faintly annulated with white and fuscous. Fore wings rather purplish brown, with a faintly yellowish white fascia on the basal fourth, somewhat wider towards the dorsal margin, and with two costal and one dorsal spot of the same colour, all somewhat triangular, of which the dorsal (which is beyond the middle) is the largest, and the outer costal is the smallest; the cilia also faintly yellowish white, except at the anal angle. Hind wings pale purplish, with slightly paler cilia. Expanse 14 millims. One specimen, purchased in a miscellaneous collection from North America. No exact locality given. The ornamentation of this species reminds one much of Herrich- Schaffer's figure 2/5 of Tinea vinculella, H . S., which, however, is a much smaller insect and has not white cilia. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XL Fig. 1. Adela scptentrionclla cS, P- 79. 2. trigrapha (Zell.) cf, P- 79. 3. 2 - P* 79. 4. singulella <J , p. 80. 5 lactimaculella $ , p. 80. 6. $,p. 80. 7. simpliciella <J , p. 81. 8. gemmella cf, p. 81. 9. griseella cf, p- 82. Qa. , head and antennas of $. 10. Incurvaria solenobiella 2 > P- 82. 11. Micropteryx pardella, p. 83. 12. aurosparsclla, p. 83. . ^ |