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Show 664 MR. G. NEVILL ON THE CLASSIFICATION [Dec. 14, and oryza) in the Society's « Proceedings' for 1875, p. 677 ;-first, the reflection of its mantle over the edge of the shell and the dorsal lobes, which are well developed, though not to the extent that they are in the Madeiran species (perhaps in a fresh state they may be larger in the European); secondly, and more particularly, in the truncate mucous-pored extremity of the foot; thirdly, in the dentition there is close affinity ; and, fourthly, the jaw of L. tornatellina, though more solid, exhibits transverse striation or scoring. All the characters taken together, to say nothing of the shell, places Lovea ( = Agraulina, Bourg.), and Ferussacia side by side, if they are not generically identical, which I am inclined to think. It is most interesting to find this very distinct genus represented both in the Mediterranean and the far distant island of Madeira. Note by G E O F F R E Y N E V I L L , C.M.Z.S. As I hope m y friend Colonel Godwin-Austen will shortly publish an account of the animal of the type species of Risso's genus Ferussacia, F, gronoviana, Risso (from specimens found by me at Mentone), it may be well to give a short account of what seems to me the correct classification of this small group, now that Colonel Godwin-Austen has shown the animal of Ferussacia to be possessed of a mucous pore. Family STENOGYRID^E, Crosse and Fischer (Moll. Miss. Sci. Mexique, 1874). A. Annual with mucous pore. Genus FERUSSACIA, Risso (Hist. Nat. Europe Mer. 1826 : type F. gronoviana). Folliculiana, Bourg. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1856. Prof. C. Semper (Reisen Philippinen, iii. p. 135) gives some details of the anatomy of the Mauritian species Ferussacia barclayi, Benson, P. Z. S. 1855 [as Spiraxis sp.]. I have already recorded in m y Hand-list that I found one living sinistral specimen. Subgenus PROCERULIANA, Bourg. (Rev. etMag. Zool. 1858: type Ferussaciaprocerula, Mori.). I have given Colonel Godwin-Austen specimens in spirit of a typical species of this well-marked group. Subgenus AGRAULINA, Bourg. (Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1858 : type Ferussacia triticea, Lowe). Pars=Fusillus, Lowe, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1852: type Ferussacia oryza, Lowe, sine descr. Pars = Amphorella, Lowe, I. c. : type Ferussacia mitriformis, Lowe sine descr. ' |