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Show 662 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. GODWIN-AUSTEN ON [Dec. 14, Representative Groups. Stages of Evolution. , • * ••> 9. Eutheria Monodelphia. O 8. Metatheria Marsupialia. O 7. Prototheria Monotremata. O 6. Hypotheria X Sauropsida.. j Rep^Ha 5. Amphibia Amphibia X O 4. Herpetichthyes... Dipnoi X ... Osteichthyes... j nt&teostei 3. Chonclrichthyes.. Chimceroidei X ... X O Selachii. X ... X O 2. Myzichthyes ... Marsipobranchii ... X ... X O 1. Hypichthyes ... Pharyngobranchii... X ... X O It appears to me that every thing which is at present known respecting the Vertebrata of past epochs agrees with the assumption that the law which expresses the process of ancestral evolution of the higher Mammalia is of general application to all the Vertebrata. If this is admitted, I think it necessarily follows that the Vertebrata must have passed successively through the stages here indicated, and that the progress of discover}*, while it will obliterate the lines of demarcation between these stages, and convert them into a continuous series of small differentiations, will yield no vertebrate form for which a place does not exist in the general scheme. 2. O n the Anatomy of Ferussacia gronoviana, Risso, from Mentone. By Lieut.-Colonel H . H . G O D W I N - A U S T E N, F.E.S., F.Z.S., &c. Concluding* with a Note on the Classification of the Genus and its Allies, by G E O F F R EY N E V I L L , C.M.Z.S. [Received November 22,1880.] (Plate LXIV.) In a communication made to this Society last year (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 133), Mr. G. Nevill's paper on the Land Shells of Mentone, I alluded, in a footnote, to having had an opportunity of examining the animal oi Ferussacia gronoviana, which M r . Nevill had brought home alive • the promised details are now given. The animal apparently, |