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Show 66 ON BIRDS FROM DUKE-OF-YORK ISLAND. [Feb. 3, 2. PCECILODRYAS .ETHIOPS, Sp. 110V. (Plate VII. fig. 1.) Nigerrima ; macula scapularium utrinque, uropygio et crisso albis .* rostro et pedibus nigris; caudci longiuscula, paululum rotundata; remigibus tertio et quarto xqualibus. Long, tota 5*2, alee 2*9, caudce 2*2. Hab. in Nova Britannia (Brown). This bird, which is quite new to me, is very recognizable by its uniform black plumage only broken by the white patch on the scapulars, and the white upper and under tail-coverts, and reminds one of Pratincola caprata. Count T. Salvadori, to whom I sent it for inspection, reminds m e that it comes nearest to his P. bimaculata of N ew Guinea. 4. MUNIA MELINA, sp. nov. (Plate VII. fig. 2.) Niger; uropygio, caudce tectricibus superioribus et rectricum marginibus externis castaneis ; caudci acuminatd, rectricibus duabus mediis quam cceterce longioribus; ventre medio rufo, hypochondriis nigro variegatis, crisso nigro ; alis extiis et dorso postico fuscescenti-nigris, subalaribus rufescentibus ; rostro crasso pedibus nigris. Long, tota 4*3, alee 2, caudce 1*3. Hab. in Nova Britannia (Brown). This species is remarkable for its general black colouring varied only by the chestnut upper tail-coverts and the broad rufous patch on the belly. Its bill is stronger even than in M. forbesi. 11. RALLUS INSIGNIS, sp. nov. (Plate VIII.) Supra saturate fuscescenti-oleagineus ; pileo, capitis lateribus et postica rufo perfusis; subtus niger, fasciis angustis albis usque ad medium ventrem instructus; alis nigricantibus, albo intus transfasciatis,secundariis externis dorso concoloribus; rostro nigro, pedibus carneis. Long, tota 12, alee 5*4, caudce 1*3, rostri a rictu 1*8, tarsi 2*7. Hab. in Nova Britannia (Brown). This fine large Rail is a southern form of R. (sive Hypotcenidia) celebensis, from which it differs in the want of any white markings on the sides of the head, the rufous cap, the longer stronger bill, and the want of any bars on the under tail-coverts. I have compared it with the types of R. sulcirostris, Wallace, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 345 (from the Sula Islands) ; but that is also a perfectly distinct species. The tail is unfortunately imperfect. Besides the skins, Mr. Brown sends a small collection of birds in spirit, of which the exact localities are not stated. It contains a second example of Munia hemimelcena, also specimens of Donacicola spectabilis and Cisticola ruficeps, and of several other species. The skin oi Eclectus polgchlorus is of much interest, as it is that of a nestling bird, and in the green plumage, and shows that as regards this much vexed species the male is green from the nest. I assume that the specimen is a male, although the sex has unfortunately not been determined. |