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Show 298 ON THE GENUS GIRASIA. [Apr. 20, List of species of A U S T E N I A . gigas, Bs., Khasi. gigas, var. minor, Naga. gigas, small var, Khasi. solida, G.-A., Khasi. minutu, G.-A., Dafla. cinerea, G.-A., Dafla. salia, Bs., Khasi. venusta, Theob. ?, Burmah. resplendens, Nevill, Upper Burmah. Still retained provisionally in H E L I C A R I O N . verrucosum, G.-A., Dafla. cassida, Hutt. & Bs., W . Himalaya. birmanicum, Phil., Mergui. heteroconcha, Hy. Blf, Darjiling. membranaceum, Bs., Ceylon. edgarianum, Bs., Ceylon. layardi, Bs., Ceylon. extraneum, Fer., Calcutta ? tennentii, Temp. ?, Ceylon. preestans, Gould?, Tenasserim. auriforme, W . Blf, Nilgiri Hills. ovatum, Hy. Blf., Darjiling. bensoni, Pfr., Calcutta. planospira, Bs. ( = succina, Reeves?), Darjiling. scutella, Bs., Kashmir. flemingianum, Pfr., Sindh. christiance, Theob., Andaman. irradians, Pfr., Ceylon. monticola, Bs., W . Himalaya. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIV. Fig. 1 & 2. Animal of Girasia magnifica, nat. size. Specimen in Indian Museum, Calcutta. Gap, genital aperture, showing the end of the amatorial organ projecting from it. 3. Austenia gigas, small var. View of right side, showing the respiratory and anal orifices, r.d.l., right dorsal lobe; l.d.I., left dorsal lobe; r.s.l., right shell-lobe; l.s.l., left shell-lobe. 4. The same. View of left side. 5. The same. Viewed from the back, apical portion cut oft', h.d., position of the hermaphrodite duct. 6. Portion of capreolus of A.gigas, small var. a, strap-like basal portion ; b', base of sac, with cervicorn processes ; b", the membranous sac. 7. Jaw of A. gigas. a, cleft in which the muscles of the upper lip are inserted ; o, lower free edge. 8. Shell of A. gigas, Bs., nat. size. 9. A. gigas, var. minor, G.-A., nat. size. 10. Girasia shillongensis, G.-A., nat. size. PLATE XXV. Fig. 1. Genital organs of Austenia gigas, small var. Khasi Hills. Side view. 2. The same, seen from above. 3. Intestine, salivary gland, &c, viewed from above. 4. Genital organs removed from the animal. 5. Basal portion of the spermatheca. j.sp., point of attachment to oviduct; a, strap-like portion of the capreolus; h.d., hermaphrodite duct; al.gld,, albumen-gland; ov., oviduct; v.d., vas deferens; B, dart-sac; P, penis; Vc, caecum cal-ciferum; Sp., spermatheca; r.m.p., retractor muscle of penis; niu.gld., mucous gland; i., intestine; m., retractor muscle of head and buccal mass. P L A T E X X V I. Fig. 1. Shell and neck-lobes of Austenia gigas, var. minor, G.-A. 2. Penis of A. gigas, Bs., showing the position of tbe capreolus or spermatophore during the period of development, x 3. 2 a. Concretions from calciferous gland or Kalksack. |