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Show 1880.] OF THE GENUS ARGYRODES. 343 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXVIII. Fig. 1. Argyrodes flavescens, sp. n. a, cS in profile; b, £ in profile; c, abdomen (§) on upperside ; el, right palpus on outer side; e, length of § ; /, length of cS- 2. Argyrodes concinna, sp. n., Spider in profile. a, length to spinners; b, length to apex of abdomen. 2 a'. Argyrodes lugens, sp. n., Spider in profile. V, abdomen on upperside ; c\ Spider, natural size. 3. Argyrodes samoensis, sp. n., Spicier in profile. a, natural length. 3 a. Argyrodes epeirce, Sim., portion of Spider in profile. b, natural length of Spider. 4. Argyrodes nephilee, Tacz., Spider in profile (J). ' 4 a, abdomen ( § ) in profile ; 4 b, abdomen (tf) on upperside ; c, genital process of 5 ; 4 c, abdomen ( $ ) on upperside; 4 d, rf Spider from above, with legs and palpi cut off; /, natural length of Spicier (cf\ 4 a'. Argyrodes rostrata, BL, caput in profile. 4 b', Spider in profile. 5. Argyrodes argentata, sp. n., Spider ( J ) in profile. a, abdomen (cf) on upperside; b, abdomen ($) in profile; c, natural length of Spider ($). 6. Argyrodes jucunda, sp. n. a, Spider in profile; b, abdomen on upperside; c, caput in profile; cl, Spider in profile, natural size. PLATE XXIX. Fig. 7. Argyrodes abscissa, sp. n., Spider in profile. a, cephalothorax in profile, more enlarged ; h, caput from in front; c, abdomen on upperside; cl, length of Spider to the spinners; e, length of Spicier to the apex of abdomen. 8. Argyrodes amboinensis, Thor. a, Spider ( J ) in profile; b, caput in profile, more enlarged; 8 c, abdomen ( 2) in profile ; cl, length of <$ to spinners ; c, length of <$ to apex of abdomen; /, length of $ to spinners; g, length of £ to apex of abdomen. 8 a'. Arygrades fissifrons, Camb., cephalothorax of Spider (<$) in profile. 9. Argyrodes procrastinans, sp. n., Spicier in profile. a, abdomen on upperside ; b, length to spinners ; c, length to extremity of abdomen. 9 a'. Argyrodes inguinalis, Thor., abdomen on upperside. 10. Argyrodes scintillulana, sp. n. a, Spider in profile ; b, length of d ; c, length of 2 to extremity of abdomen, and to spinners. 11. Argyrodes nasuta, sp. n. a, Spider in profile ; b, caput from above; c, profile of caput, more enlarged ; d, length of Spider to extremity of abdomen. 12. Argyrodes bicornis, sp. n., Spider in profile. * a, profile of cephalothorax; b, abdomen, upperside; c, length of Spider to spinners ; cl, length of Spider to apex of abdomen. 15. Arqyrocles minax, sp. n., Spicier in profile. _ c abdomen on upperside ; d, length of Spider to spinners ; e, length of Spider to extremity of abdomen; 15a, profile of cephalothorax; 15 b, caput from in front. PLATE XXX, Fig. 16. Argyrodes affinis, sp. n., Spider (tf) in Profile. a, caput (S) from in front; d, abdomen ( $ ) , upperside; j, length |