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Show 22 THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. [Jan. 20, frontals, forms a much more obtuse angle than in N. M^^ is not a straight transverse line as in N. kirkii. The size of these bones is the same as in the Abyssinian species. 3. The hindmost molar of the lower jaw has a third lobe developed behind with a single enamel fold as in N. hrkn. Fie. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 11. Posterior mandibulary molar of N. saltianus. Fig. 12. Posterior mandibulary molar of if. damarensis. The nasal cavity seems to be as distensible as in the Abyssinian species. I add the following extract from a letter addressed by Mr. Trimen to Mr. Sclater regarding this animal (d. 20 Oct. 1879) :- " It was sent to me in March last from Damara Land by Mr. Eriksson, who has lately presented to us a male specimen. The Museum previously possessed a young male, also a Damara-Land specimen, presented by the late Mr. James Chapman . . . The colouring of the male and female is the same; but the adult male has straight horns 2 | inches long, with prominent irregular ridges (seven in one example) circling their basal half. In the young male that we have the horns are 1 inch shorter, and there are only three undeveloped basal ridges. " Mr. Eriksson informs me that this antelope frequents rocky hills in the vicinity of Omaruru (about a degree north of Walvisch Bay), but is not easily procured, owing to its great agility among its stony haunts." The typical specimen has been presented by Mr. Sclater to the British Museum. January 20th, 1880. Prof. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The following report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of December 1879 was read by the Secretary :- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of December 1879 was 54, of which 2 were by birth, 24 by presentation, 19 by purchase, 1 by exchange, and 8 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 138. The most noticeable additions during the month were:- 1. A young pair of Pronghorn Antelopes (Antilocapra americana), purchased December 4, being the first pair of this interesting ruminant that we have had together in the Gardens. |